Welcome to CircuitPython!
Hello Hackaday Supercon Fans - we wanted to have a fun electronic item, that does more than just a sticker!
What you have in your hand is a Hallowing M0 Express with special thanks to Digi-Key for making it possible for 400 of these to make it to the event!
Python Powered?
Yep! This hardware comes pre-loaded with CircuitPython! CircuitPython is Adafruit's branch of MicroPython designed to simplify experimentation and education on low-cost microcontrollers. It makes it easier than ever to get prototyping by requiring no upfront desktop software downloads.
With CircuitPython you can write clean and simple Python 3 code to control hardware instead of having to use complex low-level languages like C or C++ (what Arduino uses for programming). It's great for beginners and is powerful for experts.
Simply plug the board into your computer or laptop and edit the code and files on the disk drive that appears.

What Code Am I running?
On the device are images and code to get started:
code.py is the default code, its a slideshow that runs any 128 x 128 bitmap in the
folder on the device. - slideshow_code.py is a copy of the above in case you lose it
- qr_code.py makes the URL in the code a QR code to display, handy for your personal site or repo! Note this takes a few seconds to generate in pure python so give it some time.
- touchslideshow_code.py is a version of the slide show that has forward and back and brightness by touching the metal teeth.
Whichever file is named code.py is the one that runs, change the name to change the program.
Once saved the device automatically restarted and runs that code!
Also included is a sample chapter from "Getting Started with Adafruit Circuit Playground Express: The Multipurpose Learning and Development Board from Adafruit" 1st Edition by Mike Barela
Your HalloWing Hardware at a glance
You can get a lot more details on every part and pinout by visiting the Hallowing guide at https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-hallowing
A built in battery charger will keep the Lipoly topped-up while plugged into USB.
CircuitPython Quick Start
Changing the code is as easy as editing code.py in your favorite text editor.
Our recommended editor is Mu, which is great for simple projects, and comes with a built in REPL serial viewer! It is available for Mac, Windows & Linux
After the file is saved, CircuitPython will automatically reload the latest code.
Connecting to the serial port will give you access to sensor information, better error messages and an interactive CircuitPython (known as the REPL). On Windows we recommend Mu, Tera Term or PuTTY.
On Mac OSX and Linux, use Mu or 'screen' can be used from a terminal.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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