Now that you've had an introduction to writing Python in DrawBot, you're ready to continue on with the official examples from DrawBot's website.
Start by copying and pasting lines from the DrawBot Quick Reference into your code and see what happens. Then, dig deeper into the other sections that you find along the left side of the website, such as the documentation for drawing shapes, using color, and formatting text.
In the mean time, here's a little bit more inspiration to keep you going:
- I've written a small overview about DrawBot's icon, the full source code for the icon is available too
- Keep an eye on the @DrawBotApp on Twitter to see what people have been making
- Just van Rossum shares his animation studies on his Daily DrawBot blog
- David Jonathan Ross used DrawBot to make conference badges
- The amazing design for the Lowlands Festival by Hansje van Halem was created using DrawBot, uncluding this series of animations
- And it's not just for animation, Roberto Arista designs entire books with DrawBot and has his own guide for drawing with DrawBot
Have fun!
— Andy
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