Make a stunning light up necklace that goes with anything in your closet. It twinkles softly, showing a beautiful color gradient animation. Touch the face of the pendant to make the necklace change color. It's easy to customize the code to include as many different color combinations as you'd like.
Gemma M0's onboard capacitive touch pad combined with a solid metal pendant face make this magic happen. We've added two different sized NeoPixel rings for 28 beautiful pixels of light.
In addition to the products above, you'll need:
- A solid, conductive, non-coated metal pendant, around 2" or larger in diameter, with cutouts that allow the light through. I used this one from hildie & jo
- Soldering iron & solder
- E6000 glue or epoxy
- A necklace cord or chain
A multimeter can also be handy to be sure your pendant conducts electricity. Bring it to the craft store with you and test all the pendants you can find.
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