Are you new to using CircuitPython? No worries, there is a full getting-started guide here.
Plug the PyGamer into your computer with a known good USB cable (not a charge-only cable). The PyGamer will appear to your computer as a flash drive named CIRCUITPY. If the drive does not appear, you can install CircuitPython on your PyGamer and then return here.
Download the project files with the Download Project Bundle button below. Unzip the file and copy/paste the and other project files to your CIRCUITPY drive using File Explorer or Finder (depending on your operating system).
Drive Structure
After copying the files, your drive should look like the listing below. It can contain other files as well, but must contain these at a minimum:

High Score Configuration
The game supports different configurations for high score. It can be disabled entirely, or it can be enabled and store data with either NVM, or SDCard storage. To configure it uncomment the appropriate version of the constructor call with configuration argument.
# create instance of OctopusGame octopus_game = OctopusGame() # uncomment this instead, to use NVM highscore #octopus_game = OctopusGame(high_score_type=OctopusGame.HIGH_SCORE_NVM) # uncomment this instead, to use SDCard highscore #octopus_game = OctopusGame(high_score_type=OctopusGame.HIGH_SCORE_SDCARD)
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Tim C, written for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import board import keypad from displayio import Group from octopus_game_helpers import OctopusGame # built-in display display = board.DISPLAY # display.brightness = 0.3 # main group that we'll show in the display main_group = Group() # create instance of OctopusGame, high score disabled octopus_game = OctopusGame() # uncomment this instead, to use NVM highscore #octopus_game = OctopusGame(high_score_type=OctopusGame.HIGH_SCORE_NVM) # uncomment this instead, to use SDCard highscore #octopus_game = OctopusGame(high_score_type=OctopusGame.HIGH_SCORE_SDCARD) # add octopus game to main group main_group.append(octopus_game) # initialize the shiftregister keys to read hardware buttons buttons = keypad.ShiftRegisterKeys( clock=board.BUTTON_CLOCK, data=board.BUTTON_OUT, latch=board.BUTTON_LATCH, key_count=4, value_when_pressed=True, ) # show the main group on the display display.root_group = main_group # main loop while True: # get event from hardware buttons event = # if anything is pressed if event: # if the event is for the start button if event.key_number == 2: # if it's a pressed event if event.pressed: # trigger the right button press action function octopus_game.right_button_press() # if the event is for the select button elif event.key_number == 3: # if it's a pressed event if event.pressed: # trigger the left button press action function octopus_game.left_button_press() # if the event is for the b button elif event.key_number == 0: # if it's a pressed event if event.pressed: # trigger the b button press action function octopus_game.b_button_press() # if the event is for the a button elif event.key_number == 1: # if it's a pressed event if event.pressed: # trigger the a button press action function octopus_game.a_button_press() # call the game tick function octopus_game.tick()
Page last edited January 20, 2025
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