The code begins by importing the libraries.
import time import board import simpleio import adafruit_sgp30 import displayio import adafruit_imageload from adafruit_emc2101 import EMC2101 from adafruit_funhouse import FunHouse
Next, I2C and the two STEMMA sensors, the SGP30 and EMC2101, are setup.
i2c = board.I2C() # setup for SGP30 sensor sgp30 = adafruit_sgp30.Adafruit_SGP30(i2c) # setup for fan controller emc = EMC2101(i2c) print("SGP30 serial #", [hex(i) for i in sgp30.serial]) #SGP30 start-up sgp30.iaq_init() sgp30.set_iaq_baseline(0x8973, 0x8AAE)
The adafruit_funhouse
library has a FunHouse
object that can be used for displayio
Following that import, the five bitmaps are setup with displayio
. There are three background images that will be shown depending on where you are in the code. The remaining two bitmaps are icons to show whether or not you are sending data to Adafruit IO.
# FunHouse setup funhouse = FunHouse(default_bg=0x0F0F00) # start-up bitmap bitmap, palette = adafruit_imageload.load("/scene1_fume.bmp", bitmap=displayio.Bitmap, palette=displayio.Palette) tile_grid = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap, pixel_shader=palette) # connecting bitmap bitmap2, palette2 = adafruit_imageload.load("/scene2_fume.bmp", bitmap=displayio.Bitmap, palette=displayio.Palette) grid2 = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap2, pixel_shader=palette2) # default background bitmap3, palette3 = adafruit_imageload.load("/scene3_fume.bmp", bitmap=displayio.Bitmap, palette=displayio.Palette) grid3 = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap3, pixel_shader=palette3) # internet connection icon bitmap4, palette4 = adafruit_imageload.load("/connect_icon.bmp", bitmap=displayio.Bitmap, palette=displayio.Palette) icon1 = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap4, pixel_shader=palette4, x = 2, y = 2) # red x icon bitmap5, palette5 = adafruit_imageload.load("/x_icon.bmp", bitmap=displayio.Bitmap, palette=displayio.Palette) icon2 = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap5, pixel_shader=palette5, x = 2, y = 2)
Following the bitmap imports, a display group
is setup and the first bitmap is added to the group
. Then two text objects are created, fume_text
and fan_text
, that will display the data output from the SGP30 and EMC2101 sensors.
# display group group = displayio.Group() # adding start-up bitmap to group group.append(tile_grid) funhouse.splash.append(group) # text for fume data fume_text = funhouse.add_text( text=" ", text_position=(110, 90), text_anchor_point=(0.5, 0.5), text_color=0xf57f20, text_font="fonts/Arial-Bold-24.pcf", ) # text for fan RPM data fan_text = funhouse.add_text( text=" ", text_position=(110, 165), text_anchor_point=(0.5, 0.5), text_color=0x7fffff, text_font="fonts/Arial-Bold-24.pcf", ) # showing graphics funhouse.display.root_group = funhouse.splash
A few state machines and variables are setup for use in the loop. Their functions are commented below.
# state machines run = False # state if main code is running connected = False # checks if connected to wifi start_up = False # state for start-up clock = 0 # time.monotonic() device
Two functions are created to send data to Adafruit IO. send_fume_data()
sends data from the SGP30 and send_fan_data()
sends data from the ECM2101.
For these functions to work properly, you need to have feeds setup in Adafruit IO called "fumes
" and "fan-speed
". Be sure to follow the steps on the Adafruit IO Setup page in this guide.
# function for sending fume data to def send_fume_data(solder_fumes):"fumes", solder_fumes) # function for sending fan rpm to def send_fan_data(fan_rpm):"fan-speed", fan_rpm)
The loop begins by checking if the main program is running with the run
state. If the main program is not running, then the start-up graphic is shown on the FunHouse and you need to press either the middle or bottom button to begin the fume extraction. The buttons determine whether or not you connect to WiFi and send your fume data to Adafruit IO
If you press the down button, the start-up bitmap is removed from group
and the main program bitmap is added to group
for display. Additionally, the red x icon is also added to group
to show that you are not connected to WiFi. Finally, run
is set to True
so that the fume extraction and data display can begin.
# if you press the down button if funhouse.peripherals.button_down: print("run") # remove start-up bitmap group.remove(tile_grid) # add main bitmap group.append(grid3) # add red x icon to show not connected to internet group.append(icon2) # change state for main program run = True
If you press the select button (in the middle of the FunHouse's three buttons), the start-up bitmap is removed from group
and the "connecting..." bitmap is added to group.
Then, the function
is called. This connects the FunHouse to WiFi.
After a network connection has been established, the start_up
state is set to True
and clock
is reset with time.monotonic()
# if you press the middle button if funhouse.peripherals.button_sel: # remove start-up bitmap group.remove(tile_grid) # add connecting... bitmap group.append(grid2) # connect to the network print("connecting") # change state for network connected = True # start main program start_up = True # start time.monotonic() clock = time.monotonic()
The start-up state exists so that after the FunHouse connects to WiFi, the connecting graphic can be removed from group
and replaced with the main graphic. Additionally, the internet icon is added to show that you're sending data to Adafruit IO. Finally, run
is set to True
# after connecting to the internet if start_up: # remove connecting bitmap group.remove(grid2) # add main bitmap group.append(grid3) # add internet icon group.append(icon1) # start main program run = True # reset start-up state start_up = False
The main program takes readings from the SGP30 to affect the fan's RPM speed. This is done with the simpleio.map_range()
function. You can either use the SGP30's eCO2 readings or TVOC readings. You'll just need to comment and uncomment certain lines to change this.
The data from the SGP30's readings and the fan's RPM are updated for the fume_text
and fan_text
objects to display on the screen.
# fumes variable for reading from SGP30 # comment out either TVOC or eCO2 depending on data preference fumes = sgp30.TVOC # fumes = sgp30.eCO2 # mapping fumes data to fan RPM # value for TVOC mapped_val = simpleio.map_range(fumes, 10, 1000, 10, 100) # value for eCO2 # mapped_val = simpleio.map_range(fumes, 400, 2500, 10, 100) # adding fume text # PPB is for TVOC, PPM is for eCO2 funhouse.set_text("%d PPB" % fumes, fume_text) # funhouse.set_text("%d PPM" % fumes, fume_text) # adding fan's RPM text funhouse.set_text("%d%s" % (mapped_val, "%"), fan_text) # printing fan's data to the REPL print("fan = ", mapped_val) # setting fan's RPM emc.manual_fan_speed = int(mapped_val)
Every fifteen seconds, the data from the SGP30 and EMC2101 are sent to feeds on Adafruit IO. After the data is sent, clock
is reset with time.monotonic()
# if you're connected to wifi and 15 seconds has passed if connected and ((clock + 15) < time.monotonic()): # send fume data to send_fume_data(fumes) # send fan RPM to send_fan_data(mapped_val) # REPL printout print("data sent") # reset clock clock = time.monotonic()
If you decide after booting up the FunHouse that you want to connect or disconnect from WiFi, you can press the up button on the FunHouse next to the icon in the top left corner of the screen.
The connection is affected by changing the connected
state. The icon also changes to show the connection status visually.
# if you're connected to wifi and you press the up button if connected and funhouse.peripherals.button_up: # the internet icon is removed group.remove(icon1) # the red x icon is added group.append(icon2) # reset connected state - no longer sending data to connected = False # REPL printout print("disconnected") # 1 second delay time.sleep(1) # if you're NOT connected to wifi and you press the up button if not connected and funhouse.peripherals.button_up: # the red x icon is removed group.remove(icon2) # the internet icon is added group.append(icon1) # the connection state is true - start sending data to connected = True # REPL printout print("connected") # 1 second delay time.sleep(1)
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