User configuration
Once you are all set up and ready to begin, download the necessary files for this project from its Github repository (click on the "ZIP" icon).
Open the file vhdl/config.vhd in a text editor and change line 32 (constant NUM_PANELS...) to indicate the total number of LED panels you have daisy-chained together in your display. For example, if you are using a 1x2 or 2x1 grid, you will want to change the line to:
constant NUM_PANELS : integer := 2
You may optionally edit line 33 (constant PIXEL_DEPTH...) in a similar manner to indicate how many bits-per-pixel you want to use. This will affect the level of brightness control available to you later. Finally, save the file!
Creating the Quartus II project
Start Quartus II and open the "New Project Wizard" from the "File" menu. On the first page, name the project rgbmatrix-fpga (or something similar) and name the top-level entity top_level. Click Next.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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