Basic Echo Test
We'll start with the most basic test, where we listen to the raw GPS data, to make sure it shows up! Copy and paste this code into a new sketch window and upload it to your Flora
Install Adafruit GPS Library
Our helper library will make using the GPS easy since we have working code already. The library is available on GitHub
You can download the most recent version from the Arduino library manager.
First, open up the Arduino library manager
Search for the Adafruit GPS library and install it
We also have a great tutorial on Arduino library installation at:
Load Echo Demo
We'll begin by loading up the HardwareSerial echo test example available in the Adafruit_GPS library
Wire up the GPS module according to the hookup. Check your board and serial port settings and upload this sketch to your Flora using the Upload button in the IDE. Open up the Serial Monitor.
You should see something like the following from the serial monitor. You may not have as many numbers, but there should be sentences that start with $GPRMC and $GPGGA, etc. If you see text like that it means your GPS and connection are working fine.
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