Top down view of a FLORA - Wearable electronic platform: Arduino-compatible connected to 4 alligator clips and a USB powerin the FLORA.
FLORA is Adafruit's fully-featured wearable electronics platform. It's a round, sewable, Arduino-compatible microcontroller designed to empower amazing wearables projects.FLORA...
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Unlit blue-tinted LED
Infrared LEDs are used for remote controls (they're the little LED in the part you point at your TV) and 'night-vision' cameras, and these little blue guys are high powered...
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Top-down shot of 15 colorful round tactile button switches in green, yellow, red, blue, and white.
Little clicky switches are standard input "buttons" on electronic projects. These work best in a PCB but can be...
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10 pack of NPN Bipolar Transistors (PN2222)
Transistors are powerful little electronic switches, and we really like these NPN transistors whenever we need to control medium-power electronics such as small motors, solenoids, or...
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close up of ends of various small heat shink tubes
Heat shrink is the duct tape of electronics, it keeps your stuff all safe and kept together. Especially when wiring and soldering, use heat shrink to add mechanical strength to cables....
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Front angled shot of 3 x AAA battery holder with on-off switch and 2-pin JST PH connector.
This battery holder connects 3 AAA batteries together in series for powering all kinds of projects. We spec'd these out because the box is slim, and 3 AAA's add up to about...
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Small spool of black wire
Perfect for bread-boarding, free wiring, etc. This spool of solid-core wire is easy to solder to. When bent it keeps its shape pretty well. We like to have a few spools of this stuff...
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Front cover of Make: Getting Started with Adafruit FLORA. Making wearables with an Arduino-compatible electronics platform. By Becky Stern and Tyler Cooper. Topdown shot of a round dev board wired to LED PCBs.
Making Wearables with an Arduino-Compatible Electronics PlatformThis book introduces readers to building wearable electronics projects using Adafruit's tiny...
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A collection of electronic parts included in kit.
Pickup a copy of Getting Started with Adafruit FLORA and then hit the ground running with everything that you need to...
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A collection of electronic parts included in kit.
Sense the world around you! The FLORA Sensor Pack includes many types of sensors for your wearable enjoyment. Sense motion, direction, color, light levels, touch, and connections with...
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A collection of electronic parts included in kit.
Get started with the fabulous Adafruit Flora platform with this lovely starter kit. Included are plenty of parts to make a few different fun projects! There's a Flora motherboard,...
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A collection of electronic parts included in kit.
Get started with the fabulous Adafruit Flora platform with this lovely budget kit, just enough to get you started with this fun wearable computer. Included are enough parts to make...
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