Transfer that sketch to a piece of cardboard using a ruler and marker. Mark where each LED pixel will go.
Since the design is longer than 1 strand (25 pixels-- our design is 36), solder on or plug in another strand of pixels.
Follow the tailor's chalk markings on your backpack and install the LED pixels by cutting a hole and heat-sealing the nylon edge.
Attach the pixels by stitching the wires to the front surface of the bag. Knot and cut the thread at each junction so that if one stitch comes undone, the rest of the design isn't compromised by an unraveling thread.
My install didn't go exactly as planned, and my pixel design had to be compromised. I adjusted my diagram so I'd know which pixels were which when programming animations. It's challenging to install so many pixels inside such a small space, but it was comforting knowing I could fix any layout problems later, in the code.
Decide where you'd like your power toggle switch to go, make a slice in the bag for the switch to come through, heat seal the nylon, then stitch the switch in place!
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