These are the possible issues you might run into while using File Glider. This section will guide you through possible errors that might occur.
If you happen to witness this message "Bluetooth Scanning Error: Peer removed pairing information" while pairing to a Bluetooth device, there is a way to remedy that.
Go to your Settings app, go to the Bluetooth setting, and delete your Adafruit device from the list.
Once you've removed the Adafruit device from your device list, and return to File Glider. Once here, you will need to perform the pairing process once more.
If you witness a situation where you are not able to detect your Adafruit Device in the peripheral list.
Here is a quick list to make sure you're on the right track:
- Check to see if your Adafruit device is powered on.
- Make sure your Adafruit device is running the correct firmware. See the CircuitPython page in this guide.
- Make sure your battery is charged. Bluetooth LE-enabled devices might not have stable communication if the connected battery is low on power.
- Try restarting the File Glider app and resetting the Adafruit Device by pressing the small Reset button near the center of the board.
If you run into any additional issues with File Glider, contact us!
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