Once you've finished setting up your Feather RP2350 with CircuitPython, you can access the code and necessary libraries by downloading the Project Bundle.
To do this, click on the Download Project Bundle button in the window below. It will download to your computer as a zipped folder.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Liz Clark for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # FFT calculations based on Phil B.'s Audio Spectrum Light Show Code # https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Learning_System_Guides/blob/main/ # Feather_Sense_Audio_Visualizer_13x9_RGB_LED_Matrix/audio_spectrum_lightshow/code.py import gc from array import array from math import log from random import randint import board from audiobusio import PDMIn import displayio import picodvi import framebufferio import vectorio from rainbowio import colorwheel import adafruit_imageload from adafruit_display_shapes.line import Line from adafruit_ticks import ticks_ms, ticks_add, ticks_diff from adafruit_seesaw import seesaw, rotaryio, digitalio from analogio import AnalogIn import simpleio from ulab import numpy as np try: from ulab.utils import spectrogram except ImportError: from ulab.scipy.signal import spectrogram # ------ POTENTIOMETER SETUP ------ pot1 = AnalogIn(board.A1) pot2 = AnalogIn(board.A2) pot3 = AnalogIn(board.A3) read_pots = True # ------ POTENTIOMETER MODE VALUES ------ mode0_values = [0, 0, 0] mode1_values = [0, 0, 0] mode2_values = [0, 0, 0] mode_vals = [mode0_values, mode1_values, mode2_values] # ------ POTENTIOMETER READ FUNCTION ------ def val(pin): return pin.value # ------ SEESAW ENCODER ------ i2c = board.STEMMA_I2C() seesaw = seesaw.Seesaw(i2c, addr=0x36) seesaw_product = (seesaw.get_version() >> 16) & 0xFFFF print("Found product {}".format(seesaw_product)) if seesaw_product != 4991: print("Wrong firmware loaded? Expected 4991") seesaw.pin_mode(24, seesaw.INPUT_PULLUP) button = digitalio.DigitalIO(seesaw, 24) button_held = False encoder = rotaryio.IncrementalEncoder(seesaw) last_position = 0 # ------ SHARED VARIABLES ------ fft_size = 512 low_bin = 15 high_bin = 75 low_band = (15, 75) mid_band = (100, 120) spectrum_size = fft_size // 2 spectrum_bits = log(spectrum_size, 2) mode = 0 new_mode = True states = {} # ------ PICODVI SETUP ------ displayio.release_displays() fb = picodvi.Framebuffer(320, 240, clk_dp=board.CKP, clk_dn=board.CKN, red_dp=board.D0P, red_dn=board.D0N, green_dp=board.D1P, green_dn=board.D1N, blue_dp=board.D2P, blue_dn=board.D2N, color_depth=8) display = framebufferio.FramebufferDisplay(fb, auto_refresh=False) # ------ PDM MIC ------ mic = PDMIn(board.D5, board.D6, sample_rate=44100, bit_depth=16) rec_buf = array("H", [0] * fft_size) # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, global-statement, too-many-statements, global-variable-not-assigned # ------ INITIALIZE BAR GRAPH ANIMATION ------ def initialize_bars(): # based on Phil B.'s Audio Spectrum Light Show Code # https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Learning_System_Guides/blob/main/ # Feather_Sense_Audio_Visualizer_13x9_RGB_LED_Matrix/audio_spectrum_lightshow/code.py global states spectrum_group = displayio.Group() display.root_group = spectrum_group low_frac = log(low_bin, 2) / spectrum_bits frac_range = log(high_bin, 2) / spectrum_bits - low_frac num_columns = 16 column_width = display.width // num_columns column_table = [] moving_avg_buffer = [display.height] * num_columns smoothing_factor = 0.5 height_multiplier = 5 dynamic_level = 10 noise_floor = 3.1 for column in range(num_columns): lower = low_frac + frac_range * (column / num_columns * 0.95) upper = low_frac + frac_range * ((column + 1) / num_columns) mid = (lower + upper) * 0.5 half_width = (upper - lower) * 0.5 first_bin = int(2 ** (spectrum_bits * lower) + 1e-4) last_bin = int(2 ** (spectrum_bits * upper) + 1e-4) bin_weights = [] for bin_index in range(first_bin, last_bin + 1): bin_center = log(bin_index + 0.5, 2) / spectrum_bits dist = abs(bin_center - mid) / half_width if dist < 1.0: dist = 1.0 - dist bin_weights.append(((3.0 - (dist * 2.0)) * dist) * dist) total = sum(bin_weights) bin_weights = [ (weight / total) * (0.8 + idx / num_columns * 1.4) for idx, weight in enumerate(bin_weights) ] column_table.append( [ first_bin - low_bin, bin_weights, colorwheel(225 * column / num_columns), display.height, 0.0, ] ) bar_pal = displayio.Palette(1) bar_pal[0] = colorwheel(225 * column / num_columns) rect = vectorio.Rectangle( pixel_shader=bar_pal, width=column_width, height=1, x=column * column_width, y=display.height, ) spectrum_group.append(rect) peak_palette = displayio.Palette(1) peak_palette[0] = 0x808080 for column in range(num_columns): column_table[column].append(display.height) column_table[column].append(0.0) peak_dot = vectorio.Rectangle( pixel_shader=peak_palette, width=column_width, height=5, x=column * column_width, y=display.height, ) spectrum_group.append(peak_dot) states = { "spectrum_group": spectrum_group, "column_table": column_table, "moving_avg_buffer": moving_avg_buffer, "smoothing_factor": smoothing_factor, "height_multiplier": height_multiplier, "dynamic_level": dynamic_level, "noise_floor": noise_floor, "num_columns": num_columns, "column_width": column_width, "peak_pal": peak_palette, } # ------ BAR GRAPH ANIMATION ------ def bars(pos, read): global states if read: states["peak_pal"][0] = colorwheel(pos[0]) states["noise_floor"] = pos[1] states["smoothing_factor"] = pos[2] spectrum_group = states["spectrum_group"] column_table = states["column_table"] moving_avg_buffer = states["moving_avg_buffer"] smoothing_factor = states["smoothing_factor"] height_multiplier = states["height_multiplier"] dynamic_level = states["dynamic_level"] noise_floor = states["noise_floor"] num_columns = states["num_columns"] mic.record(rec_buf, fft_size) samples = np.array(rec_buf) spectrum = spectrogram(samples)[low_bin : high_bin + 1] spectrum = np.log(spectrum + 1e-7) spectrum = np.maximum(spectrum - noise_floor, 0) lower = max(np.min(spectrum), 4) upper = min(max(np.max(spectrum), lower + 12), 20) if upper > dynamic_level: dynamic_level = upper * 0.7 + dynamic_level * 0.3 else: dynamic_level = dynamic_level * 0.5 + lower * 0.5 states["dynamic_level"] = dynamic_level max_height = display.height data = (spectrum - lower) * (max_height / (dynamic_level - lower)) * height_multiplier for column, element in enumerate(column_table): first_bin = element[0] column_top = display.height + 1 for bin_offset, weight in enumerate(element[1]): if first_bin + bin_offset < len(data): column_top -= data[first_bin + bin_offset] * weight column_top = max(0, int(column_top)) moving_avg_buffer[column] = ( moving_avg_buffer[column] * (1 - smoothing_factor) + column_top * smoothing_factor ) smoothed_top = int(moving_avg_buffer[column]) rect = spectrum_group[column] rect.height = display.height - smoothed_top rect.y = smoothed_top if smoothed_top < element[3]: element[3] = smoothed_top - 1 element[4] = 0 else: element[3] += element[4] element[4] += 0.2 peak_position = max(0, int(element[3])) peak_dot = spectrum_group[num_columns + column] peak_dot.y = peak_position display.refresh() # ------ INITIALIZE CIRCLE ANIMATION ------ def initialize_circles(): global states spectrum_group = displayio.Group() display.root_group = spectrum_group palette = displayio.Palette(1) palette[0] = 0xFFFFFF center_palette = displayio.Palette(1) center_palette[0] = 0xFF0000 center_circle = ( vectorio.Circle(pixel_shader=center_palette, radius=5, x=display.width // 2, y=display.height // 2) ) spectrum_group.append(center_circle) num_circles = 16 smoothing_factor = 0.5 decay_factor = 0.2 circles = [] directions = [] smoothed_radii = [5] * num_circles for i in range(num_circles): radius = 5 x_pos = randint(radius, display.width - radius) y_pos = randint(radius, display.height - radius) dx = randint(-2, 2) or 1 dy = randint(-2, 2) or 1 color_index = (255 * i) // num_circles circle_palette = displayio.Palette(1) circle_palette[0] = colorwheel(color_index) circle = vectorio.Circle(pixel_shader=circle_palette, radius=radius, x=x_pos, y=y_pos) spectrum_group.append(circle) circles.append(circle) directions.append([dx, dy]) states = { "spectrum_group": spectrum_group, "center_circle": center_circle, "center_radius_smoothed": 5, "circles": circles, "directions": directions, "smoothed_radii": smoothed_radii, "smoothing_factor": smoothing_factor, "decay_factor": decay_factor, "dynamic_level": 15, "noise_floor": 3.1, "max_radius": 100, "num_circles": num_circles, "center_palette": center_palette, "speed": 1, } # ------ BOUNCING CIRCLES ANIMATION ------ def bouncing_circles(pos, read): global states if read: states["center_palette"][0] = colorwheel(pos[0]) states["noise_floor"] = pos[1] states["smoothing_factor"] = pos[2] states["decay_factor"] = pos[2] - 0.3 mic.record(rec_buf, fft_size) samples = np.array(rec_buf) spectrum = spectrogram(samples)[low_bin : high_bin + 1] spectrum = np.log(spectrum + 1e-7) spectrum = np.maximum(spectrum - states["noise_floor"], 0) lower = max(np.min(spectrum), 4) upper = min(max(np.max(spectrum), lower + 12), 20) if upper > states["dynamic_level"]: states["dynamic_level"] = upper * 0.7 + states["dynamic_level"] * 0.3 else: states["dynamic_level"] = states["dynamic_level"] * 0.5 + lower * 0.5 overall_amplitude = np.sum(spectrum) max_center_radius = 50 target_center_radius = ( int((overall_amplitude / (states["dynamic_level"] * states["num_circles"])) * max_center_radius) ) if target_center_radius < states["center_radius_smoothed"]: states["center_radius_smoothed"] = ( states["center_radius_smoothed"] * (1 - states["decay_factor"]) + target_center_radius * states["decay_factor"] ) else: states["center_radius_smoothed"] = ( states["center_radius_smoothed"] * (1 - states["smoothing_factor"]) + target_center_radius * states["smoothing_factor"] ) states["center_circle"].radius = int(states["center_radius_smoothed"]) data = (spectrum - lower) * (states["max_radius"] / (states["dynamic_level"] - lower)) for i, circle in enumerate(states["circles"]): target_radius = max(2, int(data[i])) if target_radius < states["smoothed_radii"][i]: states["smoothed_radii"][i] = ( states["smoothed_radii"][i] * (1 - states["decay_factor"]) + target_radius * states["decay_factor"] ) else: states["smoothed_radii"][i] = ( states["smoothed_radii"][i] * (1 - states["smoothing_factor"]) + target_radius * states["smoothing_factor"] ) circle.radius = int(states["smoothed_radii"][i]) dx, dy = states["directions"][i] circle.x += dx circle.y += dy if circle.x - circle.radius <= 0 or circle.x + circle.radius >= display.width: states["directions"][i][0] *= -1 # Reverse x direction if circle.y - circle.radius <= 0 or circle.y + circle.radius >= display.height: states["directions"][i][1] *= -1 # Reverse y direction display.refresh() # ------ PARTY PARROT INIT ------ def initialize_party(): global states spectrum_group = displayio.Group() display.root_group = spectrum_group bitmap, palette = adafruit_imageload.load( "/partyParrotsBig.bmp", bitmap=displayio.Bitmap, palette=displayio.Palette ) parrot_grid = displayio.TileGrid( bitmap, pixel_shader=palette, tile_height=128, tile_width=132, x=(display.width - 128) // 2, y=0 ) spectrum_group.append(parrot_grid) line_group = displayio.Group() spectrum_group.append(line_group) pal_bg = displayio.Palette(1) pal_bg[0] = 0x0000FF palette_white = displayio.Palette(1) palette_white[0] = 0xFFFFFF pal = displayio.Palette(1) pal[0] = 0xFF00FF left_circle = vectorio.Circle( pixel_shader=pal, radius=5, x=5, y=5 ) right_circle = vectorio.Circle( pixel_shader=pal, radius=5, x=display.width - 5, y=5 ) spectrum_group.append(left_circle) spectrum_group.append(right_circle) ground = vectorio.Rectangle( pixel_shader=pal_bg, width=display.width, height=display.height - 128, x=0, y=128 ) line_group.append(ground) horizon_line = vectorio.Rectangle( pixel_shader=palette_white, width=display.width, height=1, x=0, y=128 ) line_group.append(horizon_line) slanted_lines_coords = [ (0, 136, 34, 128), (0, 188, 76, 128), (34, 240, 113, 128), (117, 240, 148, 128), (198, 240, 182, 128), (294, 240, 216, 128), (320, 176, 255, 128), (320, 133, 297, 128) ] for coords in slanted_lines_coords: line = Line(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], coords[3], 0xFFFFFF) line_group.append(line) horizontal_lines = [] for _ in range(5): line_rect = vectorio.Rectangle( pixel_shader=palette_white, width=display.width, height=2, x=0, y=0 ) line_group.append(line_rect) horizontal_lines.append(line_rect) states = { "pal": pal, "pal_bg": pal_bg, "pal_line": palette_white, "spectrum_group": spectrum_group, "parrot_grid": parrot_grid, "line_group": line_group, "horizontal_lines": horizontal_lines, "frame_index": 0, "low_band_threshold": 3.4, "mid_band_threshold": 3.4, "smoothing_factor": 0.5, "last_i": 146, "dynamic_level": 15, "decay_factor": 2, "max_center_radius": 10, "center_radius_smoothed": 2, "left_circle": left_circle, "right_circle": right_circle, "clock_clock": ticks_ms(), "clock_time": int(0.01 * 1000), "i": 152 } # ------ PARTY PARROT ANIMATION ------ def party_parrot(pos, read): global states if read: states["pal"][0] = colorwheel(pos[0]) states["max_center_radius"] = pos[1] states["low_band_threshold"] = pos[2] states["mid_band_threshold"] = pos[2] left_circle = states["left_circle"] right_circle = states["right_circle"] parrot_grid = states["parrot_grid"] horizontal_lines = states["horizontal_lines"] frame_index = states["frame_index"] last_i = states["last_i"] center_radius_smoothed = states["center_radius_smoothed"] dynamic_level = states["dynamic_level"] low_band_threshold = states["low_band_threshold"] mid_band_threshold = states["mid_band_threshold"] smoothing_factor = states["smoothing_factor"] decay_factor = states["decay_factor"] clock_clock = states["clock_clock"] palette_blue = states["pal_bg"] palette_white = states["pal_line"] i = states["i"] if i > 128: last_i = i i -= 1 else: i = 152 mic.record(rec_buf, fft_size) samples = np.array(rec_buf) spectrum = spectrogram(samples) spectrum = np.log(spectrum + 1e-7) spectrum = np.maximum(spectrum - 3.1, 0) low_band_avg = np.mean(spectrum[low_band[0]:low_band[1] + 1]) mid_band_avg = np.mean(spectrum[mid_band[0]:mid_band[1] + 1]) overall_amplitude = np.sum(spectrum) target_center_radius = ( int((overall_amplitude / (dynamic_level * 16)) * states["max_center_radius"]) ) if target_center_radius < center_radius_smoothed: center_radius_smoothed = ( center_radius_smoothed * (1 - decay_factor) + target_center_radius * decay_factor ) else: center_radius_smoothed = ( center_radius_smoothed * (1 - smoothing_factor) + target_center_radius * smoothing_factor ) left_circle.radius = int(center_radius_smoothed) right_circle.radius = int(center_radius_smoothed) if low_band_avg >= low_band_threshold * 1.1 or mid_band_avg >= mid_band_threshold * 1.1: frame_index = (frame_index + 1) % 10 parrot_grid[0] = frame_index if ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), clock_clock) >= states["clock_time"]: for idx, offset in enumerate([0, 25, 50, 75, 100]): horizontal_lines[idx].y = last_i + offset horizontal_lines[idx].pixel_shader = palette_blue for idx, offset in enumerate([0, 25, 50, 75, 100]): horizontal_lines[idx].y = i + offset horizontal_lines[idx].pixel_shader = palette_white clock_clock = ticks_add(clock_clock, states["clock_time"]) display.refresh() states["frame_index"] = frame_index states["last_i"] = last_i states["i"] = i states["center_radius_smoothed"] = center_radius_smoothed # ------ THE LOOP ------ while True: # read encoder - if value != then change mode position = -encoder.position if position != last_position: if position > last_position: mode = (mode + 1) % 3 else: mode = (mode - 1) % 3 new_mode = True last_position = position # encode button - switch between reading potentiometer # to control animations or using default values if not button.value and not button_held: button_held = True read_pots = not read_pots print("Button pressed") if button.value and button_held: button_held = False print("Button released") # if a new mode is selected, run init function if new_mode: new_mode = False print(f"switching modes! {mode}") del states gc.collect() display.refresh() if mode == 0: initialize_bars() if mode == 1: initialize_circles() if mode == 2: initialize_party() # mode 0 - bar graph visualizer if mode == 0: bars(mode0_values, read_pots) # pot 1 - control color of bouncing dot color = simpleio.map_range(val(pot1), 0, 65535, 0, 255) mode_vals[0][0] = color # pot 2 - raise/lower noise floor noise = simpleio.map_range(val(pot2), 0, 65535, 2.5, 4.5) mode_vals[0][1] = noise # pot 3 - smooth bar animation smooth = simpleio.map_range(val(pot3), 0, 65535, 0.5, 0.05) mode_vals[0][2] = smooth # mode 1 - bouncing circles visualizer if mode == 1: bouncing_circles(mode1_values, read_pots) # pot 1 - control color of center circle color = simpleio.map_range(val(pot1), 0, 65535, 0, 255) mode_vals[1][0] = color # pot 2 - raise/lower noise floor noise = simpleio.map_range(val(pot2), 0, 65535, 2.5, 4.5) mode_vals[1][1] = noise # pot 3 - smooth circle size change smooth = simpleio.map_range(val(pot3), 0, 65535, 0.8, 0.4) mode_vals[1][2] = smooth # mode 2 - party parrot synth wave if mode == 2: party_parrot(mode2_values, read_pots) # pot 1 - control color of side circles color = simpleio.map_range(val(pot1), 0, 65535, 0, 255) mode_vals[2][0] = color # pot 2 - mid & low end noise floor aka parrot sensitivity dynamic = simpleio.map_range(val(pot2), 0, 65535, 3.0, 6.0) mode_vals[2][1] = dynamic # pot 3 - size of side circles rad = simpleio.map_range(val(pot3), 0, 65535, 2, 12) mode_vals[2][2] = rad
Upload the Code, Bitmap and Libraries to the Feather RP2350
After downloading the Project Bundle, plug your Feather RP2350 into the computer's USB port with a known good USB data+power cable. You should see a new flash drive appear in the computer's File Explorer or Finder (depending on your operating system) called CIRCUITPY. Unzip the folder and copy the following items to the Feather RP2350's CIRCUITPY drive.
- lib folder
- code.py
- partyParrotsBig.bmp
Your Feather RP2350 CIRCUITPY drive should look like this after copying the lib folder, bitmap and the code.py file.
Code Inspiration
The code for this project uses fast Fourier transform (FFT) to sample the incoming audio over time and turn the samples into a list of the different frequencies that are present in the sound. The foundation for the video synth was based on the Mini LED Matrix Audio Visualizer project code by Phil B., which uses FFT for a bar graph audio visualizer on an LED matrix. This animation was ported to this project and laid the foundation for the bouncing circles animation and the party parrot animation.
How the Code Works
The three potentiometers are instantiated as analog inputs. The values from the potentiometers determine different visual parameters for each of the three animations (modes). These values are stored in lists called mode#_values[]
. These three lists are then stored in the mode_vals[]
# ------ POTENTIOMETER SETUP ------ pot1 = AnalogIn(board.A1) pot2 = AnalogIn(board.A2) pot3 = AnalogIn(board.A3) read_pots = True # ------ POTENTIOMETER MODE VALUES ------ mode0_values = [0, 0, 0] mode1_values = [0, 0, 0] mode2_values = [0, 0, 0] mode_vals = [mode0_values, mode1_values, mode2_values] # ------ POTENTIOMETER READ FUNCTION ------ def val(pin): return pin.value
seesaw Rotary Encoder
The mode is changed with the seesaw rotary encoder. The button on the rotary encoder controls the state of read_pots
. If read_pots
is True
, then the potentiometers control parameters in the animations. If its False
, then the default parameters run and the potentiometers do not control any of the parameters.
# ------ SEESAW ENCODER ------ i2c = board.STEMMA_I2C() seesaw = seesaw.Seesaw(i2c, addr=0x36) seesaw_product = (seesaw.get_version() >> 16) & 0xFFFF print("Found product {}".format(seesaw_product)) if seesaw_product != 4991: print("Wrong firmware loaded? Expected 4991") seesaw.pin_mode(24, seesaw.INPUT_PULLUP) button = digitalio.DigitalIO(seesaw, 24) button_held = False encoder = rotaryio.IncrementalEncoder(seesaw) last_position = 0
The PicoDVI framebuffer is setup using the HSTX pins and the PDM mic is instantiated along with its recording buffer.
# ------ PICODVI SETUP ------ displayio.release_displays() fb = picodvi.Framebuffer(320, 240, clk_dp=board.CKP, clk_dn=board.CKN, red_dp=board.D0P, red_dn=board.D0N, green_dp=board.D1P, green_dn=board.D1N, blue_dp=board.D2P, blue_dn=board.D2N, color_depth=8) display = framebufferio.FramebufferDisplay(fb, auto_refresh=False) # ------ PDM MIC ------ mic = PDMIn(board.D5, board.D6, sample_rate=44100, bit_depth=16) rec_buf = array("H", [0] * fft_size)
# ------ SHARED VARIABLES ------ fft_size = 512 low_bin = 15 high_bin = 75 low_band = (15, 75) mid_band = (100, 120) spectrum_size = fft_size // 2 spectrum_bits = log(spectrum_size, 2) mode = 0 new_mode = True states = {}
The Animations
There are three animations: bars, bouncing circles and party parrots. Each animation has two associated functions: an initialization and the actual animation. The initialization is run once when the mode is changed to populate a dictionary with needed values. The actual animation function runs a single frame of the animation and runs during an associated mode. Mode 0 is bars, 1 is bouncing circles and 2 is party parrots.
The Loop
In the loop, the rotary encoder is polled to control the value of mode
. The value is set to either 0
, 1
or 2
# ------ THE LOOP ------ while True: # read encoder - if value != then change mode position = -encoder.position if position != last_position: if position > last_position: mode = (mode + 1) % 3 else: mode = (mode - 1) % 3 new_mode = True last_position = position
The button on the rotary encoder controls the state of read_pots
. This state affects whether the animations are controlled by the three analog potentiometers or if they use their default values.
# encode button - switch between reading potentiometer # to control animations or using default values if not button.value and not button_held: button_held = True read_pots = not read_pots print("Button pressed") if button.value and button_held: button_held = False print("Button released")
If the rotary encoder selects a new mode, then the associated initialize function is run to start up the new animation.
# if a new mode is selected, run init function if new_mode: new_mode = False print(f"switching modes! {mode}") del states gc.collect() display.refresh() if mode == 0: initialize_bars() if mode == 1: initialize_circles() if mode == 2: initialize_party()
While the mode
is set, the associated animation runs. Each potentiometer is mapped to a specific set of values. The list of values and the state of read_pots
is passed to each animation function.
# mode 0 - bar graph visualizer if mode == 0: bars(mode0_values, read_pots) # pot 1 - control color of bouncing dot color = simpleio.map_range(val(pot1), 0, 65535, 0, 255) mode_vals[0][0] = color # pot 2 - raise/lower noise floor noise = simpleio.map_range(val(pot2), 0, 65535, 2.5, 4.5) mode_vals[0][1] = noise # pot 3 - smooth bar animation smooth = simpleio.map_range(val(pot3), 0, 65535, 0.5, 0.05) mode_vals[0][2] = smooth # mode 1 - bouncing circles visualizer if mode == 1: bouncing_circles(mode1_values, read_pots) # pot 1 - control color of center circle color = simpleio.map_range(val(pot1), 0, 65535, 0, 255) mode_vals[1][0] = color # pot 2 - raise/lower noise floor noise = simpleio.map_range(val(pot2), 0, 65535, 2.5, 4.5) mode_vals[1][1] = noise # pot 3 - smooth circle size change smooth = simpleio.map_range(val(pot3), 0, 65535, 0.8, 0.4) mode_vals[1][2] = smooth # mode 2 - party parrot synth wave if mode == 2: party_parrot(mode2_values, read_pots) # pot 1 - control color of side circles color = simpleio.map_range(val(pot1), 0, 65535, 0, 255) mode_vals[2][0] = color # pot 2 - mid & low end noise floor aka parrot sensitivity dynamic = simpleio.map_range(val(pot2), 0, 65535, 3.0, 6.0) mode_vals[2][1] = dynamic # pot 3 - size of side circles rad = simpleio.map_range(val(pot3), 0, 65535, 2, 12) mode_vals[2][2] = rad
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