Feather Boarding
This is a 3D printed fingerboard specifically designed for the Adafruit line of Feather boards. It's similar to a standard fingerboard but features special mounting holes for installing an Adafruit Feather. The deck was 3D printed using ColorFabb's PLA/PHA bambooFill. This material is 70% colorfabb PLA and 30% recycled wood fibers.
Fingerboard History
From Wikipedia:
A fingerboard is a working replica (about 1:8 scaled) invented by Jaken Felts, of a skateboard that a person "rides" by replicating skateboarding maneuvers with their hand. The device itself is a scaled-down skateboard complete with moving wheels, graphics and trucks.[1] A fingerboard is commonly around 10 centimeters long, and can have a variety of widths going from 29 to 33 mm (or more). Skateboarding tricks may be performed using fingers instead of feet. Tricks done on a fingerboard are inspired by tricks done on real skateboards. Jaken Felts is widely credited as making the first fingerboard, and his skit in Powell-Peralta's "Future Primitive" video brought fingerboarding to the skateboarders of the world in the mid-1980s. Around the same time, he wrote an article on how to make fingerboards in TransWorld SKATEboarding magazine.[1]
Use & Performance
This is mostly for show, but this can be used for actual finger boarding. Although difficult, it is possible to land tricks. When the Adafruit Feather is mounted to the deck, the weight isn't exactly even so the balance is slightly off. The length of an Adafruit Feather is just about right for mounting on a standard fingerboard.
Parts, Tools and Supplies
Here's a list of the parts needed to make this project.
Page last edited July 02, 2017
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