Display Assembly
Solder headers to the display.
The display frame is aligned to the cut out on the top-faz-wrench part.
The display is securely fastened with M2.5x6mm screws.
Rotary Assemble
Solder the rotary to the PCB board.
The assembled rotary board is fastened to the rotary-mount part with M2.5x6mm screws.
Button Assembly
Reference the circuit diagram to solder the buttons.
Use JST and jumper wires to easily connect to the Feather board.
The buttons press fit through the case and are secured with the included threads.
LED assembly
Measure, cut and solder wires to the NeoPixels.
Carefully cut and solder five side light NeoPixels from a strip and create two rows.
The first row has two NeoPixels. Second row has three NeoPixels.
LED mount
Press fit the NeoPixels between to led-mounts part as shown.
Feather connections
Reference the circuit diagram to solder connectors for power, ground and inputs for the buttons, LEDs and On/Off switch.
Feather mount
Use M2.5x6mm and M2x6mm screws to secure the Feather to the mount part.
Speaker mount
The speaker press fits to oval section on the Feather mount part.
Slide switch mount
Align switch to the cut out on the mount and press fit the slide switch at an angle. Use socket Jumper wires to connect to EN and GND pins on the Feather.
Mount slide switch
Use M2.5x6mm screws to mount the slide switch part to the cutout on the case.
Battery mount
Slide the 4400mAh lipo battery into the mount.
Mount battery
Use M2.5x5mm screws to attach the battery mount to the case.
Mount feather, rotary and LEDs
Place and secure component mounts with M2.5x6mm screws to the bottom case part.
The Feather mount uses M3x6mm screws.
Connect buttons, On/Off switch and Stemma cables
Use socket Jumper wires to connect two pins on the Slide Switch.
50mm STEMMA cable connects the Rotary to the Feather.
The Display plugs into the Rotary board with a 300mm STEMMA cable.
Route cables around the LEDs and rotary, to the edge of the case. Carefully check for wire as you join both case sides together.
Join case
Use M3x8mm screws to join the case.
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