Want to play around with computer vision "at the edge" without the overhead and complexity of compiling a dataset and training a model?
Upload the code in this guide to your Adafruit MEMENTO Camera Board and turn the MEMENTO into a camera that can both detect and recognize faces!
Going further - the example code in this guide may be used and modified to build your next facial detection or recognition electronics project!
About the code in this guide
This project uses an example written by Me-No-Dev for Espressif Systems, CameraWebServer.ino. This example was modified by the author of this guide to reduce the flash size overhead (we removed the web functionality, isolated the face detection/recognition calls, brought this overhead into main.cpp and ra_filter.h), add compatibility for the Adafruit MEMENTO development board (added camera compatibility and added "blitting" the camera's raw image to the MEMENTO's TFT instead of to a webpage), set up a PlatformIO build environment to decrease compile time, and created an interactive demo around the code.
You also may want an RGBW LED Ring with 8 bright NeoPixels. We include this with the MEMENTO Camera Enclosure Kit:
If you do not have the MEMENTO Camera Enclosure Kit (or if it is out of stock), you can build your own ring light for the MEMENTO using the following parts:
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