EYESPI Display Connector
- EYESPI connector - This connector allows you to connect EYESPI-compatible displays up using an EYESPI cable, with no soldering or jumper wires needed.
Pins needed for using the display:
- MOSI/MISO/SCK - SPI pins are connected to the default SPI port on the Raspberry Pi.
- Display CS on Raspberry Pi CE 0.
- Display DC on Raspberry Pi GPIO #25.
- Display Reset on Raspberry Pi GPIO #27.
- Display Busy on Raspberry Pi GPIO #17 (This pin is used by E-Ink displays).
- Display Backlight on Raspberry Pi GPIO #18 (There's a jumper to disable this; see below).
- Display Touch CS on Raspberry Pi CE 1 (This pin is not used by all displays).
- Display Touch IRQ on Raspberry Pi GPIO #24 (This pin is not used by all displays).
Backlight Jumper
- BL jumper - There is a jumper located next to the EYESPI label on the board silk. If you cut this trace, you will disable the backlight. Do this if you want to use the PWM output for other uses like NeoPixels.
Buttons and Slide Switch
- Buttons - There are two buttons on the right side of the Beret, connected to GPIO #5 and GPIO #6. You can use these as inputs.
- Slide switch - There is a slide switch towards the center of the Beret connected to GPIO #13. This is not a power switch! It is basic slide switch, which is high or low depending on the position of the switch. You can use it as an input.
STEMMA QT Connector
- STEMMA QT - This connector, on the left side of the Beret, allows you to connect to sensors and breakout boards with STEMMA QT / Qwiic connectors or to other things with various associated accessories.
- SDA/SCL - The I2C pins for the STEMMA QT connector are connected to the default I2C port on the Pi.
- 3.3V/GND - The power for the STEMMA QT connector is 3.3V. Ground is the common ground for power and logic.
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