The Experimenters Guide for the Adafruit Metro and Metro Express is meant to serve as a quick-start for makers, artists, hackers, students, educators, or anyone who wants to get started with the Metro or Metro M0 Express.
This guide has lots of circuits to get you comfortable with skills like learning about different types of electronic components (and how they work), programming an Adafruit Metro or Metro Express, breadboarding, and modifying code.
Already have parts and a board that can be programmed by the Arduino IDE? This guide will work for you too!
As you progress through this guide in order, you'll be comfortable with the Adafruit Metro enough to work on your own projects (or at least enough to try one of the thousands of projects in the Adafruit Learning System)
The experimenters guide is an expanded version of Oomlout's awesome ARDX kit, but it's compatible the Adafruit Metro Classic and Metro M0 Express. There are a lot of new circuits to take advantage of the Metro Classic and/or Express, and a bunch of small projects to do on your own.
These guides were designed for use both with the 'classic' Metro (ATmega328) or Metro M0 Express (ATSAMD21) based Metros
You can build all of the circuits with parts from the Adafruit Shop. We even provide links to the parts for each circuit in the parts page.
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