Wow that NeoPixel sure is bright, huh? There is a really simple way to dim it. The NeoPixel takes a value from 0 to 255, 255 being the brightest.
Let's dim it by 100. In your code, change:
const int RED[ ] = {255, 0, 0};
to const int RED[ ] = {155, 0, 0};
Still too bright? Let's cut it by 1/3rd by changing:
const int GREEN[ ] = {128, 255, 0};
to const int GREEN[ ]= {128/3, 255/3, 0};
We're going to modify the thermometer circuit to use the NeoPixel to assemble a color-coded thermometer. Glance over at this circuit and see the color which corresponds to a specific temperature.
The wiring for this circuit is easy - just wire up the temperature sensor.
Copy/paste the code below. Then, compile and upload it to your Metro Express!
/* * CIRC18 Make It Better * NeoPixel Glance Thermometer - check the weather super quickly! * * by Brent Rubell for Adafruit Industries */ // Include the Adafruit Neopixel Library #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> // The default pin for the NeoPixel on the Metro Express is Pin #40 #define METROPIXELPIN 40 // Temperature Sensor const int temperaturePin = A0; // metroPixel takes in both the number of pixels (1, the built-in) and the pin) Adafruit_NeoPixel metroPixel = Adafruit_NeoPixel(1, METROPIXELPIN); float temperature = 0; /* Temperature Colors */ const int RED[ ] = {255, 0, 0}; const int ORANGE[ ] = {255, 153, 51}; const int YELLOW[ ] = {255, 255, 0}; const int LIGHTGREEN[ ] = {128, 255, 0}; const int DARKGREEN[ ] = {76, 153, 0}; const int DARKBLUE[ ] = {0, 0, 255}; const int DARKPURPLE[ ] = {51, 0, 102}; const int BLACK[ ] = {0, 0, 0}; void setup() { // Start the Serial at 9600 baud Serial.begin(9600); // init the neopixel library metroPixel.begin(); } void loop() { temperature = getVoltage3V(temperaturePin); // Convert to degrees C temperature = (temperature - .5) * 100; // print the temperature in C to the serial Serial.println(temperature); // temp <-> color picker if (temperature > 40) { // red pixelWrite(RED); } else if (temperature > 35) { // orange pixelWrite(ORANGE); } else if (temperature > 30) { // yellow pixelWrite(YELLOW); } else if (temperature > 25) { // yellow pixelWrite(LIGHTGREEN); } else if (temperature > 20) { // dark green pixelWrite(DARKGREEN); } else if (temperature > 5) { // dark blue pixelWrite(DARKBLUE); } else { // dark purple pixelWrite(DARKPURPLE); } delay(1000); } // takes in a pre-defined color (integer array) and sets the pixel to that color void pixelWrite(const int* color) { metroPixel.setPixelColor(0, metroPixel.Color(color[0],color[1],color[2])); // write the pixel color to the Metro's Neopixel; } // Voltage to temperature if Vs= 3.3V float getVoltage3V(int pin){ // 3.3V/1023 return (analogRead(pin) * 0.003225806452); }
The Glance Thermometer is a modification of the temperature circuit. Which CIRCs have you completed? How would you add a NeoPixel to the circuit to increase functionality, utility or aesthetic?
Page last edited July 18, 2017
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