Before copying and pasting the code, you'll need to install the NeoPixel Library. This is much easier than the installation of the IR Library - you can install the NeoPixel library directly from the IDE!
In Arduino, go to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries.
In the library manager, search for NeoPixel.
Then, find the latest version (1.1.1 at time of writing) and click install.
Once the status bar is finished, restart the Arduino IDE. The NeoPixel library has been installed.
Copy/Paste the code below. Then, compile and upload it to your metro.
You should see your Metro's NeoPixels light up red, white, and blue.
/* * (CIRC18) Metro Express NeoPixel * this circuit was designed for use with the Metro Explorers Guide on * * note: this code does NOT run on the Metro, only the Metro EXPRESS. * * by Brent Rubell for Adafruit Industries. */ // Include the Adafruit Neopixel Library #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> // The default pin for the NeoPixel on the Metro Express is Pin #40 #define METROPIXELPIN 40 // metroPixel takes in both the number of pixels (1, the built-in) and the pin) Adafruit_NeoPixel metroPixel = Adafruit_NeoPixel(1, METROPIXELPIN); /* Colors */ // note: the max. of colors in these arrays is 220 instead of 255 (super-bright!!) const int RED[ ] = {155, 0, 0}; const int WHITE[ ] = {155, 155, 155}; const int BLUE[ ] = {0, 0, 255}; const int BLACK [ ] = {0, 0, 0}; void setup() { // init. the NeoPixel library metroPixel.begin(); } void loop() { // display red on the Metro Express neopixel pixelWrite(RED); delay(1000); // display white on the Metro Express neopixel pixelWrite(WHITE); delay(1000); // display blue on the Metro Express neopixel pixelWrite(BLUE); delay(1000); // Sparkle the Neopixel // pixelSparkle(); } // takes in a pre-defined color (integer array) and sets the pixel to that color void pixelWrite(const int* color) { metroPixel.setPixelColor(0, metroPixel.Color(color[0],color[1],color[2])); // write the pixel color to the Metro's Neopixel; } // flashes the neopixel on and off rapidly void pixelSparkle() { for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { pixelWrite(BLACK); delay(50); pixelWrite(WHITE); delay(50); } }
Make sure that the NeoPixel library was correctly installed to the right location.
You must have a Metro, not a Metro Express. This circuit only works with the Metro Express.
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