I imagine you are less than impressed by the cyan glowing LED before you. To display a different color, change the color in the code to one of the others:
setColor(ledDigitalOne, CYAN);
-> setColor(ledDigitalOne, newColor)
Of course we can do more than display a constant color. To see how we can cycle through random colors, change the loop()
code to:
void loop() { //setColor(ledDigitalOne, CYAN); randomColor(); }
While switching between colors is good fun, RGB LEDs really come into their own when mixed with analog control. Using PWM (pulse width modulation), it's possible to produce nearly any color and fade between them. Sadly, the code for this is a bit too long for the section above, so click below to see the code:
// CIRC12 - RGB LED, Analog Control //RGB LED pins int ledAnalogOne[] = {9, 10, 11}; //the three pins of the first analog LED 3 = redPin, 5 = greenPin, 6 = bluePin //These pins must be PWM //Defined Colors (different RGB (red, green, blue) values for colors //(to add your own ie. fuscia experiment and then add to the list) const byte RED[] = {255, 0, 0}; const byte ORANGE[] = {83, 4, 0}; const byte YELLOW[] = {255, 255, 0}; const byte GREEN[] = {0, 255, 0}; const byte BLUE[] = {0, 0, 255}; const byte INDIGO[] = {4, 0, 19}; const byte VIOLET[] = {23, 0, 22}; const byte CYAN[] = {0, 255, 255}; const byte MAGENTA[] = {255, 0, 255}; const byte WHITE[] = {255, 255, 255}; const byte BLACK[] = {0, 0, 0}; const byte PINK[] = {158, 4, 79}; //---eof---RGBL-Analog Preamble void setup(){ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ pinMode(ledAnalogOne[i], OUTPUT); //Set the three LED pins as outputs } setColor(ledAnalogOne, BLACK); //Turn off led 1 } void loop(){ /* Example 1 - Defined Colors Set to a known color (you can use any of the above defined colors) */ setColor(ledAnalogOne, MAGENTA); /* Example 2 - Any Color Set the LED to any color you like */ //byte tempColor[] = {12,34,12}; //the RGB (red, gren blue) value for a color to display //setColor(ledAnalogOne, tempColor); /*Example 3 - Fading Fade the LED between two colors (this will go from red to green to blue then back to red) */ //fadeToColor(ledAnalogOne, RED, GREEN, 10); //fadeToColor takes 4 parameters //ledAnalogOne - an array with 3 values defining the red, green and blue pins of the LED //RED - This is the start color //GREEN - This is the end color //10 - the delay (in milliseconds between updates) (determines the fade speed) //fadeToColor(ledAnalogOne, GREEN, BLUE, 10); //Fades from Green to Blue //fadeToColor(ledAnalogOne, BLUE, RED, 10); //Fades from Blue to Red } /* Sets the color of the LED to any RGB Value led - (int array of three values defining the LEDs pins (led[0] = redPin, led[1] = greenPin, led[2] = bluePin)) color - (byte array of three values defing an RGB color to display (color[0] = new Red value, color[1] = new Green value, color[2] = new Red value */ void setColor(int* led, byte* color){ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ //iterate through each of the three pins (red green blue) analogWrite(led[i], 255 - color[i]); //set the analog output value of each pin to the input value (ie led[0] (red pin) to 255- color[0] (red input color) //we use 255 - the value because our RGB LED is common anode, this means a color is full on when we output analogWrite(pin, 0) //and off when we output analogWrite(pin, 255). } } /* A version of setColor that takes a predefined color (neccesary to allow const int pre-defined colors */ void setColor(int* led, const byte* color){ byte tempByte[] = {color[0], color[1], color[2]}; setColor(led, tempByte); } /* Fades the LED from a start color to an end color at fadeSpeed led - (int array of three values defining the LEDs pins (led[0] = redPin, led[1] = greenPin, led[2] = bluePin)) startCcolor - (byte array of three values defing the start RGB color (startColor[0] = start Red value, startColor[1] = start Green value, startColor[2] = start Red value endCcolor - (byte array of three values defing the finished RGB color (endColor[0] = end Red value, endColor[1] = end Green value, endColor[2] = end Red value fadeSpeed - this is the delay in milliseconds between steps, defines the speed of the fade */ void fadeToColor(int* led, byte* startColor, byte* endColor, int fadeSpeed){ int changeRed = endColor[0] - startColor[0]; //the difference in the two colors for the red channel int changeGreen = endColor[1] - startColor[1]; //the difference in the two colors for the green channel int changeBlue = endColor[2] - startColor[2]; //the difference in the two colors for the blue channel int steps = max(abs(changeRed),max(abs(changeGreen), abs(changeBlue))); //make the number of change steps the maximum channel change for(int i = 0 ; i < steps; i++){ //iterate for the channel with the maximum change byte newRed = startColor[0] + (i * changeRed / steps); //the newRed intensity dependant on the start intensity and the change determined above byte newGreen = startColor[1] + (i * changeGreen / steps); //the newGreen intensity byte newBlue = startColor[2] + (i * changeBlue / steps); //the newBlue intensity byte newColor[] = {newRed, newGreen, newBlue}; //Define an RGB color array for the new color setColor(led, newColor); //Set the LED to the calculated value delay(fadeSpeed); //Delay fadeSpeed milliseconds before going on to the next color } setColor(led, endColor); //The LED should be at the endColor but set to endColor to avoid rounding errors } /* A version of fadeToColor that takes predefined colors (neccesary to allow const int pre-defined colors */ void fadeToColor(int* led, const byte* startColor, const byte* endColor, int fadeSpeed){ byte tempByte1[] = {startColor[0], startColor[1], startColor[2]}; byte tempByte2[] = {endColor[0], endColor[1], endColor[2]}; fadeToColor(led, tempByte1, tempByte2, fadeSpeed); }
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