GitHub provides information about your GitHub activity on the main page of your account by covering basic metrics. It's an excellent way to view your activity in a couple of different ways. However, it only covers your contributions by the numbers. What if you're wondering about your contribution streaks, or more interested in where you're at in terms of others on GitHub? This page has you covered.
User DenverCoder1 on GitHub put together the GitHub Readme Streak Stats tool to display your activity streak. User ryo-ma put together the GitHub Profile Trophy tool to display your ranking for various statistics on GitHub.
These tools each allow you to add a customisable Markdown widget into your README file, that will render on your profile. The documentation on both tools is thorough, so this guide will cover the basics, and link to the tool documentation for more details.
The GitHub Readme Streak Stats tool allows you to display your total contributions, your current activity streak, and your longest streak on your GitHub profile. There are two options for getting started with this widget: Quick setup and Demo Site.
The Quick setup allows you to simply use the default settings by providing a line of Markdown where you update the username to your own, and add it to your README. The following is an example of the quick setup Markdown.
![GitHub Streak](
When included in your profile, it would render something like this.
The Demo Site section provides a link to the GitHub Readme Streak Stats Demo site that enables you to customise the look of your widget with a live preview. Enter your username at the top. Then, you have the option for basic configuration such as changing to another existing theme, hiding the border, and changing the date format and locale. You can expand the Advanced Options section to find the opportunity to fully customise each element of the widget. Regardless of how you do it, you'll want to click Copy To Clipboard to get the Markdown for your customised widget.
The following is the Markdown for a fully customised widget.
![GitHub Streak](
It would render into your profile as follows.
The author makes easy to configure so you can design a widget that matches your style and your profile. Play around with the settings and see what you can make out of it!
Check out the Github Readme Streak Stats README for more details on different ways to use and customise this widget.
The GitHub Profile Trophy tool allows you to display a set of dynamically generated GitHub stats trophies on your profile. There is a Quick Start in the documentation that provides Markdown for the default settings for this widget, as well as showing the Markdown for configuring an optional theme. Further down the page, you'll find a list of available themes including each theme rendered and the URL necessary to enable it.
This is the Markdown for the widget with default settings.
It would render in your profile as follows.
This is the Markdown if you choose to enable the onedark theme.
When included in your profile, it would render as follows.
The documentation for the GitHub Profile Trophy tool is extensive. In terms of information, it includes what the individual ranks mean, as explaining each element within a single trophy. In terms of configuration, it shows how to filter by various details, how to change the layout, and much more. If you're interested in changing this widget up, check out the docs!
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