We've got a new machine here at Adafruit, it can uncover your deepest desires. Don't believe me? I'll turn it on right now to prove it to you! What, you want your very own...
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Lots of microcontrollers these days have USB ports on them, to program or debug, act like a keyboard or disk drive, or simply send data between a computer and your firmware. But...
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This is the FeatherWing Doubler - a prototyping add-on and more for all Feather boards. This is similar to our
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These nice switches are perfect for use with breadboard and perfboard projects. They have 0.1" spacing and snap in nicely into a solderless breadboard. They're easy to switch...
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Lithium-ion polymer (also known as 'lipo' or 'lipoly') batteries are thin, light, and powerful. The output ranges from 4.2V when completely charged to 3.7V. This...
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Silicone-sheathing wire is super-flexible and soft, and its also strong! Able to handle up to 200°C and up to 600V, it will do when PVC covered wire wimps out. We like this wire...
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Add a good quality, slim keyboard to your Raspberry Pi, Beagle Bone Black or other mini-computer with this sleek black chiclet keyboard. It's a full QWERTY keyboard with a USB cable...
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Totaling 380 pieces, this M2.5 Screw Set is a must-have for your workstation. You'll have enough screws, nuts, and hex standoffs to fuel your maker...
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Totaling 420 pieces, this M3 Screw Set is a must-have for your workstation. You'll have enough screws, nuts, and hex standoffs to fuel...
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