Driver Update
The QT Py ESP32 Pico board will need a driver update before installing the WLED firmware. Head over to our How to Install Drivers for WCH USB to Serial Chips tutorial, and download and install the new driver.
Install WLED
These next steps require a Web Serial-compatible browser. As of this writing, that means Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Opera “desktop” browsers. Other browsers (Safari, Firefox, Explorer and anything mobile) won’t work.
Plug your microcontroller into your computer with a known good power+data USB cable. Click "Install" and select the port for your board.
Depending on the USB-to-serial bridge chip on the board, you might see one or two serial ports. On Mac, for instance, there might be both “/dev/cu.usbmodem[number]” and “/dev/cu.wchusbserial[number]”. Use the “wchusbserial” one.
After successful installation, enter your WiFi network name and password when prompted.
WiFi Setup
In the WLED interface, locate and click on the Config icon in the top menu. Then, click on the WiFi Setup button. Under the mDNS address section, enter a desired name for your project. This will make connecting to your project from the web browser easier.
Click the Save button when finished.
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