Install Magnets into Bottom Half
Insert and glue a magnet into a magnet tab in the bottom half of the sphere. Allow the glue to dry before continuing to the next tabs.
Install Magnets in Top Half
Check polarity of the magnets for the top half of the sphere before installing.
Insert and glue a magnet into a magnet tab in the top half of the sphere. Allow the glue to dry before continuing to the next tabs.
Install LED Strip to Bottom Half
Start hot glueing the 85x NeoPixel LED strip to the bottom half of the sphere.
Install the first NeoPixel LED to the hole closest to the slot.
Add a small drop of hot glue to the hole. Then, carefully place the LED onto the hot glue and hold for a few seconds.
Repeat this process, going in a spiral direction until all LEDs are hot glued.
Glue Bottom Strip Edges
NeoPixel LED #66 – #85 will need to be glued to the edge of the sphere's bottom half.
Lean the dome on it's side to prevent the hot glue from drooping down. Add a small drop of hot glue to the hole halves and carefully place the LEDs onto the edge. Hold for a few seconds to allow the hot glue to dry.
Repeat this process until all LEDs are glued to the edges.
Glued Bottom Strip
Take a moment to check all of the NeoPixel LEDs have been properly hot glued to the holes.
Install LED strip to Top Half
Start attaching the second LED strip to the top half of the sphere beginning with the first LED hot glued to the edges. Then, continue attaching in a spiral direction.
Connect Strip to BFF
Grab the 3-pin JST PH connector from the bottom LED strip and plug it into the NeoPixel BFF driver board.
Connect USB to QT Py
Grab the USB-C cable from USB-C breakout that's secured to the bottom cover and plug it into the QT Py's USB-C port.
Installed QT Py & BFF
Pull the QT Py & NeoPixel BFF driver board through the top of the center pillar. It should freely stay in place.
Install Bottom Cover
Orient the bottom cover with the center pillar of the bottom half so the USB port is aligned with the USB cut out.
Secured Bottom Cover
Firmly press the edges of the bottom cover so they snap fit into the center pillar of the bottom half of the sphere.
Connect Strips
Grab the 3-pin connectors from the top and bottom strips and then plug them together.
Connected Strips
Orient the two halves so the order of the strips allow the continuity of the spiral direction.
Closing Halves
Carefully join the two halves together, making sure all of the wires and connectors are fitted inside the sphere.
Closed Dome
Congratulations on your build! Connect a USB-C cable to the USB-C breakout and provide power using a 5V 2A USB power supply.
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