f you don't have it already, you will need the Arduino IDE installed on your computer to upload this sketch to the Metro M4 . You will find information on installing Arduino in this learning guide. You will also need to configure the Metro M4 to work with the Arduino IDE. There are articles for setting up the Metro M4 Express and M4 Express Airlift with Arduino and other environments in the Adafruit Learning Guides site.
Installing The Libraries
For this sketch, you will need to install these libraries:
- Adafruit EPD (ePaper display) library
- Adafruit GFX library
- Adafruit BusIO library
- Adafruit NeoPixel library
All of these libraries can be installed directly from the IDE. Select the menu item, Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries. From the Library Manager Window, enter the words adafruit epd in the search box and you should see the Adafruit EPD library appear. Click the box where the library appears and then click the "Install" button to install the library. Be sure to install the latest version of the library.
In the same manner, install the Adafruit GFX and NeoPixel libraries by searching the words adafruit gfx and neopixel, respectively, to install the latest versions of these libraries.
Once you have the Arduino IDE setup, you are ready to install the ePaper Maze Maker. It is available from GitHub by clicking the links at the top of the code below.
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Dan Cogliano for Adafruit Industries // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT /* Program to automatically generate maze puzzles * * For use with Adafruit Metro M4 Express Airlift or Metro M4 and tricolor e-Paper Display Shield * * Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code. * Please support Adafruit and open source hardware by purchasing * products from Adafruit.com! * * Written by Dan Cogliano for Adafruit Industries * Copyright (c) 2019 Adafruit Industries MIT License, all text must be preserved */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> // Core graphics library #include <Adafruit_EPD.h> #include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> #define SRAM_CS 8 #define EPD_CS 10 #define EPD_DC 9 #define EPD_RESET -1 #define EPD_BUSY -1 #define NEOPIXELPIN 40 /* This is for the 2.7" tricolor EPD */ Adafruit_IL91874 gfx(264, 176 ,EPD_DC, EPD_RESET, EPD_CS, SRAM_CS, EPD_BUSY); Adafruit_NeoPixel neopixel = Adafruit_NeoPixel(1, NEOPIXELPIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); #define MEM_MAX 20000 // print character to use when printing to terminal #define BLOCK_CHAR 'X' #define BOTTOM 0x01 #define RIGHT 0x02 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 // convert block # to x, y coordinate #define GETX(item,width) (item % width) #define GETY(item,width) (item / width) #define COORD(item,width)(String("[") + String(GETX(item,width)) + "," + String(GETY(item,width)) + String("]")) /* global variables defined here */ char *maze=NULL; // pointer to maze wall data uint16_t *mazepath=NULL; // pointer to maze path data uint16_t *mazesolution=NULL; // pointer to maze solution uint16_t solutioncount = 0; int sizex=0, sizey=0; /* maze size */ int cellsize = 10; // larger the cellsize, easier the puzzle, in pixels int lwidth = 3; // maze wall width, in pixels /* init_maze(cs, lw) initializes maze memory. cs - cell size in pixels (smaller cell = harder maze) lw - line width in pixels example: init_maze(7,2) will use 7 pixel boxes with 2 pixel maze wall width and 3 pixel solution line width (cs - lw - 2) Maze size is based on cs value and ePaper screen size */ void init_maze(int cs, int lw) { // use max size allowable cellsize = cs; lwidth = lw; sizex = gfx.width()/cellsize; sizey = gfx.height()/cellsize; Serial.println("maze size: " + String(sizex) + " x " + String(sizey)); if(sizex < 1 || sizey < 1 || (long)sizex*sizey > MEM_MAX) { Serial.println("Invalid values entered for maze size\n"); Serial.println("Maze must be at least 4 x 4\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } long incr; for(incr=0; incr < (gfx.width()/5) * (gfx.height()/5); incr++) { if(incr==0) maze[incr]=0; else if(incr < sizex) maze[incr]=BOTTOM; else if((incr%sizex)==0) maze[incr]=RIGHT; else maze[incr]=BOTTOM|RIGHT; mazepath[incr]=incr; } } /* * getDirection(pos1, pos2) get the direction between two points * return 1: x direction * 2: y direction */ int getDirection(uint16_t pos1, uint16_t pos2) { int x1, y1, x2, y2, diffx, diffy; x1 = GETX(pos1,sizex); y1 = GETY(pos1,sizex); x2 = GETX(pos2,sizex); y2 = GETY(pos2,sizex); diffx = x2 - x1; diffy = y2 - y1; //Serial.println( "getDirection: " + COORD(pos1,sizex) + "," + COORD(pos2,sizex) + "," + String(diffx) + "," + String(diffy)); if(diffy == 0) return 1; if(diffx == 0) return 2; return 0; //diagonal? } /* * solve_r() - recursive solve routine, called by solve() */ bool solve_r(uint16_t finish, uint16_t pos, uint16_t prevpos, uint8_t dir) { if(pos == prevpos) { Serial.println("same square, backing up"); solutioncount--; // same square, need to back up from here return false; } mazesolution[solutioncount++] = pos; if(pos == finish) { Serial.println("Solved in " + String(solutioncount) + " moves"); return true; } uint16_t posx, posy, newx, newy, newpos; /* * directions: * 0: north * 1: west * 2: south * 3: east */ posy = GETY(pos, sizex); posx = GETX(pos, sizex); //Serial.println("trying square " + COORD(pos, sizex) + " at direction " + dir); switch(dir) { case 0: // north newx = posx; newy = posy - 1; newpos = newy * sizex + newx; if((maze[newpos] & BOTTOM) == 0) { return solve_r(finish, newpos, pos, 3); } break; case 1: // west newx = posx - 1; newy = posy; newpos = newy * sizex + newx; if((maze[newpos] & RIGHT) == 0) { return solve_r(finish, newpos, pos, 0); } break; case 2: // south newx = posx; newy = posy + 1; newpos = newy * sizex + newx; if((maze[pos] & BOTTOM) == 0) { return solve_r(finish, newpos, pos, 1); } break; case 3: // east newx = posx + 1; newy = posy; newpos = newy * sizex + newx; if((maze[pos] & RIGHT) == 0) { return solve_r(finish, newpos, pos, 2); } break; } dir = (dir + 1) %4; //Serial.println("next direction " + String(dir)); solutioncount--; return solve_r(finish, pos, prevpos, dir); } /* * solve() - solve the maze */ void solve() { uint16_t start = 0; uint16_t finish = 0; for(int i = 1; i < sizex; i++) { if((maze[i] & BOTTOM) == 0) { start = i + sizex;// start at row below break; } } for(int i = (sizey-1)*sizex + 1; i < (sizey*sizex); i++) { if((maze[i] & BOTTOM) == 0) { finish = i; break; } } solutioncount = 0; //Serial.println("maze start: " + COORD(start, sizex) + ", finish: " + COORD(finish, sizex)); mazesolution[solutioncount++] = start; solve_r(finish, start, start - gfx.width(), 1); // remove dead end moves int solutionpos = 0; while(solutionpos < solutioncount) { //Serial.println("solution pos: " + String(solutionpos) + COORD(mazesolution[solutionpos], sizex) // + ", solution count: " + String(solutioncount)); for(int i = solutioncount - 1; i > solutionpos; i--) { if(mazesolution[solutionpos] == mazesolution[i]) { // remove dead end paths //Serial.println("removing " + String(i - solutionpos) + " duplicate path items"); for(int j = 0; j < (solutioncount - solutionpos); j++) { mazesolution[solutionpos + j] = mazesolution[i + j]; } solutioncount -= i - solutionpos; } } solutionpos++; } Serial.println("Solution reduced to " + String(solutioncount) + " moves"); /* // print out solution for(int i = 0; i < solutioncount; i++) { Serial.println(String(i) + ": " + COORD(mazesolution[i], sizex)); } */ } /* * print_epaper_maze() prints the maze on the ePaper device, optionally showing solution */ void print_epaper_maze(bool showsolution = false) { int xcenter = 0 - cellsize/2;// + (gfx.width() - sizex*cellsize)/2; int ycenter = 0 - cellsize/2;// + (gfx.height() - sizey*cellsize) / 2; Serial.println("maze centering adjustment: " + String(xcenter)+ ", " + String(ycenter)); gfx.powerUp(); gfx.clearBuffer(); neopixel.setPixelColor(0, neopixel.Color(0, 255, 0)); neopixel.show(); // draw horizontal lines for(int incry = 0; incry < sizey; incry++) { int xstart = -1; int xend = -1; for(int incrx = 0; incrx < sizex; incrx++) { if((*(maze+incry*sizex+incrx)&BOTTOM)!=0 && xstart == -1) { xstart = incrx; } else if((*(maze+incry*sizex+incrx)&BOTTOM)==0 && xstart != -1) { xend = incrx; gfx.fillRect(xcenter + xstart*cellsize,ycenter + (incry+1)*cellsize,(xend - xstart)*cellsize+lwidth,lwidth,EPD_BLACK); xstart = -1; xend = -1; } } if(xstart != -1) { // finish line xend = sizex; gfx.fillRect(xcenter + xstart*cellsize,ycenter + (incry+1)*cellsize,(xend - xstart)*cellsize+lwidth,lwidth,EPD_BLACK); xstart = -1; xend = -1; } } // draw vertical lines for(int incrx = 0; incrx < sizex; incrx++) { int ystart = -1; int yend = -1; for(int incry = 0; incry < sizey; incry++) { if((*(maze+incry*sizex+incrx)&RIGHT)!=0 && incry > 0 && ystart == -1) { ystart = incry; } else if((*(maze+incry*sizex+incrx)&RIGHT)==0 && incry > 0 && ystart != -1) { yend = incry; gfx.fillRect(xcenter + (incrx+1)*cellsize,ycenter + ystart*cellsize,lwidth,(yend - ystart)*cellsize+lwidth,EPD_BLACK); ystart = -1; yend = -1; } } if(ystart != -1) { // finish line yend = sizey; gfx.fillRect(xcenter + (incrx+1)*cellsize,ycenter + ystart*cellsize,lwidth,(yend - ystart)*cellsize+lwidth,EPD_BLACK); } } if(showsolution) { /* // mouse droppings version for(int i = 0; i < solutioncount; i++) { gfx.fillRect(xcenter + GETX(mazesolution[i],sizex) * cellsize + lwidth, ycenter + GETY(mazesolution[i],sizex) * cellsize + lwidth, cellsize - lwidth, cellsize - lwidth, EPD_RED); } */ // line drawn version int rectx, recty, rectwidth, rectheight, rectstart, rectend; int dir; int linestart = mazesolution[0]; int lineend = mazesolution[1]; int lastdir = getDirection(linestart,lineend); int i = 1; // draw startline rectx = xcenter + GETX(mazesolution[0],sizex)*cellsize + lwidth + 1; recty = 0 - ycenter; rectwidth = cellsize - lwidth - 2; rectheight = ycenter + cellsize + lwidth + 1; gfx.fillRect(rectx, recty, rectwidth, rectheight, EPD_RED); //Serial.println("starting rectangle @ " + String(rectx) + "," + String(recty) + ": " + String(rectwidth) + " by " + String(rectheight)); while(i < solutioncount) { lineend = mazesolution[i]; if ((dir = getDirection(linestart,mazesolution[i+1])) != lastdir) { rectstart = linestart; rectend = lineend; if(((GETX(lineend,sizex) - GETX(linestart,sizex)) < 0) || ((GETY(lineend,sizex) - GETY(linestart,sizex)) > 0)) { rectstart = lineend; rectend = linestart; } switch(lastdir) { default: rectwidth = rectheight = cellsize - lwidth - 2; break; case 1: // x direction rectwidth = (abs(GETX(lineend,sizex) - GETX(linestart,sizex)) + 1)*cellsize - lwidth - 2; rectheight = cellsize - lwidth - 2; break; case 2: // y direction rectwidth = cellsize - lwidth - 2; rectheight = (abs(GETY(lineend,sizex) - GETY(linestart,sizex)) + 1)*cellsize - lwidth - 2; break; } rectx = xcenter + GETX(rectstart,sizex)*cellsize + lwidth + 1; recty = ycenter + GETY(rectend,sizex)*cellsize + lwidth + 1; gfx.fillRect(rectx, recty, rectwidth, rectheight, EPD_RED); //Serial.println("draw line from " + COORD(linestart,sizex) + " to " + COORD(lineend,sizex)); //Serial.println("rectangle @ " + COORD(rectstart,sizex) + ": " + String(rectwidth) + " by " + String(rectheight)); linestart = lineend; //lastdir = dir; lastdir = getDirection(linestart,mazesolution[i+1]); } else i++; } // draw endline rectx = xcenter + GETX(mazesolution[solutioncount-1],sizex)*cellsize + lwidth + 1; recty = ycenter + GETY(mazesolution[solutioncount-1],sizex)*cellsize + lwidth + 1; rectwidth = cellsize - lwidth - 2; rectheight = cellsize ; gfx.fillRect(rectx, recty, rectwidth, rectheight, EPD_RED); //Serial.println("ending rectangle @ " + String(rectx) + "," + String(recty) + ": " + String(rectwidth) + " by " + String(rectheight)); } gfx.display(); Serial.println("display update completed"); gfx.powerDown(); neopixel.setPixelColor(0, neopixel.Color(0, 0, 0)); neopixel.show(); } /* print_block_maze() prints out the maze using the specified block character. This was the print routine for the original maze program. You can use it to print mazes to the terminal. */ void print_block_maze() { int incrx, incry, incr2; char buff[5]; for(incry=0; incry < sizey; incry++) { for(incr2=0; incr2 < 2; incr2++) { for(incrx=0; incrx < sizex; incrx++) { switch(incr2) { case 0: strcpy(buff," "); if(incry > 0) { if((*(maze+incry*sizex+incrx)&RIGHT)!=0) buff[1]=BLOCK_CHAR; } Serial.print(buff); break; case 1: strcpy(buff," "); if((*(maze+incry*sizex+incrx)&BOTTOM)!=0 && incrx > 0) buff[0]=BLOCK_CHAR; if(((incry < (sizey-1)) && ((*(maze+(incry+1)*sizex+incrx)&RIGHT)!=0))|| (buff[0]==BLOCK_CHAR)|| (incrx==0) || ((*(maze+incry*sizex+incrx)&RIGHT)!=0) || ((incrx < (sizex-1)) && ((*(maze+incry*sizex+incrx+1)&&BOTTOM)!=0))) buff[1]=BLOCK_CHAR; Serial.print(buff); break; } } Serial.println(); } } } /* cell_join() joins two cells together, effectively breaking down a wall within the maze. */ void cell_join(int cell1, int cell2) { int incr,val; val=*(mazepath+cell2); /* set mazepath value */ //for(incr=0; incr < sizex*sizey; incr++) for(incr = sizex*sizey-1; incr >= 0; incr--) if(*(mazepath+incr)==val) *(mazepath+incr)=*(mazepath+cell1); /* set graphics */ if(cell1+1 == cell2) /* open right wall */ *(maze+cell1)=*(maze+cell1)&~RIGHT; else /* open bottom wall */ *(maze+cell1)=*(maze+cell1)&~BOTTOM; } /* connect() attempts to connect two squares together, returning FALSE if the attempt failed */ int connect(int cell) { int incr; int cellcheck[2]; /* adjacent cell attempts */ /* check if cell is a border, if so, return false */ if((cell < sizex) /* top line */ ||((cell%sizex)==0)) /* left line */ return(FALSE); /* determine order of cell attempts */ cellcheck[0]=random(2); cellcheck[1]=(cellcheck[0]+1)%2; /* check cells to see if can be connected */ for(incr=0; incr < 2; incr++) { if((GETX(cell,sizex)==(sizex-1))&&(cellcheck[incr]==0)) continue; // do not attempt to open right edge of maze //if((cell > (sizex*(sizey-1)))&&(cellcheck[incr]==1)) if((GETY(cell,sizex)==(sizey-1))&&(cellcheck[incr]==1)) continue; // do not attempt to open bottom edge of maze if(*(mazepath+cell)!=*(mazepath+cell+1+cellcheck[incr]*(sizex-1))) { cell_join(cell,cell+1+cellcheck[incr]*(sizex-1)); return(TRUE); } } return(FALSE); } /* generate() is the function that generates a random maze. It calls connect() (which, in turn, calls cell_join()) to generate the maze. */ void generate() { int cell,checkcell,incr,complete; do { complete=TRUE; /* pick a random cell */ cell=sizex + random(sizex*(sizey-1)); /* find the next cell that can be connected */ for(incr=0; incr < sizex*sizey; incr++) { checkcell=(incr+cell)%(sizex*sizey); if((checkcell < sizex)||((checkcell%sizex)==0)) continue; if(connect(checkcell)) { complete=FALSE; break; } } } while(!complete); /* break walls for start and end of maze, near center */ cell=sizex/4+(long)random(sizex/2); *(maze+cell)=*(maze+cell)&~BOTTOM; cell=sizex/4+(long)random(sizex/2)+sizex*(sizey-1); *(maze+cell)=*(maze+cell)&~BOTTOM; } /* * error() display error message and blink red neopixel */ void error(const char *err) { Serial.println(err); while(1) { neopixel.setPixelColor(0, neopixel.Color(255, 0, 0)); neopixel.show(); delay(400); neopixel.setPixelColor(0, neopixel.Color(0, 0, 0)); neopixel.show(); delay(100); } } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); //while(!Serial); delay(1000); Serial.println( "XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\n" "X Maze Generation Program X\n" "X Written by Dan Cogliano X\n" "X For Adafruit Industries X\n" "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX\n\n"); randomSeed(analogRead(0)); neopixel.begin(); neopixel.show(); gfx.begin(); Serial.println("ePaper display initialized"); gfx.clearBuffer(); gfx.setRotation(1); int w = gfx.width(); int h = gfx.height(); // assuming cell size of 5 pixels is the smallest supported maze if((maze=(char *)malloc((w/5) * (h/5) * sizeof(char)))==NULL) { error("Not enough memory available for maze\n"); } if((mazepath=(uint16_t *)malloc((w/5) * (h)/5 * sizeof(uint16_t)))==NULL) { error("Not enough memory available for maze\n"); } if((mazesolution=(uint16_t *)malloc((w/5) * (h)/5 * sizeof(uint16_t)))==NULL) { error("Not enough memory available for maze\n"); } init_maze(14,4); generate(); //print_block_maze(); print_epaper_maze(); } /* * readButtons() to check if a button has been pressed */ int8_t readButtons(void) { uint16_t reading = analogRead(A3); //Serial.println(reading); if (reading > 600) { return 0; // no buttons pressed } if (reading > 400) { return 4; // button D pressed } if (reading > 250) { return 3; // button C pressed } if (reading > 125) { return 2; // button B pressed } return 1; // Button A pressed } void loop() { static bool showsolution = true; int button = readButtons(); if (button == 0) { return; } Serial.print("Button "); Serial.print(button); Serial.println(" pressed"); if (button == 1) { Serial.println("easy maze"); init_maze(14,4); generate(); //print_block_maze(); print_epaper_maze(); showsolution = true; } if (button == 2) { Serial.println("medium maze"); init_maze(10,3); generate(); //print_block_maze(); print_epaper_maze(); showsolution = true; } if (button == 3) { Serial.println("hard maze"); init_maze(7,2); //init_maze(5,1); // smallest/hardest maze supported generate(); //print_block_maze(); print_epaper_maze(); showsolution = true; } if (button == 4) { Serial.println("solve maze"); solve(); print_epaper_maze(showsolution); showsolution = !showsolution; } }
Page last edited January 21, 2025
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