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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Melissa LeBlanc-Williams for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import os import subprocess import random import json import re from datetime import datetime import board import displayio import adafruit_dotstar from adafruit_st7789 import ST7789 IMAGE_FOLDER = "images" listen_command = "/usr/bin/voice2json transcribe-stream | /usr/bin/voice2json recognize-intent" speak_command = "/usr/bin/voice2json speak-sentence '{}'" pattern = re.compile(r'(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])') dots = adafruit_dotstar.DotStar(board.D6, board.D5, 3, brightness=0.2, pixel_order=adafruit_dotstar.RBG) dots.fill(0) colors = { 'red': 0xff0000, 'green': 0x00ff00, 'blue': 0x0000ff, 'yellow': 0xffff00, 'orange': 0xff8800, 'purple': 0x8800ff, 'white': 0xffffff, 'off': 0 } lights = ['left', 'middle', 'right'] def get_time(): now = speak("The time is {}".format(now.strftime("%-I:%M %p"))) def display_picture(category): path = os.getcwd() + "/" + IMAGE_FOLDER + "/" + category print("Showing a random image from {}".format(category)) load_image(path + "/" + get_random_file(path)) def get_random_file(folder): filenames = [] for item in os.listdir(folder): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder, item)) and item.endswith((".jpg", ".bmp", ".gif")): filenames.append(item) if len(filenames): return filenames[random.randrange(len(filenames))] return None def load_image(path): "Load an image from the path" if len(splash): splash.pop() # CircuitPython 6 & 7 compatible bitmap = displayio.OnDiskBitmap(open(path, "rb")) sprite = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap, pixel_shader=getattr(bitmap, 'pixel_shader', displayio.ColorConverter())) # # CircuitPython 7+ compatible # bitmap = displayio.OnDiskBitmap(path) # sprite = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap, pixel_shader=bitmap.pixel_shader) splash.append(sprite) def change_light_color(lightname, color): dotstar_number = lights.index(lightname) dots[dotstar_number] = colors[color] print("Setting Dotstar {} to 0x{:06X}".format(dotstar_number, colors[color])) def speak(sentence): for output_line in shell_command(speak_command.format(sentence)): print(output_line, end='') def shell_command(cmd): popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) for stdout_line in iter(popen.stdout.readline, ""): yield stdout_line popen.stdout.close() return_code = popen.wait() if return_code: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(return_code, cmd) def process_output(line): data = json.loads(line) if not data['timeout'] and data['intent']['name']: func_name = pattern.sub('_', data['intent']['name']).lower() if func_name in globals(): globals()[func_name](**data['slots']) displayio.release_displays() spi = board.SPI() tft_cs = board.CE0 tft_dc = board.D25 tft_lite = board.D26 display_bus = displayio.FourWire(spi, command=tft_dc, chip_select=tft_cs) display = ST7789( display_bus, width=240, height=240, rowstart=80, rotation=180, backlight_pin=tft_lite, ) splash = displayio.Group() display.root_group = splash for output_line in shell_command(listen_command): process_output(output_line)
If you haven't already done so, be sure to copy sentences.ini over to ~/.config/voice2json
folder that was created during the Profile Installation step in the Raspberry Pi Setup.
The lib folder can be ignored since you should have already installed the necessary libraries during the Raspberry Pi Setup.
The file and images folder should be uploaded to the home folder of your Raspberry Pi. Once you have everything in place, start it up by typing:
Wait until it says Ready in the terminal and then you can begin speaking. You can ask it to tell you the time, to display a cat or adafruit image, or to set the left, middle, or right lights to red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, or off.
Here's a video of the demo in action:
Demo Code Walkthrough
Next we're going to go over the demo code section by section. First, you'll notice quite a few imports. Most of these are standard python imports, but here's the purpose of the different imports:
- os and random are used to get a list of files and folders for automatically finding images and randomly select one.
- subprocess is used to to run the Voice2JSON file from within Python
- json is used to decode the output from Voice2JSON
- re is the regular expression library and is used to convert the Intent names to proper Python function names to make adding new ones easier
- datetime is used for getting the current Date and Time
- displayio is the Display library which was rewritten to run with Blinka
- The remaining libraries are CircuitPython libraries for accessing various BrainCraft accessories
import os import subprocess import random import json import re from datetime import datetime import board import displayio import adafruit_dotstar from adafruit_st7789 import ST7789
Next are a few settings including the name of the images folder, the Voice2JSON commands for listening and speaking, and a pre-compiled regular expression pattern to speed things up a bit.
IMAGE_FOLDER = "images" listen_command = "/usr/bin/voice2json transcribe-stream | /usr/bin/voice2json recognize-intent" speak_command = "/usr/bin/voice2json speak-sentence '{}'" pattern = re.compile(r'(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])')
After that, the DotStars are initialized and set to off.
dots = adafruit_dotstar.DotStar(board.D6, board.D5, 3, brightness=0.2, pixel_order=adafruit_dotstar.RBG) dots.fill(0)
Then there are a couple of data structures used to provide meaning to the recognized values. The colors will translate the name to the actual value displayed on the DotStar. Altering these values would change the color displayed.
The lights list is just to give positional information to the name. Altering these values would change the order that it thinks the DotStars are in.
colors = { 'red': 0xff0000, 'green': 0x00ff00, 'blue': 0x0000ff, 'yellow': 0xffff00, 'orange': 0xff8800, 'purple': 0x8800ff, 'white': 0xffffff, 'off': 0 } lights = ['left', 'middle', 'right']
Next is the get_time()
function. It really just reads the current time, formats it, and uses the speak function which we will get into more detail further down.
def get_time(): now = speak("The time is {}".format(now.strftime("%-I:%M %p")))
Next up are the picture display functions. The display_picture()
function is the main handler and starts off by getting the full path to the image folder and passing it into get_random_file()
The get_random_file()
function does exactly what it sounds like, it randomly returns a file inside the specified path. It starts off by getting all files and filters them down to image files. Then it selects one at random and returns it.
The load_image()
function will clear any existing sprite from the main splash group and then create a new sprite from the image located at the specified path and display it on the screen.
def display_picture(category): path = os.getcwd() + "/" + IMAGE_FOLDER + "/" + category print("Showing a random image from {}".format(category)) load_image(path + "/" + get_random_file(path)) def get_random_file(folder): filenames = [] for item in os.listdir(folder): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder, item)) and item.endswith((".jpg", ".bmp", ".gif")): filenames.append(item) if len(filenames): return filenames[random.randrange(len(filenames))] return None def load_image(path): "Load an image from the path" if len(splash): splash.pop() # CircuitPython 6 & 7 compatible bitmap = displayio.OnDiskBitmap(open(path, "rb")) sprite = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap, pixel_shader=getattr(bitmap, 'pixel_shader', displayio.ColorConverter())) # # CircuitPython 7+ compatible # bitmap = displayio.OnDiskBitmap(path) # sprite = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap, pixel_shader=bitmap.pixel_shader) splash.append(sprite)
The change_light_color()
function is the handler for changing lights. It will change the light at the specified position to the specified color. It starts off by figuring out the DotStar index by looking up the position name, then sets the DotStar at that index to the corresponding color value.
def change_light_color(lightname, color): dotstar_number = lights.index(lightname) dots[dotstar_number] = colors[color] print("Setting Dotstar {} to 0x{:06X}".format(dotstar_number, colors[color]))
Finally, there's the speak()
function, which simply takes the value of speak_command
, substitutes in the specified text, and runs the command using the shell_command()
def speak(sentence): for output_line in shell_command(speak_command.format(sentence)): print(output_line, end='')
The shell_command()
function is where a lot of the magic happens. It is responsible for running the given command in a subprocess and returning any output. It will keep running and yielding output until the subprocess has completely finished running.
def shell_command(cmd): popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) for stdout_line in iter(popen.stdout.readline, ""): yield stdout_line popen.stdout.close() return_code = popen.wait() if return_code: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(return_code, cmd)
The process_output()
function is the main JSON processing function. It starts off by decoding the JSON and making sure to only process if a timeout hadn't occurred, which happens regularly from Voice2JSON when no speech is detected.
If it detects genuine recognition, it will take the given Intent name and convert it to a Python function. All of the Intent names are defined in the sentences.ini file. It will make sure the function has been defined by looking in globals() and call it if it has.
The slots are the parameters that are defined in the sentences.ini file in curly braces. The **
operator (double asterisk) is used for keyword argument unpacking and will pass the parameters in as function arguments automatically. The parameter and function argument names must match.
def process_output(line): data = json.loads(line) if not data['timeout'] and data['intent']['name']: func_name = pattern.sub('_', data['intent']['name']).lower() if func_name in globals(): globals()[func_name](**data['slots'])
The next bit of code is standard displayio setup for the display on the BrainCraft HAT.
displayio.release_displays() spi = board.SPI() tft_cs = board.CE0 tft_dc = board.D25 tft_lite = board.D26 isplay_bus = displayio.FourWire(spi, command=tft_dc, chip_select=tft_cs) display = ST7789( display_bus, width=240, height=240, rowstart=80, rotation=180, backlight_pin=tft_lite, ) splash = displayio.Group()
Finally, is the code to run the main listen_command
and process the output. If you've been programming in Python for a while, you may notice there is no main while loop. That's because the Voice2JSON is run inside of a subprocess and since it has a main loop, it isn't necessary to add one.
for output_line in shell_command(listen_command): process_output(output_line)
Page last edited January 22, 2025
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