Light up your favorite Easter eggs and display them for all to see! We'll make a simple paper-crafted stand from a dixie cup, hook up the NeoPixel lights, and choose colors with drag-and-drop code using Microsoft MakeCode.
This is an easy, crafty project that's great to do with kids. Hook up the lights and let each egg's artist may choose the perfect color, or make the lights display a pretty animated rainbow.
We've also included a 3D printed stand tutorial for those artists ready for the next level of awesomeness.
This project is simple and fun, and kids will adore seeing their creations come to life with colored light.

You'll Also Need
- Fresh Eggs (not hard-boiled)
- Dixie Cups
- Scissors
- A needle or pin
- An awl or other poking device
- A small hammer
Electronics Tools
- Wire Strippers
- A small phillips head screwdriver
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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