Watch IO feeds on a TV
You can display Adafruit IO data on any DVI or HDMI display with the Raspberry Pi Pico W and Adafruit’s Pi CowBell DVI Output.
This Pi CowBell add-on board is designed to work with the Raspberry Pi Pico W and lets you display images and graphics to any HDMI monitor or TV.
The Adafruit Proto Pi CowBell Doubler puts the Pico and an add-on board side by side with additional ports, pinouts and LiPo battery charging.
Monitor Multiple Feeds
We designed and 3D printed a mounting plate to house the Proto Doubler. We secured it to the back of our 7 inch HDMI display which has VESA compatible mounting holes.
A SCD-41 C02 and humidity sensor is set up to log data to an Adafruit IO feed. We also have a DS18B20 waterproof sensor logging our pool’s temperature.
Using this Pico DVI AIO project, we’re able to display data from both of our sensor nodes on our HDMI monitor.
This is a great way to display sensor data on any HDMI TV especially for workshops or educational office spaces.
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