Next, heat up your soldering iron and clear off your desk.
Place the circuit board in a vise so that you can easily work on it.
Place the two 2.2K resistors, and the ceramic capacitor. They are symmetric so no need to worry about direction. If you're planning on using with a Raspberry Pi (which has 3.3V logic and built in pull-ups, skip the 2.2K resistors!
Then place the crystal (also symmetric), the battery holder (goes on so that the battery can slip in the side) and the RTC chip.
The RTC chip must be placed so that the notch/dot on the end match the silkscreen. Look at the photo on the left, the notch is pointing down. Double check this before soldering in the chip because its quite hard to undo!
Then flip over the board and solder all the pins.
Solder them in place.
You MUST have a coin cell installed for the RTC to work, if there is no coin cell, it will act strangly and possibly hang the Arduino so ALWAYS make SURE there's a battery installed, even if its a dead battery.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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