With the basic blink and strandtest now tested, let’s install some additional stuff…
Download and install the Adafruit Arduino Zero ASF Core and Adafruit_ZeroDMA libraries. This is most easily done through the Arduino Library Manager…but if you’re oldschool, here’s the links:
Then download and extract the ZIP file containing the code for this project:
In this archive are two folders:
The first, “Arduino,” contains the OPCstreamSD sketch for the Feather M0 board (ignore the OPCserver sketch, it’s not used in this project).
The second, “Processing,” contains several Open Pixel Control demos for use with the Processing programming language. These will run on your main computer (desktop or laptop).
OPC clients can be written in many programming languages, but we’ll use Processing (a derivative of Java) as it’s free, cross-platform (runs on Windows, Mac and Linux) and is focused on visual arts.
Processing Downloads Page
For now, we recommend downloading the version 2.2.1 release of Processing for your operating system. The 3.X series introduced some significant changes that aren’t always compatible with existing Processing code.
Processing looks a lot like the Arduino IDE (in fact, the Arduino IDE derived from the same code base). This can be confusing because Arduino sketches don’t work in Processing, nor vice versa. Make sure you’re loading sketches into the correct IDE for each.
Page last edited May 06, 2016
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