DotStars are super fast clocking pixels that achieve a persistence-of-vision look with moving LED patterns. This project uses DotStars and the FastLED code library to create stardust magic.
Swing your dance fans slowly to mesmerise your audience with the sparkly, pretty lights. Swing them fast, and magical patterns and pictures appear. Look closely and you may see the spiders from Mars or the cats from Japan.
Three modes are included in the code, and you can easily add your own or modify the existing ones.
Let all the children boogie.
Crafty Stuff:
- Sheet of acrylic plastic, at least 9" x 18", and 1/8" thick
- 1 yd sparkly fabric or silk
- Devcon Silicone Adhesive (1 tube per fan)
- E6000 glue
Tools & Misc
- Soldering iron & solder
- Heat shrink tubing
- Hot glue gun
- 26awg wire in assorted colors
- 3D printer (optional)
- Band saw or multi tool with a cutting attachment
Page last edited January 21, 2015
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