ANO Directional Navigation and Scroll Wheel Rotary Encoder
- ENCA to board SDA
- ENCB to board SCL
- COMA to board pin 5
- SW1 to board pin 6
- SW2 to board pin 9
- SW3 to board pin 10
- SW4 to board pin 11
- SW5 to board pin 12
- COMB to board pin 13
Mode Slide Switch
- Switch pin 1 to board GND
- Switch pin 2 to board pin A1
Power Slide Switch
- Switch pin 1 to board GND
- Switch pin 2 to board EN
The rotary encoder has the perfect number of pins to slot into socket headers on the Feather nRF52840. The two slide switches are each soldered to the Feather nRF52840 with two pieces of wire.
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