You'll be able to log into Linux on the ESP32-S3 by using a serial connection.
Using your preferred serial client, open a serial connection with the hardware UART port on the ESP32-S3 at a 115200 baudrate.
Press the reset button on the ESP32-S3. In your serial monitor, you should see Linux booting up. When its ready, it will prompt you for a login. Enter root
. This will bring you to the filesystem.
You may see spurious FW_MAIN
print statements randomly pop up in your serial monitor. This is the WiFi core printing status messages and is normal for this build.
ip link set espsta0 up cat > /tmp/wpa_supplicant.conf <<EOF network={ ssid="YOUR-SSID-HERE" psk="YOUR-SSID-PASSWORD-HERE" } EOF wpa_supplicant -B -i espsta0 -c /tmp/wpa_supplicant.conf & udhcpc -i espsta0
with your network SSID and SSID password. This creates a wpa_supplicant
configuration file in the /tmp folder that will let you connect to a secured network.
You can test your network connection by pinging a URL with:
Press Control + C to stop pinging the URL. You should see packets transmitted.
Otherwise there isn't a lot more that you can do with this Linux installation. The following page will show you how to run the Buildroot menuconfig in the Docker container to customize the image and recompile it.
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