This project takes advantage of the fantastic TinyUSB Arduino library, which has both USB host and HID support. You'll need to install the necessary libraries and update the gamepad_report.h file as described on the previous page in this guide before uploading the code to your Feather RP2040 USB Host with the Arduino IDE.
Install the Libraries
You can install the libraries for this project using the Library Manager in the Arduino IDE.
Click the Manage Libraries... menu item, search for Adafruit TinyUSB Arduino, and select the Adafruit TinyUSB Library:
If asked about dependencies, click "Install all".
Then install the Pico PIO USB library. Click the Manage Libraries... menu item again, search for PIO USB, and select the Pico PIO USB library by sekigon-gonnoc:
Code Prep
The code consists of a main .ino program file and two header files. The header files store configuration for USB host on the RP2040 and HID device reports for your gamepad. You'll need all three of these files to properly compile and run the project. These files are available in the .ZIP folder below or on GitHub.
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Liz Clark for Adafruit Industries // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT /********************************************************************* Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing products from Adafruit! MIT license, check LICENSE for more information Copyright (c) 2019 Ha Thach for Adafruit Industries All text above, and the splash screen below must be included in any redistribution *********************************************************************/ /* This example demonstrates use of both device and host, where * - Device runs on native USB controller (roothub port0) * - Host depends on MCU: * - rp2040: bit-banging 2 GPIOs with Pico-PIO-USB library (roothub port1) * * Requirements: * - For rp2040: * - Pico-PIO-USB library * - 2 consecutive GPIOs: D+ is defined by PIN_USB_HOST_DP, D- = D+ +1 * - Provide VBus (5v) and GND for peripheral * - CPU Speed must be either 120 or 240 MHz. Selected via "Menu -> CPU Speed" */ // USBHost is defined in usbh_helper.h #include "usbh_helper.h" #include "tusb.h" #include "Adafruit_TinyUSB.h" #include "gamepad_reports.h" // HID report descriptor using TinyUSB's template // Single Report (no ID) descriptor uint8_t const desc_hid_report[] = { TUD_HID_REPORT_DESC_GAMEPAD() }; // USB HID object Adafruit_USBD_HID usb_hid; // Report payload defined in src/class/hid/hid.h // - For Gamepad Button Bit Mask see hid_gamepad_button_bm_t // - For Gamepad Hat Bit Mask see hid_gamepad_hat_t hid_gamepad_report_t gp; bool combo_active = false; void setup() { if (!TinyUSBDevice.isInitialized()) { TinyUSBDevice.begin(0); } Serial.begin(115200); // Setup HID usb_hid.setPollInterval(2); usb_hid.setReportDescriptor(desc_hid_report, sizeof(desc_hid_report)); usb_hid.begin(); // If already enumerated, additional class driverr begin() e.g msc, hid, midi won't take effect until re-enumeration if (TinyUSBDevice.mounted()) { TinyUSBDevice.detach(); delay(10); TinyUSBDevice.attach(); } } #if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_RP2040) //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // For RP2040 use both core0 for device stack, core1 for host stack //--------------------------------------------------------------------// //------------- Core0 -------------// void loop() { } //------------- Core1 -------------// void setup1() { // configure pio-usb: defined in usbh_helper.h rp2040_configure_pio_usb(); // run host stack on controller (rhport) 1 // Note: For rp2040 pico-pio-usb, calling USBHost.begin() on core1 will have most of the // host bit-banging processing works done in core1 to free up core0 for other works USBHost.begin(1); } void loop1() { USBHost.task(); Serial.flush(); if (combo_active) { turbo_button(); } } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // HID Host Callback Functions //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void tuh_hid_mount_cb(uint8_t dev_addr, uint8_t instance, uint8_t const* desc_report, uint16_t desc_len) { Serial.printf("HID device mounted (address %d, instance %d)\n", dev_addr, instance); // Start receiving HID reports if (!tuh_hid_receive_report(dev_addr, instance)) { Serial.printf("Error: cannot request to receive report\n"); } } void tuh_hid_umount_cb(uint8_t dev_addr, uint8_t instance) { Serial.printf("HID device unmounted (address %d, instance %d)\n", dev_addr, instance); } void turbo_button() { if (combo_active) { while (!usb_hid.ready()) { yield(); } Serial.println("A"); gp.buttons = GAMEPAD_BUTTON_A; usb_hid.sendReport(0, &gp, sizeof(gp)); Serial.println("off"); delay(2); gp.buttons = 0; usb_hid.sendReport(0, &gp, sizeof(gp)); delay(2); } } bool is_combo_detected(const uint8_t* combo, size_t combo_size, const uint8_t* report) { for (size_t i = 0; i < combo_size; i++) { uint8_t button = combo[i]; // Determine which byte the button is in and then check if it is pressed if (button & BUTTON_A || button & BUTTON_B || button & BUTTON_X || button & BUTTON_Y) { if ((report[BYTE_DPAD_BUTTONS] & button) != button) { return false; // Button is not pressed } } else if (button & BUTTON_LEFT_PADDLE || button & BUTTON_RIGHT_PADDLE || button & BUTTON_LEFT_TRIGGER || button & BUTTON_RIGHT_TRIGGER || button & BUTTON_BACK || button & BUTTON_START) { if ((report[BYTE_MISC_BUTTONS] & button) != button) { return false; // Button is not pressed } } } return true; // All buttons in the combo are pressed } void tuh_hid_report_received_cb(uint8_t dev_addr, uint8_t instance, uint8_t const* report, uint16_t len) { // Manage the combo state and print messages if ((is_combo_detected(combo_report, combo_size, report)) && !combo_active) { combo_active = true; Serial.println("combo!"); } else if ((is_combo_detected(combo_report, combo_size, report)) && combo_active) { combo_active = false; Serial.println("combo released!"); } // Handle analog stick inputs gp.x = (report[BYTE_LEFT_STICK_X] != LEFT_STICK_X_NEUTRAL) ? map(report[BYTE_LEFT_STICK_X], 0, 255, -127, 127) : 0; gp.y = (report[BYTE_LEFT_STICK_Y] != LEFT_STICK_Y_NEUTRAL) ? map(report[BYTE_LEFT_STICK_Y], 0, 255, -127, 127) : 0; gp.z = (report[BYTE_RIGHT_STICK_X] != RIGHT_STICK_X_NEUTRAL) ? map(report[BYTE_RIGHT_STICK_X], 0, 255, -127, 127) : 0; gp.rz = (report[BYTE_RIGHT_STICK_Y] != RIGHT_STICK_Y_NEUTRAL) ? map(report[BYTE_RIGHT_STICK_Y], 0, 255, -127, 127) : 0; // Debug print for report data /*Serial.print("Report data: "); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { Serial.print(report[i], HEX); Serial.print(" "); } Serial.println();*/ uint8_t dpad_value = report[BYTE_DPAD_BUTTONS] & DPAD_MASK; // Handle D-pad direction if ((report[BYTE_DPAD_BUTTONS] & DPAD_NEUTRAL) == 0) { switch (dpad_value) { case DPAD_UP: gp.hat = 1; Serial.println("up"); break; case DPAD_UP_RIGHT: gp.hat = 2; Serial.println("up/right"); break; case DPAD_RIGHT: gp.hat = 3; Serial.println("right"); break; case DPAD_DOWN_RIGHT: gp.hat = 4; Serial.println("down/right"); break; case DPAD_DOWN: gp.hat = 5; Serial.println("down"); break; case DPAD_DOWN_LEFT: gp.hat = 6; Serial.println("down/left"); break; case DPAD_LEFT: gp.hat = 7; Serial.println("left"); break; case DPAD_UP_LEFT: gp.hat = 8; Serial.println("up/left"); break; } } else { gp.hat = 0; } uint16_t buttons = gp.buttons; if ((report[BYTE_DPAD_BUTTONS] & BUTTON_X) == BUTTON_X) { buttons |= GAMEPAD_BUTTON_X; Serial.println("x"); } else { buttons &= ~GAMEPAD_BUTTON_X; } if ((report[BYTE_DPAD_BUTTONS] & BUTTON_A) == BUTTON_A) { buttons |= GAMEPAD_BUTTON_A; Serial.println("a"); } else { buttons &= ~GAMEPAD_BUTTON_A; } if ((report[BYTE_DPAD_BUTTONS] & BUTTON_B) == BUTTON_B) { buttons |= GAMEPAD_BUTTON_B; Serial.println("b"); } else { buttons &= ~GAMEPAD_BUTTON_B; } if ((report[BYTE_DPAD_BUTTONS] & BUTTON_Y) == BUTTON_Y) { buttons |= GAMEPAD_BUTTON_Y; Serial.println("y"); } else { buttons &= ~GAMEPAD_BUTTON_Y; } gp.buttons = buttons; if ((report[BYTE_MISC_BUTTONS] & BUTTON_LEFT_PADDLE) == BUTTON_LEFT_PADDLE) { buttons |= GAMEPAD_BUTTON_TL; Serial.println("left paddle"); } else { buttons &= ~GAMEPAD_BUTTON_TL; } if ((report[BYTE_MISC_BUTTONS] & BUTTON_RIGHT_PADDLE) == BUTTON_RIGHT_PADDLE) { buttons |= GAMEPAD_BUTTON_TR; Serial.println("right paddle"); } else { buttons &= ~GAMEPAD_BUTTON_TR; } if ((report[BYTE_MISC_BUTTONS] & BUTTON_LEFT_TRIGGER) == BUTTON_LEFT_TRIGGER) { buttons |= GAMEPAD_BUTTON_TL2; Serial.println("left trigger"); } else { buttons &= ~GAMEPAD_BUTTON_TL2; } if ((report[BYTE_MISC_BUTTONS] & BUTTON_RIGHT_TRIGGER) == BUTTON_RIGHT_TRIGGER) { buttons |= GAMEPAD_BUTTON_TR2; Serial.println("right trigger"); } else { buttons &= ~GAMEPAD_BUTTON_TR2; } if ((report[BYTE_MISC_BUTTONS] & BUTTON_BACK) == BUTTON_BACK) { buttons |= GAMEPAD_BUTTON_SELECT; Serial.println("back"); } else { buttons &= ~GAMEPAD_BUTTON_SELECT; } if ((report[BYTE_MISC_BUTTONS] & BUTTON_START) == BUTTON_START) { buttons |= GAMEPAD_BUTTON_START; Serial.println("start"); } else { buttons &= ~GAMEPAD_BUTTON_START; } // Set the final buttons state gp.buttons = buttons; // Debug print for gp contents /*Serial.print("gp.x: "); Serial.println(gp.x); Serial.print("gp.y: "); Serial.println(gp.y); Serial.print("gp.z: "); Serial.println(gp.z); Serial.print("gp.rz: "); Serial.println(gp.rz); Serial.print("gp.hat: "); Serial.println(gp.hat); Serial.print("gp.buttons: "); Serial.println(gp.buttons, HEX);*/ while (!usb_hid.ready()) { yield(); } usb_hid.sendReport(0, &gp, sizeof(gp)); // Continue to receive the next report if (!tuh_hid_receive_report(dev_addr, instance)) { Serial.println("Error: cannot request to receive report"); } }
After downloading the files and opening them in the Arduino IDE, navigate to the gamepad_reports.h header file. Update the file to match your gamepad information as described in the Read Your Gamepad Device Reports page.
Upload and Test
Before uploading, you'll need to update some settings in the Boards menu. Select the Adafruit Feather RP2040 USB Host as your board. Under CPU Speed, select 120 MHz. Under USB Stack select Adafruit TinyUSB. Then, upload the sketch to your board. You can use the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE for debugging any errors.
You can test your gamepad by using a browser-based gamepad tester. This gamepad tester by greggman is hosted on GitHub pages and uses HTML. Test out all of the buttons and joysticks that you setup in your gamepad_reports.h file to make sure they are being recognized and responding as expected.
How the Code Works
The code takes advantage of the two cores on the RP2040. The HID device code runs on core 0 and the USB host code runs on core 1. The HID device code enumerates as a USB gamepad. This means that the Feather will show up as an HID input device when its plugged in over USB.
//------------- Core0 -------------// void setup() { if (!TinyUSBDevice.isInitialized()) { TinyUSBDevice.begin(0); } Serial.begin(115200); // Setup HID usb_hid.setPollInterval(2); usb_hid.setReportDescriptor(desc_hid_report, sizeof(desc_hid_report)); usb_hid.begin(); // If already enumerated, additional class driverr begin() e.g msc, hid, midi won't take effect until re-enumeration if (TinyUSBDevice.mounted()) { TinyUSBDevice.detach(); delay(10); TinyUSBDevice.attach(); } } //------------- Core1 -------------// void setup1() { // configure pio-usb: defined in usbh_helper.h rp2040_configure_pio_usb(); // run host stack on controller (rhport) 1 // Note: For rp2040 pico-pio-usb, calling USBHost.begin() on core1 will have most of the // host bit-banging processing works done in core1 to free up core0 for other works USBHost.begin(1); }
Nothing is run in the core 0 loop. The core 1 loop runs the USB host callback functions.
void loop1() { USBHost.task(); Serial.flush(); if (combo_active) { turbo_button(); } }
The callback functions include mounting the device and unmounting the device. The main function that detects the incoming button presses is the tuh_hid_report_received_cb()
. If an input is received, the incoming device report is compared to the defined bitmasks in the gamepad_reports.h file. If a button matches, then that button press is sent; essentially making the Feather act as a passthrough for the attached gamepad.
uint8_t dpad_value = report[BYTE_DPAD_BUTTONS] & DPAD_MASK; // Handle D-pad direction if ((report[BYTE_DPAD_BUTTONS] & DPAD_NEUTRAL) == 0) { switch (dpad_value) { case DPAD_UP: gp.hat = 1; Serial.println("up"); break; case DPAD_UP_RIGHT: gp.hat = 2; Serial.println("up/right"); break; case DPAD_RIGHT: gp.hat = 3; Serial.println("right"); break; case DPAD_DOWN_RIGHT: gp.hat = 4; Serial.println("down/right"); break; case DPAD_DOWN: gp.hat = 5; Serial.println("down"); break; case DPAD_DOWN_LEFT: gp.hat = 6; Serial.println("down/left"); break; case DPAD_LEFT: gp.hat = 7; Serial.println("left"); break; case DPAD_UP_LEFT: gp.hat = 8; Serial.println("up/left"); break; } } else { gp.hat = 0; } ... while (!usb_hid.ready()) { yield(); } usb_hid.sendReport(0, &gp, sizeof(gp));
The combo detection for a turbo button is handled with the boolean is_combo_detected()
. This checks for a match with the combo_report[]
that you defined in the gamepad_report.h file. If a combo is detected, then combo_active
is toggled.
if ((is_combo_detected(combo_report, combo_size, report)) && !combo_active) { combo_active = true; Serial.println("combo!"); } else if ((is_combo_detected(combo_report, combo_size, report)) && combo_active) { combo_active = false; Serial.println("combo released!"); }
The turbo_button()
function is run while combo_active
is true
. It sends the A button rapidly via the HID device. You can edit this function to send a variety of inputs depending on your needs.
void turbo_button() { if (combo_active) { while (!usb_hid.ready()) { yield(); } Serial.println("A"); gp.buttons = GAMEPAD_BUTTON_A; usb_hid.sendReport(0, &gp, sizeof(gp)); Serial.println("off"); delay(2); gp.buttons = 0; usb_hid.sendReport(0, &gp, sizeof(gp)); delay(2); } }
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