Step 1 - Install CircuitPython
This guide requires CircuitPython be installed, click the button below to learn how to do that and install the latest version of CircuitPython.
Are you new to using CircuitPython? No worries, there is a full getting started guide here.
Adafruit suggests using the Mu editor to edit your code and have an interactive REPL in CircuitPython. You can learn about Mu and installation in this tutorial.
Step 2 - Install Libraries
First make sure you are running the latest version of Adafruit CircuitPython for the Feather nRF52840. You'll also need to install several libraries on your Feather:
- jepler_udecimal (from the Community Bundle)
- adafruit_hid
- adafruit_display_text
Carefully follow the steps to find and install these libraries from Adafruit's CircuitPython Library Bundle. Our CircuitPython starter guide has a great page on how to install libraries from the bundle.
Step 3 - Install code
Use the "Project Zip" link to download the rest of the files needed for the calculator, then unzip it inside the CIRCUITPY drive.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Jeff Epler for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name,no-self-use,broad-except,try-except-raise,too-many-branches,too-many-statements,unused-import import gc import time from adafruit_display_text.label import Label from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard from adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_us import KeyboardLayoutUS from jepler_udecimal import Decimal, getcontext, localcontext import jepler_udecimal.utrig # Needed for trig functions in Decimal import board import digitalio import displayio import framebufferio import microcontroller import sharpdisplay import terminalio try: import usb_hid except ImportError: usb_hid = None # Initialize the display, cleaning up after a display from the previous # run if necessary displayio.release_displays() framebuffer = sharpdisplay.SharpMemoryFramebuffer(board.SPI(), board.RX, 400, 240) display = framebufferio.FramebufferDisplay(framebuffer, auto_refresh=False) def extraprec(add=8, num=0, den=1): def inner(fn): def wrapper(*args, **kw): with localcontext() as ctx: ctx.prec = ctx.prec + add + (ctx.prec * num + den - 1) // den result = fn(*args, **kw) return +result return wrapper return inner class AngleConvert: def __init__(self): self.state = 0 def next_state(self): self.state = (self.state + 1) % 3 def __str__(self): return "DRG"[self.state] @property def factor(self): return [360, None, 400][self.state] def from_user(self, x): factor = self.factor if factor is None: return x x = x.remainder_near(factor) pi_4 = Decimal("1.0").atan() return x * pi_4 * 8 / factor def to_user(self, x): factor = self.factor if factor is None: return x pi_4 = Decimal("1.0").atan() return x * factor / pi_4 / 8 @extraprec(num=1) def cos(self, x): return self.from_user(x).cos() @extraprec(num=1) def sin(self, x): return self.from_user(x).sin() @extraprec(num=1) def tan(self, x): return self.from_user(x).tan() @extraprec(num=1) def acos(self, x): return self.to_user(x.acos()) @extraprec(num=1) def asin(self, x): return self.to_user(x.asin()) @extraprec(num=1) def atan(self, x): return self.to_user(x.atan()) getcontext().prec = 14 getcontext().Emax = 99 getcontext().Emin = -99 def get_pin(x): if isinstance(x, microcontroller.Pin): return digitalio.DigitalInOut(x) return x class MatrixKeypadBase: def __init__(self, row_pins, col_pins): self.row_pins = [get_pin(p) for p in row_pins] self.col_pins = [get_pin(p) for p in col_pins] self.old_state = set() self.state = set() for r in self.row_pins: r.switch_to_input(digitalio.Pull.UP) for c in self.col_pins: c.switch_to_output(False) def scan(self): self.old_state = self.state state = set() for c, cp in enumerate(self.col_pins): cp.switch_to_output(False) for r, rp in enumerate(self.row_pins): if not rp.value: state.add((r, c)) cp.switch_to_input() self.state = state return state def rising(self): old_state = self.old_state new_state = self.state return new_state - old_state class LayerSelect: def __init__(self, idx=1, next_layer=None): self.idx = idx self.next_layer = next_layer or self LL0 = LayerSelect(0) LL1 = LayerSelect(1) LS1 = LayerSelect(1, LL0) class MatrixKeypad: def __init__(self, row_pins, col_pins, layers): self.base = MatrixKeypadBase(row_pins, col_pins) self.layers = layers self.layer = LL0 self.pending = [] def getch(self): if not self.pending: self.base.scan() for r, c in self.base.rising(): op = self.layers[self.layer.idx][r][c] if isinstance(op, LayerSelect): self.layer = op else: self.pending.extend(op) self.layer = self.layer.next_layer if self.pending: return self.pending.pop(0) return None col_pins = (board.D10, board.D9, board.D6, board.TX) row_pins = (board.A0, board.A1, board.A2, board.A3, board.A4, board.A5) BS = '\x7f' CR = '\n' layers = ( ( ('^', 'l', 'r', LS1), ('s', 'c', 't', '/'), ('7', '8', '9', '*'), ('4', '5', '6', '-'), ('1', '2', '3', '+'), ('0', '.', BS, CR) ), ( ('v', 'L', 'R', LL0), ('S', 'C', 'T', 'N'), ( '', '', '', ''), ( '', '', '', 'n'), ( '', '', '', ''), ('=', '@', BS, '~') ), ) class Impl: def __init__(self): # incoming keypad self.keypad = MatrixKeypad(row_pins, col_pins, layers) # outgoing keypresses self.keyboard = None self.keyboard_layout = None g = displayio.Group() self.labels = labels = [] labels.append(Label(terminalio.FONT, scale=2, color=0)) labels.append(Label(terminalio.FONT, scale=3, color=0)) labels.append(Label(terminalio.FONT, scale=3, color=0)) labels.append(Label(terminalio.FONT, scale=3, color=0)) labels.append(Label(terminalio.FONT, scale=3, color=0)) labels.append(Label(terminalio.FONT, scale=3, color=0)) for li in labels: g.append(li) bitmap = displayio.Bitmap((display.width + 126)//127, (display.height + 126)//127, 1) palette = displayio.Palette(1) palette[0] = 0xffffff tile_grid = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap, pixel_shader=palette) bg = displayio.Group(scale=127) bg.append(tile_grid) g.insert(0, bg) display.root_group = g def getch(self): while True: time.sleep(.02) c = self.keypad.getch() if c is not None: return c def setline(self, i, text): li = self.labels[i] text = text[:31] or " " if text == li.text: return li.text = text li.anchor_point = (0,0) li.anchored_position = (1, max(1, 41 * i - 7) + 6) def refresh(self): pass def paste(self, text): if self.keyboard is None: if usb_hid: self.keyboard = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices) self.keyboard_layout = KeyboardLayoutUS(self.keyboard) else: return if self.keyboard_layout is None: raise ValueError("USB HID not available") text = str(text) self.keyboard_layout.write(text) raise RuntimeError("Pasted") def start_redraw(self): display.auto_refresh = False def end_redraw(self): display.auto_refresh = True def end(self): pass impl = Impl() stack = [] entry = [] def do_op(arity, fun): if arity > len(stack): return "underflow" res = fun(*stack[-arity:][::-1]) del stack[-arity:] if isinstance(res, list): stack.extend(res) elif res is not None: stack.append(res) return None angleconvert = AngleConvert() def roll(): stack[:] = stack[1:] + stack[:1] def rroll(): stack[:] = stack[-1:] + stack[:-1] def swap(): stack[-2:] = [stack[-1], stack[-2]] ops = { '\'': (1, lambda x: -x), '\\': (2, lambda x, y: x/y), '#': (2, lambda x, y: y**(1/x)), '*': (2, lambda x, y: y*x), '+': (2, lambda x, y: y+x), '-': (2, lambda x, y: y-x), '/': (2, lambda x, y: y/x), '^': (2, lambda x, y: y**x), 'v': (2, lambda x, y: y**(1/x)), '_': (2, lambda x, y: x-y), '@': angleconvert.next_state, 'C': (1, angleconvert.acos), 'c': (1, angleconvert.cos), 'L': (1, Decimal.exp), 'l': (1, Decimal.ln), 'q': (1, lambda x: x**.5), 'r': roll, 'R': rroll, 'S': (1, angleconvert.asin), 's': (1, angleconvert.sin), '~': swap, 'T': (1, angleconvert.atan), 't': (1, angleconvert.tan), 'n': (1, lambda x: -x), 'N': (1, lambda x: 1/x), '=': (1, impl.paste) } def pstack(msg): impl.setline(0, f'[{angleconvert}] {msg}') for i, reg in enumerate("TZYX"): if len(stack) > 3-i: val = stack[-4+i] else: val = "" impl.setline(1+i, f"{reg} {val}") def loop(): impl.start_redraw() pstack(f'{gc.mem_free()} RPN bytes free') impl.setline(5, "> " + "".join(entry) + "_") impl.refresh() impl.end_redraw() while True: do_pstack = False do_pentry = False message = '' c = impl.getch() if c in '\x7f\x08': if entry: entry.pop() do_pentry = True elif stack: stack.pop() do_pstack = True if c == '\x1b': del entry[:] do_pentry = True elif c in '0123456789.eE': if c == '.' and '.' in entry: c = 'e' entry.append(c) do_pentry = True elif c == '\x04': break elif c in ' \n': if entry: try: stack.append(Decimal("".join(entry))) except Exception as e: message = str(e) del entry[:] elif c == '\n' and stack: stack.append(stack[-1]) do_pstack = True elif c in ops: if entry: try: stack.append(Decimal("".join(entry))) except Exception as e: message = str(e) del entry[:] op = ops.get(c) try: if callable(op): message = op() or '' else: message = do_op(*op) or '' except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except Exception as e: message = str(e) do_pstack = True impl.start_redraw() if do_pstack: pstack(message) do_pentry = True if do_pentry: impl.setline(5, "> " + "".join(entry) + "_") if do_pentry or do_pstack: impl.refresh() impl.end_redraw() try: loop() finally: impl.end()
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