The fit and positioning of components is very important in this project. Leave a wire too long, and your compact may not close! Dry-fit parts to see where they’ll fit best. Be sure the USB port on the lipoly charger can be plugged in!
Trim and strip the leads on the switch to fit near the lipoly charger.
Trim and strip the leads on the switch to fit near the lipoly charger.
Tin both leads, and solder one wire to the circuit board GND hole (either one).
Set aside this assembly for later!
Back to the LED sequins! Be very careful while soldering, or you could melt your makeup compact. Use stranded 30 gauge silicone coated wire to solder all positive (+) LED connections together in parallel. To achieve a tidy solder connection, twist two stripped wire ends together and tin the twist AND the sequin before reheating them to flow together. Use tweezers if it makes it easier for you.
Leave a long wire coming from one of the lowest sequin's positive terminal (+).
Repeat this process to connect all the negative terminals (-) together. Thread the single power and single ground wire through the opening in the compact’s hinge to come around to the other side of the mirror.
Solder the positive (+) wire to the BAT hole on the lipoly charger board. Slide a piece of heat shrink tubing over the negative (-) wire before soldering it to the tinned switch wire, then slide and shrink the heat shrink with the side of your soldering iron or the delicate application of a heat gun or lighter. Use diagonal flush snips to trim the soldered leads short on the back of the circuit board.
Plug in your battery and click the switch to test your LEDs! If they don’t light up, check to see they’re not wired backwards!
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