After finishing the LED Video Wall, I wanted to take advantage of the fact that each panel is modular and can be arranged in nearly any way imaginable. I present to you, the Adafruit Video Cube! Each side has 1024 LEDs, for a grand total of 6144 LEDs-- it's super bright in every direction!
It works nearly identical to the LED Video Wall in that the video decoder boards do all the hard work - All you need is a DVI/HDMI/Displayport output with the proper cable, a good 5V power supply and a little wiring time. The driver supports up to 1024x800 displays. Once programmed and configured you can use any video source!
This is not a beginner project! It is strongly recommended to start out with our LED Video Wall before embarking on this adventure! Because so much has to fit inside the cube, it requires some modifications that could potentially damage the hardware if you are not careful and patient! There's also a lot of wiring and power management. We don't sell all the components required so you may need to spend some time getting all the parts you need. Building the cube can take a few weekends and requires care and patience. Here at Adafruit we love this kind of thing, and we have documented the process as best as possible but there's not a lot of documentation out there about these systems so even though we got our cube working nicely we do not offer any kind of consulting or assistance beyond our forum tech support. This is not a project for a mission-critical, outdoor, mobile or other LED display or for use beyond hobbyist hacking!
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