In this tutorial we will be getting down and dirty by chopping up some wood and installing some wheels to make a cheap, simple and efficient compost tumbler.
For those that compost "aerobically", a tumbler is a great way to "aerate" your compost without having to physically turn the compost itself.
The tumbler works with most compost barrels or trash cans and can easily be integrated into your current compost set up. If you don't have a can or barrel to compost in and are looking to find one inexpensively, check with a local car wash business to see if they have any extra empty soap barrels you could wash out and use. Old trash cans work great too.
This project will be pretty cheap and quick for those with access to a drill and shop space. Those with out access can consider looking up a local fab lab that would have these resources.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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