DIY DC/DC Boost Calculator by Tyler Cooper published June 13, 2013, last edited March 08, 2024 posted in Components Save New Favorite × Please sign in to include this guide in your list of favorites. You will be redirected back to this guide once you sign in, and can then save this guide as one of your favorites. Download Overview The Calculator Single page Feedback? Corrections? 37 Beginner Project guide 😍 1 The Calculator For this simple calculator, enter in the freqency, voltage ranges and current ranges and the duty cycle, inductor and current requirements will be displayed! Frequency Hz This is the boost converter frequency. For microcontrollers its often the CPU clock / 256 Min Vin V The lowest expected input voltage Max Vin V The highest expected input voltage Min Vout V The lowest desired output voltage Max Vout V The highest desired output voltage Iout Amps Output current draw Vripple V Maximum allowable voltage ripple Min. Duty Cycle Dmin = 1 - (Vimax/Vomin) % Max. duty cycle Dmax = 1 - (Vimin/Vomax) % Min. Inductor size L > D * Vin * (1-D) / (freq * 2 * Iout ) uH Peak inductor current Ipk = (Vinmax * D)/(f * L) A Minimum capacitor Cap > Iout / (Vripple * freq) uF Minimum Schottky diode Vbreakdown >= Voutmax & Idiode >=Ipk V A Page last edited June 12, 2013 Text editor powered by tinymce. Overview