Assembled cardboard house next to a hand holding up a smart phone displaying a DigiKey app.
Discontinued - you can grab Huzzah! Internet of Things Feather ESP8266 - WiFi Starter Kit...
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Angled shot of an Assembled Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board - with Stacking Headers
Aww yeah, it's the Feather you have been waiting for, and now with stacking headers! The HUZZAH32 is our ESP32-based Feather, made with the...
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Angled shot of a Adafruit Quad 2x2 FeatherWing Kit with Headers installed.
This is the FeatherWing Quad 2x2 - a prototyping add-on and more for all Feather boards. This is similar to our
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Top-down view of a red rectangular sensor.
Upgrade any Feather board with motion and precision temperature sensing, with this all-in-one sensing FeatherWing. It sports two fantastic sensors from Analog Devices: an ADXL343...
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Angled shot of an Adafruit Non-Latching Mini Relay FeatherWing.
A Feather board without ambition is a Feather board without FeatherWings! This is the Non-Latching Mini Relay FeatherWing. It gives you power to control, and...
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Adafruit BME680 - Temperature, Humidity, Pressure and Gas Sensor
The long awaited BME680 from Bosch gives you all the environmental sensing you want in one small package. This little sensor...
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Top view of magnetic contact switch with three screws.
This sensor is essentially a reed switch, encased in an ABS plastic shell. Normally the reed is 'open' (no connection between the two wires). The other half is a magnet. When...
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Video of a CD DVD Spindle Motor spinning.
What's this? A record player for ants?? Not at all! This is a DVD/CD Spindle Motor, that thing that's inside a CD or DVD player, that turns the disc...
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Breadboard friendly Buzzer
Hey want to hear a really loud noise? Apply 3V to 5V to this buzzer module and you'll be rewarded with a loud 2KHz BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. Unlike a
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3-Bladed Trifoil Propeller Fan for DC Motor
Sprockets, wheels, and gears, oh my! We really like our DC hobby motors but unless you have a 3D printer it can be a challenge to get fun add-ons. That's why...
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Lithium Ion Polymer Battery 3.7v 1200mAh with JST 2-PH connector
Lithium-ion polymer (also known as 'lipo' or 'lipoly') batteries are thin, light, and powerful. The output ranges from 4.2V when completely charged to 3.7V. This...
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