We've created a complete home automation system with our IoT Studio Kit - but why stop there? You can take this project further by utilizing the kit's Feather Huzzah and sensors in the real world. For example - we have a guide about using a Huzzah with the door sensor included in the kit to text you when a door in your home has been opened.
It’s never been a better time to play with IoT - there are so many protocols, boards and sensors available. What only a few decades ago was literally space-age technology is now only a few cents on Digi-Key's website.
Even though this series is over - we’re not saying good-bye forever. There’s a wealth of resources on Adafruit, from the thousands of tutorials on the learning system, to our hundreds of Python and Arduino libraries, all free for you to use. Digi-Key has all the newest tools and parts, with links to app notes, CAD files and engineering resources when you’re ready to go to production.
And if you’re still in the prototyping phase, check out all the Adafruit breakout boards and Feathers that Digi-Key stocks, they’re a great match for IoT Studio - you could order this evening and get started by tomorrow!
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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