Once the Bluefruit LE Connect application is sending data to Adafruit IO then you're ready to build a dashboard to display the results.
I you're new to using Adafruit IO be sure to first read the Adafriot IO Basics: Dashboards guide for an overview of creating a dashboard.
To create the dashboard for the light sensor feed first log in to Adafruit IO (https://io.adafruit.com) and click the My Dashboards button in the upper left:
Once on the Your Dashboards page click the Create Dashboard button in the upper right to build a new dashboard:
In the dialog box that pops up give the dashboard a good name, like Hat Light, then click Create Dashboard:
Now the new Hat Light dashboard is displayed, but it doesn't have any blocks that show sensor data. You can add a line chart block to see the light sensor value over time by clicking the New Block button in the upper right corner:
Scroll down to the line chart component and click Create:
Now find the hatlight feed that was created by the Bluefruit LE Connect application. You can scroll through the feed list or type in the name to the search box. Once you find the feed click the Choose button next to it, then click Next Step:
Finally make the block easy to understand by filling in details about how it should be displayed:
- Block Title: Put in a descriptive title for the block, like Hat Light Graph.
- Hours of History: Stick with the default of 1 hour, or change to a larger/smaller range.
- X-Axis Label: Stick with the default Time since the X axis (left to right axis of the graph) is based on the time of each sensor reading.
- Y-Axis Label: Label this axis (top to bottom axis) Lux since it's the axis for the light sensor reading.
- Y-Axis Minimum: Use a value like 0 as a good minimum range for the graph values (since you know there are no negative lux values).
- Y-Axis Maximum: Use a large value like 2000 as a starting point, you can always edit the block and change this later to 'zoom in' on a range of data.
Once you've filled in the details click Create Block:
Awesome, the chart block should now be displayed!
You can change the size, location, and details of the chart block by clicking the Edit button in the top left:
Once you're in edit mode you can move the mouse over a block to make changes to it:
- To change the block's settings click the gear icon in the upper right of the block.
- To delete the block click the trash can icon in the upper right of the block.
- To move the block click and drag it anywhere on the dashboard.
- To resize the block click and hold the resize arrows in the lower right of the block as shown below:
Drag the mouse while holding the resize arrows to change the size of the chart block.
Once you're done editing blocks be sure to click Done Editing to save the changes!
Let your creativity flow as you design cool dashboards to display sensor data! For example here's what you can do if you change the size of the chart and add a gauge block next to it (remember click New Block to add a new block, then follow the steps for customizing it):
Page last edited September 30, 2015
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