The directions on the next few pages relate only to the current third-generation (“Gen 3”) Cupcade kit. If you have a first- or second-generation kit (Gen 1 or 2), skip ahead to the corresponding section.
If you bought your kit from Adafruit recently, it’s the current Generation 3 kit. There might still be some earlier kits elsewhere out there in the pipeline. The differences are most easily spotted in the electronics…
Generation 3 (current) Cupcade kits include the Adafruit Arcade Bonnet with the 40-pin GPIO header as used on current Raspberry Pi boards.
Generation 2 kits used the Cupcade Adapter Board with the 28-pin GPIO header as used on the Pi 1 Model B.
Don’t feel left out if you’re running a prior kit! Still entirely playable and in fact we’re using the exact same software across all of them. The changes are mostly to accommodate new hardware as supplies of the original Pi 1 Model B dried up.
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