What happens if your bot wanders away and gets stuck under the couch? Will it sit there patiently waiting for someone to notice and rescue it? Let's give it a voice so it can at least call for help.
We could use the Circuit Playground Express's on board speaker to play a sound file or a tone. But that takes up a fair bit of memory, and is Circuit Playground Express specific. Part of the goal with this project is to focus on the CRICKIT, regardless of which model it is.
We could use the speaker output, but again that consumes memory for the waveform to play. The simplest solution that will address the problem (giving the bot a voice) is to use a drive output to switch on and off a buzzer. The one listed in the parts list is perfect for this: apply 5v and it outputs a steady, piercing 2kHz tone. The CRICKIT's drive outputs work at 5v.
You can also solder some wires to the buzzer to make the pins longer instead of stacking header pins.
The positive lead of the buzzer connects to the 5v connection in the drive section of the CRICKIT, and the other buzzer lead connects to one of the drive connections.
The leads on the buzzer line up nicely with the 5v and Drive 2 connectors, but are too short to reach. To solve this, you can use a 4-position long piece of stacking header. Pull out the middle 2 pins, leaving the outer two. This is just the right width for the buzzer leads. Bend the header pins as needed and secure them in the drive screw terminals as shown.
Now it's just a matter of inserting the buzzer pins into the header. Note the `+` pin on the buzzer. It has to be at the 5v connection on the CRICKIT.
Adding the buzzer enables the bot to scream for help. The only additional code is at the very end. After exiting the loop and turning off the motors, the buzzer lets the bot call for help.
while True: for _ in range(3): crickit.drive_2.fraction = 1.0 time.sleep(0.1) crickit.drive_2.fraction = 0.0 time.sleep(.2) time.sleep(10.0)
Setting drive 2's fraction property to 1.0 turns the buzzer on, and setting it to 0.0 turns it off. This code sounds three short beeps every ten seconds. Very simple, yet very effective.
Save the code below as code.py on the Circuit Playground Express.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Dave Astels for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import time import random from adafruit_crickit import crickit LEFT = False RIGHT = True random.seed(int(time.monotonic())) ss = crickit.seesaw left_wheel = crickit.dc_motor_1 right_wheel = crickit.dc_motor_2 RIGHT_BUMPER = crickit.SIGNAL1 LEFT_BUMPER = crickit.SIGNAL2 CENTER_BUMPER = crickit.SIGNAL3 ss.pin_mode(RIGHT_BUMPER, ss.INPUT_PULLUP) ss.pin_mode(LEFT_BUMPER, ss.INPUT_PULLUP) ss.pin_mode(CENTER_BUMPER, ss.INPUT_PULLUP) # These allow easy correction for motor speed variation. # Factors are determined by observation and fiddling. # Start with both having a factor of 1.0 (i.e. none) and # adjust until the bot goes more or less straight def set_right(speed): right_wheel.throttle = speed * 0.9 def set_left(speed): left_wheel.throttle = speed # Uncomment this to find the above factors # set_right(1.0) # set_left(1.0) # while True: # pass # Check for bumper activation and move away accordingly # Returns False if we got clear, True if we gave up def react_to_bumpers(): attempt_count = 0 # keep trying to back away and turn until we're free while True: # give up after 3 tries if attempt_count == 3: return True bumped_left = not ss.digital_read(LEFT_BUMPER) bumped_right = not ss.digital_read(RIGHT_BUMPER) bumped_center = not ss.digital_read(CENTER_BUMPER) # Didn't bump into anything, we're done here if not bumped_left and not bumped_right and not bumped_center: return False # If the middle bumper was triggered, randomly pick a way to turn if bumped_center: bumped_left |= random.randrange(10) < 5 bumped_right = not bumped_left # Back away a bit set_left(-0.5) set_right(-0.5) time.sleep(0.5) # If we bumped on the left, turn to the right if bumped_left: set_left(1.0) set_right(0.0) # If we bumped on the right, turn left elif bumped_right: set_left(0.0) set_right(1.0) # time to turn for time.sleep(random.choice([0.2, 0.3, 0.4])) attempt_count += 1 def tack(direction, duration): target_time = time.monotonic() + duration if direction == LEFT: set_left(0.25) set_right(1.0) else: set_left(1.0) set_right(0.25) while time.monotonic() < target_time: if not(ss.digital_read(LEFT_BUMPER) and ss.digital_read(RIGHT_BUMPER) and ss.digital_read(CENTER_BUMPER)): return react_to_bumpers() return False while True: if tack(LEFT, 0.75): break if tack(RIGHT, 0.75): break set_left(0) set_right(0) while True: for _ in range(3): crickit.drive_2.fraction = 1.0 time.sleep(0.1) crickit.drive_2.fraction = 0.0 time.sleep(.2) time.sleep(10.0)
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