The DC motors are power hungry. This requires a beefy power supply if we want to make this truck portable. This guide does a great job explaining this issue in more detail.
If this is your first time soldering check out this guide: Adafruit Guide To Excellent Soldering Solder at peak performance!
If you wanna skip the soldering, you can use a portable USB pack and hook it up to CRICKIT with this cable.
- Remove USB extension from PowerBoost board. Removes easily by pushing out prongs.
- Cut ends of black and red bread board wires, and remove 1-2 cm of wire wrap from end.
- Solder red wire to
and black toground
. - Solder on switch to PowerBoost over
Vs, EN and GND
. Orientation doesn't matter. - Screw in power and ground leads to terminal block on DC jack.
- Plug in JST connector from battery to PowerBoost.
- Plug in DC jack to CRICKIT.
Turn on the soldered switch and we have some hefty portable power!
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