Once you're inside Eagle, create a new 'Package' and give it an appropriate name (Library > Package ...). From here, you need to run the 'import-bmp.ulp' user language program. The quickest way is tp simply type the following command anywhere in the package editor:
run import-bmp.ulp
Once you run the ULP you should be presented with the following dialogue box, which you can click OK on to continue:
You'll be asked to select your source bitmap image, and you need to point to the 1-bit BMP you created earlier:
Next, you'll be presented with a box showing all of the colors available in the image. Select the 'white' pixel box, and click OK:
The most important step is in the following dialogue, where you need to change two values:
Set the 'Unit' radio box to 'mm'
- Set the 'Scale' factor to 0.01mm, the same scale we used when resizing our bitmap image earlier (remember mm*100?).
Click the OK button, which will present the following screen, and then click the Run script button.
This should give you something similar to the results below with the imported bitmap placed on layer 200 (the default value, but it can be changed in the import settings dialogue box above):
With all of the done, we can start making our footprint
Page last edited September 14, 2012
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