Just about all of Adafruit's code and hardware is kept on GitHub - a web service that keeps track of code and files. Since we publish open source hardware and software, this works great to share our designs and also get feedback and improvements from the community.

By working together, a large group of people can improve and build upon the body of work that Adafruit has published. You can even find bugs or add new features, and submit those back to us so that everyone can benefit from your effort!

But how do you actually do that? GitHub isn't the easiest site to use, and Git the versioning tool it builds upon can be challenging even for coding experts.

This guide aims to not only show you where to start, but provide you with the entire contribution path, beginning to end. This guide focuses on the Adafruit Learning System specifically. There is also an excellent guide on contributing to CircuitPython. This guide shares some common pages with that guide.


Before starting this guide, there are a number of steps found in the Adafruit Learning System guide An Introduction to Collaborating with Version Control that you must complete.

Much of this is covered in the Adafruit Guide An Introduction to Collaborating with Version Control.

Further information is available through the Git documentation or the GitHub documentation.

This guide uses a terminal program to interact with Git locally (on your computer).

The Adafruit Learning System

This guide will walk through all of the steps I follow during the contribution process to the Adafruit Learning System. You'll learn how to fork and clone a project repository, create a working branch, and commit and push your changes. You'll find out how to create a pull request, and progress through the review process including the conversation and work surrounding a change request. 

All of the terms introduced in this guide are explained as you are introduced to them, and are also defined in the Glossary found at the end of the guide. If you're ever unsure about a term, feel free to look it up there.


This guide borrows very heavily on the guide Contribute to CircuitPython with Git and GitHub by Kattni Rembor who put a great deal of effort into explaining the process.

Also to Carter Nelson for the information flow diagram.

Finally, thank you Ladyada for your patience as I learned the processes.

Thank you all.

The diagram below helps visualize where we will work on the process. Initially work will be in GitHub, getting a fork (copy) of the Adafruit Learning System repository (repo for short). Then with git on your local computer, you will clone that fork, commit your additions, deletions, and edits, then push your changes back to your fork then finally create a Pull Request back to the Learning System repo.

I know the terminology may seem a bit strange - see the Glossary page in this guide for the meaning of each word.

This may help for the Adafruit Learning System:

The Repository (upstream) is the Adafruit Learning System on GitHub https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Learning_System_Guides

The Repository (personal fork) is on your own GitHub account and is a copy of the Adafruit repository.

The Repository (local copy) is on your home or work computer. You will clone files from the Repository (personal fork) and push them back so you're working within your own ecosystem and not Adafruit's.

If You Have a Repository (local copy) of the Adafruit Learning System already on your own computer

If you have previously done work on the Adafruit Learning System and you're going to do more work, please skip to and follow the page Staying Up To Date later in this guide to ensure you are working with the latest copy of the files. This will save many headaches if there is a conflict because your local copy was out of date compared to GitHub.

As of August, 2021, GitHub removed authentication to repositories via password. There are a few ways to do authentication sanctioned by GitHub. Below is one method via GitHub CLI, abbreviated gh. There is a second method: GitHub Personal Access Token, described here.

Contribute to CircuitPython with Git and GitHub
By Kattni Rembor
View Guide

Using GitHub CLI (gh) to Authenticate to GitHub

GitHub CLI is a separate program that must be installed. Go to the releases page at https://github.com/cli/cli#installation. Follow the method for your operating system. I do not have any of the recommended installers on my system so I'd like to install it via Windows. This is referred to as MSI. See the line below:

Click through to the releases page. Most Windows installs to include Windows 10 and Windows 11 will use GitHub CLI {version} windows amd64 installer where {version} was 2.39.1 when this section was written but is likely to be higher in the future. Click that link and save the file in your Downloads folder. Go to Downloads and click the file. You will have the installer open up with a small screen like the one below.

For mac and linux, the installation page will have a number of methods to install GitHub CLI via the command line. Go ahead and use the method best suited to your computer.

Click the Next button then Next again and then Install. When a security dialog pops up, accept. Then click the Finish button.

The manual for GitHub CLI is here.

You will want to close any command line windows then open a new one. For Windows, either a command line prompt or Git bash. The gh command will be available.

Type gh auth login

You will get a set of prompts, use the following. You'll be provided a code in the form XXXX-XXXX where X=an upper case letter or number. Note the code you get will be unique to your login and will change on subsequent logins.

In a browser, you will be asked to enter the code from above. Once that is done, you'll need to perform your authentication. I have my credentials in Google Authenticator but there are several different programs which do the same. Go to your authentication app and type in your number next to GitHub.

If you type in the correct code, you'll be authenticated:

And in your command line window (here git bash):

Once authenticated, privileged git operations will work on GitHub.

When you're contributing to a project, you typically don't edit the project directly. You create a copy of the project's repository, or repo, for yourself and make all of your changes there before submitting them to the project. This copy is called a fork.

To begin, you must be signed into your GitHub account. Then use a browser to navigate to the repo for the project to which you plan to contribute. I'm going to be contributing to the Adafruit Learning System repository.

The first thing you want to do is fork the repo. Click the Fork button on the right side of the page to fork a copy of the repo to your account.

Great job! You now have your very own GitHub copy of the project repo to which you're going to contribute. You're ready for the next step!

Clone Your Repo

The next thing you'll need to do is download a copy of your new repo on your computer so you can start working on it. This is called creating a clone or cloning. Create a directory on your computer to hold your projects. Mine is in my home folder and is called repos.

On the page for your repo, you'll find a green Code button.

Click it to find the clone URL for your new fork. The URL will look something like this:


(TheKitty is my GitHub username, yours will be different)

Click the Copy button to copy the URL to your clipboard.

Now to fire up git on your local computer. This may vary by operating system, on Windows there is a Git Bash icon.

Git uses Unix/Linux commands for navigating your filesystem. Changing directories (and drives) is done using cd. Listing files is done using ls (small L, s).

If you wish to create a new directory to place the files in locally, you might wish to do that prior to starting git.

Open your terminal program and navigate to your new directory using the cd command. I put my repos in a directory on my Windows S: drive named git:

When you clone a repo, Git assigns the repo on GitHub an alias, which by default is "origin". You may in the future have a reason to clone a repo that is not your own fork, and it can be confusing when all repos are called origin.

So, for repos, Adafruit suggests setting the alias to the repo owner's GitHub user ID. In the case of this fork, this is my GitHub user ID. This makes it easier to remember when I'm contributing to my own repos versus contributing to someone else's repo.

Once you're in your new directory, enter the clone command. Replace youruserid with your GitHub user ID, and paste the URL from your clipboard (obtained above in GitHub):

git clone -o youruserid https://your-fork-URL

Your screen will look similar but not exactly as this is from another guide

This will create a local copy of the repository on your computer in a directory with the same name as the repo. So, now I have a new directory, /s/git/Adafruit_Learning_System_Guides, which contains a copy of the newly forked repo.

Now, use the cd command to move into that directory.


When changes are merged with the project, they're merged into the original repo. This includes your final changes and changes submitted by others.

Changes made to the original repo do not automatically update to your repo. You have to manually fetch those changes and merge them into your own repo. To do this, you need to add what is called a remote. A remote allows you to fetch the changes from the original project to stay updated.

Back in GitHub, use your browser to navigate to the page for the original repo. Click the Code button, then click the copy button to copy the URL for the original repo to your clipboard. Remember to use SSH if you setup GitHub to use it.

When you create a copy of a project, the original project is considered to be upstream. Since you're getting the updates from upstream, often the remote is called upstream.

However, in exactly the same way we called your remote your GitHub ID, it's easier to call the original remote by the owner's GitHub ID. The original repo here is owned by Adafruit, so it is suggested to name the remote adafruit.

While in the directory for your newly cloned repo, enter the following remote command, changing ownerID to the original project owner's GitHub ID (for the Adafruit Learning System, it is adafruit), and entering the URL from GitHub obtained above:

git remote add adafruit https://original-project-url

Your local repo is set up and ready to go. You forked the repo, cloned a local copy, and prepared to keep it updated.

Now you're ready to begin working with it!

Updating the Main Branch

If you just cloned your repo for the first time, you're using the most up-to-date version as your start point. However, if you cloned it a while ago, or this is not your first time contributing, you may not be up to date. So, before you begin, you want to make sure the main branch is current.

To create a new branch or move between existing branches, you'll checkout the branch you'd like to switch to. The checkout command allows you to switch to a new branch, by creating it in the process, or to switch to an existing branch.

To update main, first checkout main to verify you're on the correct branch:

git checkout main

Next, we're going to utilise the original project remote we created. To get the updates from the remote repo, we're going to use fetch. fetch grabs the the newest version of the remote repo, but does not merge it into the current repo.

Remember, you named the original project's remote repo with the owner's GitHub ID. You'll use this name when you merge the two main branches together. Since I cloned an Adafruit repo, I'll be using adafruit.

To fetch the updated remote, enter the following fetch command, replacing ownerID with the name you assigned to the original project's remote repo:

git fetch ownerID

Now we're going to merge the current data into our local repo. A merge takes the information from one branch and combines it into another. In this case, it's going to take the current version of main from the remote repo and combine it with the main branch on your local repo. This will bring you even with the remote main, and that means you're up to date.

To merge the remote main with your main, run the following merge command, replacing ownerID with the name you assigned to the original project's remote repo:

git merge ownerID/main

There have been some updates to the remote main since I last did anything with this repo. Good thing I updated!

Now your main branch is even with the original project's main branch and you're ready to create your working branch!

Alternatively, you can simply run git checkout ownerID/main (where ownerID is the name you assigned the original project's remote repo) and then continue with the next set of steps. It will not update your main branch, but it will ensure that you create your new branch from the most updated version of the repo.

Now that your local repo is set up and ready to go, it's time to start working with it. 

Starting from the Right Place

Imagine you made a change to your code, but made a mistake. Now your repo is in a bad state. To help avoid this situation, we use branches. You always want to make changes while on a branch. A branch is a way to have your own working timeline of changes, while leaving the default branch even with the original project. The default branch is called main. It's best to leave main clean, and make your changes on a working branch. 

For more details about branches, check out the Branches? page found in the Adafruit guide An Introduction to Collaborating with Version Control.

Main or something else?

You may want to do is determine is whether the library you are working with is using main or something else as the default branch. This is a simple process. First, visit the library on GitHub. Above the repo contents on the left side is a drop down menu that shows all available branches.

It will typically be on the default branch to begin with, but you can verify by clicking on the menu.

Updating the Main Branch

If you just cloned your repo for the first time, you're using the most up-to-date version as your start point. However, if you cloned it a while ago, or this is not your first time contributing, you may not be up to date. So, before you begin, you want to make sure the main branch is current.

To create a new branch or move between existing branches, you'll checkout the branch you'd like to switch to. The checkout command allows you to switch to a new branch, by creating it in the process, or to switch to an existing branch.

To update main, first checkout main to verify you're on the correct branch:

git checkout main

There have been some updates to the remote main since I last did anything with this repo. Good thing I updated!

Now your main branch is even with the original project's main branch and you're ready to create your working branch!

Alternatively, you can simply run git checkout ownerid/main (where ownerid is the name you assigned the original project's remote repo) and then continue with the next set of steps. It will not update your main branch, but it will ensure that you create your new branch from the most updated version of the repo.

Create Your New Branch

Now we can create a new branch. It's good practice to create a new branch for each new contribution you are working on. I'm working on adding license and author information to Learn guides, so I'll be doing all of it in one branch. However, if I intended to submit a fix for a specific guide and another one for adding a new function to the library, I would want to work on one and then the other in two separate branches. This helps keep reviews simpler and more effective by delineating separate concepts and allowing you and the reviewer to focus on each one properly.

You can name a branch whatever you'd like, however, it's useful to name the branch something descriptive of the work that will be going on within it. I'm going to be submitting fixes to the Adafruit Learning System to add licensing information. So, I'm going to name my branch license-changes.

To create a branch, enter the following checkout command, replacing your-branch-name with whatever you'd like to call your branch:

git checkout -b your-branch-name

If you've already created a branch and you'd like to return to it, you can enter:

git checkout your-branch-name

If you'd like to return to the main branch, you can enter:

git checkout main

Now that you've created your branch, it's time to get to work!

Now is the time where you do your work. Add new files, move files (git mv), etc.

Branched and Ready to Code

If you're planning to edit a currently existing file, open that file, from within your local copy of the repo, into an appropriate editor and make your changes. If you're planning on adding a new file, create, edit, and save that file into the correct directory inside your local copy of the repo.


Once you've made a set of changes, it's time to commit.

A commit is a save point in your project. It's similar to saving a file to your computer, however, instead of overwriting the previous save, it creates a timeline of save points. You can return to a previous save point at any time.

To best be able to utilize commits, you need to make them often. Lots of little commits creates many "undo" points in your project. This way, if you head down the wrong track or find your changes aren't working, you can easily return to the last known-good point and work from there.

As well, you can use committing often to divide up your set of changes. Consider a commit to be a complete and distinct idea. Each time you complete a concept you wanted to change, commit. The sum of these commits will be a combination of all the changes you intend to submit to the final project. This creates a timeline for your set of changes and allows for a better understanding of what your train of thought was while you were completing them. This can make it easier for you to make changes later, and easier for a reviewer to see where you were going with your ideas.

The first thing you want to do when you're ready to commit, is check the status.

git status is Your Best Friend

When inside your repo, before you run any commands, you always want to run git status. This provides you with the state of your changes. Knowing the current status can help you know what command to run next. For example, If you have Changes not staged for commit: the next command you may want to run is git add to add your changes to be committed. If you have Changes to be committed:, the next thing you may want to do is run git commit to commit your changes. Don't worry, we'll cover all of this!

The important thing is to run git status every time before you run anything else so you know where you are.

Time to commit

It's time for your first commit. The first thing you'll do is run git status.

As you can see, I've modified the file named Trinket_Gemma_Mini_theramin.ino (a project I did several years ago). It's listed under Changes not staged for commit:. Before I go any further, I'd like to make sure I've made all of the changes I intended to. So, I'm going to run git diff.

git diff compares two states of the file.

The first state is the original state if this is your first time editing it or the state since the last commit if you've already made a series of commits.

The second state is the current state including your changes. It provides a color coded look at the difference between the two files, which highlights all the changes you've made. It only shows you the code near your changes - some files are extremely large and it would take forever to scroll through the entire file to look at a small change.

Be aware, there are times when you'll make many changes, and the results of git diff will take a long time to go through.

To see your changes, enter the git diff command.

I've added four lines of code. These are the green lines denoted with a plus sign at the beginning of the line. These are all the changes I'd like to make for now. So I'm certain I'm ready commit.

It's always a good idea to run git status.

Remember, my file is still listed as Changes not staged for commit:. This means before I can commit it, I must use git add.

To prepare a changed file to be committed, you must run git add. git add adds the file to the list of files to be committed. You can add as many changed files as you like to that list.

To add your file to the list, enter the git add command with a filename. To add all the files you changed, use git add .

Followed by, you guessed it, git status:

You'll see that you now have Changes to be committed:. Any files under this list will be added to the current commit. The only file I have listed is Trinket_Gemma_Mini_Theramin.ino because that's the only file I've changed. Since that's the only file I'm planning to add, I'm ready to commit.

When you commit, you'll enter a commit message. This message is a short description of the change you're committing. It should be 72 characters or less. If you're committing a new file for the first time, it's common practice to use the commit message, "Initial commit.".  Otherwise, it can be whatever you like.

To commit your file, enter the following command, replacing Commit message with your commit message:

git commit -m "Commit message"

If you made a significant number of changes, you may want to leave a longer commit message.

You'll want to setup Git to use your editor of choice by following the instructions found here. Typically it defaults to vim. Windows users will probably want to check here to set the editor to notepad, notepad++, etc. unless you really want to use vim.

Second commit and Further

That was the first change I wanted to make. Remember, it's good practice to commit each time you complete an idea or concept. This change was a complete concept for me, so I committed.

However, there's another issue with the library that I need to resolve as well. So, I'm going to add those changes, and follow the steps again. I make my changes, check the status, check the diff to make sure I made the correct changes, add the file to be committed, compose a short commit message, and commit my changes.

You can repeat the steps above as many times as you'd like.

Once you've committed all of the changes you intend to make, you're ready to push to your fork.

Push to Your Fork

You've committed your final change, and you're ready to submit your code to the project. This means it's time to push to your fork. When you push, you're sending the list of commits since the last push to your remote repo. In other words, you're "uploading" your changes to your repo on GitHub. Until you push, none of your commits show up on GitHub. So think of commits as local save points, and pushes as remote save points. This also means that once you push, your changes are visible to the public. So commit as often as you like, but only push when you're ready for it to be submitted to the project. If you do push too soon, it's okay though! It happens to all of us. You can always push again after you do a few more commits.

As usual, first run git status.

When status results in nothing to commit, working tree clean, it means there have been no changes to any files in your repo since the last time you committed. This is the state you want to be in before pushing your changes.

Now, you want to enter the push command. Remember, when we setup the repo, we aliased it to your GitHub ID so you'd know it's your repo. The push command consists of the command, your alias, and your branch name. So, enter the following, replacing yourid with your GitHub ID, and your-branch-name with the name of your branch:

git push https://github.com/username/repo branch

where: - username is your GitHub username that you authenticated to - repo is the repo on github you are pushing to - branch is the branch you've been working on on the local system This is the output on my system. Note I had previously authenticated with gh auth login.

If you get a message similar to the one below, you have not successfully authenticated to GitHub, That must be done first, prior to the push succeeding.

Excellent! Now you can continue working. Or if you're ready, you can head over to GitHub to prepare to open a pull request.

Not pushing to the Adafruit Learning System main Branch?

As we create new releases and begin to work on new Learn projects, the previous releases are moved to their own branches. In the event that you are adding something to one of the previous versions, the push command above may fail. Follow the instructions provided in the error message to properly push to your current working branch. For more details on push, please see the git push documentation.

Adafruit is standardizing on adding author and license information to all code files. For Arduino, this would be all .ino, .h, and .cpp files. For CircuitPython, it would be all .py files.

The information goes at the top of each code file before any other comments or code.

Please put the current year and the author(s) first and last name in the first line. In the third line, generally Adafruit code is MIT licensed. If you code derives from code under CC or other licenses, please list them, although MIT is the preferred license.

The phrase "for Adafruit Industries" is for Adafruit authors and is not required for general authors.


// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: YYYY Your Name for Adafruit Industries
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

An example:

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Anne Barela for Adafruit Industries
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

First line of code or additional comments


// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Jane Doe
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

If there is more than one author, you can have multiple lines for SPDX-FileCopyrightText, one below the other each listing the date and author as appropriate:

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Limor Fried/ladyada for Adafruit Industries
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Phillip Burgess for Adafruit Industries
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


CircuitPython uses the Python comment # instead of the C comment //. ALso the latest versions of the Lint/CI checker want a description delimited by three single quotes beginning and end:

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: YYYY Your Name for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
'''MyExample is a program to play MP3 sound files'''

An example:

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Anne Barela for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
'''MyExample is a program to draw pictures'''

First line of code or additional comments


Documenting information in this fashion is consistent with The Software Package Data Exchange® (SPDX®). SPDX is an open standard for communicating software bill of material information, including components, licenses, copyrights, and security references. SPDX reduces redundant work by providing a common format for companies and communities to share important data, thereby streamlining and improving compliance.

The SPDX specification is an international open standard ISO/IEC 5962:2021.

The list of valid license types are on the SPDX website here.

Please keep to the formats listed above unless instructed by Adafruit staff.


  • Be sure the comments are left justified and worded close to the example text including spaces.
  • Be sure you used the right comment mark for the language you are coding with.
  • Check that the license given is valid in the list here
  • If you are not writing for Adafruit, the phrase "for Adafruit Industries" is not required.

You've committed your changes and pushed them to your fork. You're ready to submit your changes to the original project for review. This means you're ready to put in a pull request.

A pull request, or PR, is exactly that: a request to pull your changes into the original project code. Basically, you're asking the owner of the original project to include your new changes. When changes are included in a project, it's called a merge. Completing a pull request involves merging the pull request into the original project.

A pull request isn't a single step, however. It's a process. You'll create your PR, submit any fixes necessary for the checks to pass, wait for review, submit any or discuss changes requested in the review, and then wait for your code to be merged into the project. Not all PRs will be accepted. This is why it's important to submit a PR earlier rather than later so you can get feedback earlier on in the development process.

This section of the guide will cover creating your pull request. Let's get started!

Creating a Pull Request

Once you've pushed your changes to your fork, and you're ready to submit them to the project, open your browser and navigate to your forked repo.

If you've just pushed for the first time, you'll see a line at the top stating, "You've recently pushed branches:" and a bar below it containing your branch name and a Compare & pull request button.

If you pushed multiple times from the same branch in a short period of time, or for some other reason the Compare & pull request button doesn't show up, you can create it manually.

Click on the dropdown menu for Branch:

Find your branch name in the menu.

Then click the New pull request button.

If you still don't see the Pull Request button

Check that GitHub is registering that you have a commit ready (orange circle). This one does. So click on the Contribute Button (purple circle):

Then in the dropdown click on the Open Pull Request button:

The next thing to do is to open the pull request. The initial page will look something like this.

Filling out the Pull Request

Let's break it down!

The first section will let you know whether your request is able to be automatically merged. If it's not, that means someone else already made changes to the same section of code that you did, and you'll need to update your code to match the already existing changes before you can submit the pull request. It's possible to submit a PR that isn't able to be automatically merged, but often the owner of the project will ask you to update your code first anyway. So it's good practice to not submit until that section says Able to merge.

The next section is where you'll enter your pull request message. First read the text that Adafruit has put for Adafruit Learning System PRs.

As I'm working on a defined project, I have added text describing what I have done.

Ideally you'll title it something that quickly describes what you changed. Then you can include more details in the message body. If you made a single commit, they may already be populated by your commit message. If you made multiple commits, it may simply be populated by your branch name. You can change them regardless if you'd like to be more descriptive.

The next section includes your list of commits. The top details the number of commits, how many files were changed, the number of commit comments, and the number of contributors. Below, I made one commit, changed one file, have no comments and I am the sole contributor.

The last section shows you your changes. Like git diff, it will show you only the code surrounding your changes. The code you've added will show up in green. Any code you deleted will show up in red.

Be aware, if you change an entire code block, it will show the original code in red, and your new code in green, even if you didn't remove the code contained within the block. This doesn't mean the code you changed was deleted! It's simply how the changes are shown here.

Go through each of these sections and make sure they're all correct. Did you include all the commits you meant to? Do the changes show all of the changes you intended to make? Did you find a mistake? If you find anything you missed or need to change, back out of the pull request and finish up what you need to. Then start the process again.

If you're happy with everything you see, you're ready to open your pull request. Under where you entered your description, you'll find the Create a pull request button. Click it to create your pull request.

You've created your pull request! 

The next section will cover what happens during the open pull request.

If the CI Fails to Start

If the GitHub Actions CI fails to process your PR, here is a simple way to trigger it. Go into your commit, edit one of the files ever so slightly - add a space (or delete one not needed) and it should trigger the CI to reexamine the PR again.

Note for Python files, do not add trailing spaces to a line, that will trigger an error.

Code reviews are an integral part of open source software development, and software development in general. One of the greatest things about open source software is community involvement. A review an opportunity for someone with different ideas and knowledge than you to take a look at your code, and either verify it's good to go, or identify places where it can be improved. This applies to beginners and experts alike; everyone can benefit from a second set of eyes on their code.

Reviews should be a positive experience, regardless of the outcome. All feedback should be constructive and positive. Keep in mind, all feedback provided is regarding your code, not you as a contributor. Everyone involved needs to be receptive to feedback and willing to participate in the conversation.

Remember to be patient; sometimes it can take a bit for someone to review your code. We regularly check on open PRs and often request a review from our CircuitPython Librarians review team. However, a review request does not guarantee an immediate review. Many of the folks on this team are members of the community volunteering their time.

I've waited a bit, and I received an email saying there was an update to my PR. Time to take a look!

Below the commit list, there's a new section, beginning with "dhalbert requested changes 1 minute ago". 

Dan, @dhalbert on GitHub, has reviewed my PR! Thanks, Dan!

Remember, you can always check the status of the PR to see where things are. The status of this PR is now Changes requested.

Some PRs are ready to go on the first try, and will be merged immediately. If this happens, excellent! You can skip the next section to find out how to continue.

Others require a bit of work first, as with my PR. The next section will take a look at what happens when changes are requested.

The Change Request

Many pull requests are not accepted in the state that they are initially submitted, especially as they get more complex. When a reviewer finds something that needs fixing or could be improved, they will submit a change request. This is, as it sounds, a request for you to make changes to your contribution.

GitHub makes this process seamless by allowing a reviewer to go through your code line by line and make suggestions exactly where the change needs to be made. This means you don't have to hunt through your code to figure out what the reviewer was referring to. It's important to read through the entire thing do you don't miss any of it.

The change request can be viewed in a couple of different ways. The first will show up as a series of comments within the Conversation tab of your PR. The second shows the comments in your code under the Files Changed tab. There's no right or wrong way to view your change request; you should use the method that works best for you. Let's take a look!

The Conversation View

The Conversation tab is often where you start when viewing your PR. A change request will show up in this tab as a series of nested comments, including code snippets. There are a few of sections within the request: the main review comment, the nested review comments, and reply or resolve.

Main Review Comment

This is the main review comment. Sometimes this contains only a general comment, and the important bits are below it. In this case, though, Dan has mentioned that there are two example files that I also need to update. This is what makes reading this comment so important! The GitHub interface does not allow you to comment on files not included in a pull requests, and therefore, if there are other files that need updating, the best you can do is mention them in a comment. Always read through what your reviewer has to say.

Nested Review Comments

Below the main comment, you'll find a series of nested comments that include code snippets from your pull request. They show the original code and your changes, color coded as in the other comparisons you've seen, and the associated review comments.

Dan's first suggested code change is a more precise name, and he has explained why the suggested name would be a better option.

He also included the Suggested change using the GitHub interface, so I can clearly see exactly what he means. Not all reviews will include this.

As there are many references to this new name, Dan also included a note about updating all of the references to it in the code.

Reply or Resolve

At the bottom of each nested comment, you'll find the option to Reply..., or Resolve conversation.

The Resolve conversation button is there for you and the reviewer. We use it in two ways. One is for the PR author to click when the update has been applied and pushed to the PR, and the author is satisfied that the requirements have been met. Two is for the reviewer to click when they are feel that their requested changes have been made, if the author has opted not to click it. Don't spend a lot of time worrying about whether you've done everything right before clicking; GitHub makes it simple to "unresolve" a conversation in the event that more is needed! Note that the usage of this button may differ based on the specific project to which you are contributing.

There will come a time when you receive a suggestion in a review that doesn't make sense or you don't agree with. You have every right to ask questions or discuss any part of a review. You can reply by clicking in the Reply... dialogue and typing your response. Pull requests are setup to handle forum-like discussions. Feel free to ask for clarification, explain the reason you chose to do something, simply thank someone for their assistance, or open any form of discussion you feel is needed for your review. Some more involved PRs have extremely lengthy discussions as code goes through multiple iterations and changes. This is great! You should always feel comfortable continuing the discussion if you feel it's necessary. We definitely do!

I decided to let Dan know that I agreed with his suggestion and will be making the change. My reply was sent to this specific change, so it is nested along with it. If Dan replied, the thread would continue as seen here. That way, if there are questions about multiple changes, they don't get crossed!

The Files Changed View

Requested changes in the Files changed tab show up in a very similar way, however, here they are shown within the updated file. This view is sometimes easier for folks because it provides a little more code context to the requested changes, than simply viewing the code snippets alone.

You can get there by clicking the Files changed tab or by clicking View requested changes at the top of the review in the Conversation tab.

Here you'll find the same review comment structure. Instead of only including the code snippet, it is nested within the overall file comparison. This can sometimes make it more obvious where in your code the change is being requested.

I agree with Dan's suggestions, so I'm going to go ahead and make the requested changes.

Submitting the Requested Changes

Submitting fixes for a change request can be done in two ways: using Git, and using the GitHub interface. However, there are many situations where the GitHub interface is not an option. This section covers each one, and explains the benefits of and caveats involved with both.

Using Git to Commit Suggested Changes

The process for using Git to commit suggested changes to a pull request is almost entirely identical to the process used to handle resolving the failed checks when the PR was created. One of the benefits to this is that you're already using a Git/GitHub workflow, so it may make sense to simply continue along that path. It also means that your local copy remains up to date with the remote copy on GitHub. Further, understanding how to use Git to submit changes to a PR is important; if you are asked to make changes to files not already included in the PR, you will need to use Git. So, it's convenient that the process is a familiar one.

Remember, pushing a commit to the current branch will update the open PR. This is valid for the entire duration of an open PR, regardless of the reason for submitting updates. Therefore, following the process you've already learned will get you the results you're looking for.

There were a few elements to the change request, including a rename, and updating two example files. As those files were not included in the initial PR, they'll need to be submitted using Git. I've renamed the argument/attribute io_object to io_mqtt in the adafruit_dash_display.py file. I have run my series of git commands: status, add, status, commit, status, push.

Excellent! This commit will now show up in the pull request. But, I have more changes to make. So, I'll make the changes to the example files, and then run the exact same series of git commands to commit my second set of changes to the PR.

Now it's time to check on my latest commit and see where the PR is at by looking at the status. There is a yellow dot next to the commit hash in the commit list indicating checks are occurring. The overall status is still Changes requested, because the changes have not yet been reviewed. As you can see, the checks are, once again, in progress.

You'll want to give the checks a chance to complete. If they fail, follow the process outlined on the previous page in this guide to resolve the issue. In this case, the checks have passed.

You can now scroll up to the first requested change, and you'll see that it has been marked as Outdated. This indicates that a commit has occurred that altered the specific line (or lines) of code addressed in that specific review comment. This does not mean that you've completed the change to the satisfaction of the reviewer, it simply means GitHub sees a change in that spot, and is noting that the existing review no longer applies.

There is one more change to address. This one we'll do using the GitHub interface.

Using GitHub to Commit Suggested Changes

GitHub includes a feature that allows you to accept suggested changes directly from a review comment, and commit them directly. This is a super convenient way to ensure that you're submitting the change exactly as requested by the reviewer. However, it is only available when the reviewer has provided a suggested change within a review comment. This means it is not possible to use this process to submit changes to files not already included in your PR. Further, it will result in your local copy of the code no longer being up to date with the remote copy. It's one simple step to keep up with this, but if you forget and push more changes, it can get hairy. You can use both Git and GitHub on the same PR. For my PR, I used Git to fix the naming suggestions. I'll use the GitHub interface for the documentation suggestions.

To begin, navigate to the specific change you want to commit. You can do this through either the Conversation or Files changed views. Click Commit suggestion.

The resulting dialogue comes with a prepopulated commit message, which will always be "Update filename.py", where the name and extension of the file match the file you are updating. It also provides the option to type in a commit description. You should continue your habit of descriptive commit messages and update the commit message. Once you've done so, click Commit changes.

The review comment will be marked as Outdated, and collapsed as completely resolved, because this method guarantees that the update matches exactly what the reviewer was looking for. If you need to see it again for some reason, you can always click "Show resolved" on the right. The new commit shows up in the list, the same as the others.

This is the last of the requested changes! The pull request is ready for a second look. You have a couple of options here. You can leave a comment tagging the person who began the review by including their GitHub username beginning with @, e.g. @dhalbert. You can also simply request another review by clicking the circle-arrows next to the reviewer's name in the Reviewers list at the top of the right column of your PR.

I've let Dan know that I made the changes, and now I'll wait until he's next around to see whether there's anything else to do for this PR.

Don't Let Your Local Code Get Behind

When there are more commits on a copy of code, whether local or remote, you call that copy ahead. The copy that does not have those commits is considered behind. At this point, the remote copy of the code is one commit ahead of your local copy, because you used GitHub to commit directly to the remote copy. When you are working on an open pull request, it's very important to stay on top of keeping your local copy up to date. 

When you end up in this situation, you'll want to complete the following step. Return to your terminal program and run git pull remotename current-branch-name, replacing remotename with the name of your remote (your GitHub ID), and current-branch-name with the name of the branch you're using with the PR.

The local copy of the PR branch is now up to date with the remote copy. That way, if any further changes are requested that require using Git, it's ready to go.

Changes Approved

I received an email letting me know there was an update to my pull request. Dan's back, and he's taken another look. He is happy with the changes I made for the first two request comments, and has resolved both of those as well.

My PR has been approved! Dan has reviewed the changes I made following his change request and concluded that I've made them to his satisfaction. He comments to let me know this is the case, and approves the changes.


The final step in this process is having your pull request merged. A merge takes the changes submitted in the PR, and integrates them into the original copy of the code. Only the final commit is merged, as the final commit already includes all of the changes made in the previous commits. 

Dan merged my contribution! My updates are now part of the Adafruit version of the Dash Display library, and moving forward, others may use and enjoy them.

Congratulations! You've successfully had a PR reviewed and merged. Now you're ready to pick out another issue to address, and continue your journey through open source software contributing!

Post-Merge Cleanup

Keeping Branches Trimmed outlines a couple of things you can do post-merge to help keep things tidy for yourself and other library contributors.

Congratulations! Your pull request was approved and merged, and your code is now part of the original project's repo. This means that your fork's main branch is now behind the original project's main branch. It's now time to update your main to match the original project.

The first thing you want to do is return to the main branch. If you're unsure which branch you're currently on, type git branch to see a list. The current branch will be highlighted with an asterisk next to it. You should still be in the branch you created. Now, let's return to main.

To check out the main branch, enter the following checkout command:

git checkout main

Next, we're going to utilise the original project remote we created. To get the updates from the remote repo, we're going to use fetch. Remember, fetch grabs the the newest version of the remote repo, but does not merge it into the current repo.

Remember, you named the original project's remote repo with the owner's GitHub ID. You'll use this name when you merge the two main branches together. Since I cloned an Adafruit repo, I'll be using adafruit.

To fetch the updated remote, enter the following fetch command, replacing ownerid with the name you assigned to the remote repo:

git fetch ownerid

Now we're going to merge the current data into our local repo. Remember, a merge takes the information from one branch and combines it into another. In this case, it's going to take the current version of main from the remote repo and combine it with the main branch on your local repo. This will bring you even with the remote main, including the changes you submitted.

To merge the remote main with your main, run the following merge command, replacing ownerid with the name you assigned to the remote repo:

git merge ownerid/main

Those numbers may look familiar. They match the changes from my PR! This will not always be the case. With larger projects, people are constantly submitting changes and the list from this step may be lengthy. Regardless, you're set to move on to the next step - the results aren't important to the process of updating.

Now your local repo is even with the remote repo. Your remote fork on GitHub, however, is not. It does not automatically update when you update locally. So, you must manually push your locally updated main to your remote fork. This uses the exact same command format as pushing your working branch did. This time, however, we're pushing the main branch.

Remember, you named your remote repo with your GitHub ID. You'll use this to push the updated main branch in the same way you did when pushing your working branch.

To update your remote fork on GitHub, type the following push command, replacing yourID with your GitHub ID:

git push yourid main

Now the main branch on both your local repo and your remote repo are up to date. You're ready to continue working. From here, you can return to your previous branch and update it, or you can create a new branch and start on a new contribution.

Keep in mind, if you step away from a repo for a period of time, you should always update it before creating a branch to work with or you may be working with out of date data. This can lead to conflicts when attempting to merge later. Conflicts can be incredibly frustrating, but are easily avoided if you keep your branches up to date as you go. When it comes time to create your PR, verify that it can be merged automatically before creating it. If it can't, you may have been working with an out of date branch and will need to update it before creating the PR. Don't be afraid to ask for help with this! Sometimes it's a simple fix, other times it's more complicated. We're always happy to help you work through it.

This page includes a list of terms used in this guide with definitions.


add is the command used to stage a changed file for commit. When you add a file, it changes the status from Changes not staged for commit: to Changes to be committed:. This means when you next commit, any files you add will be included.


A branch is a way to have your own working timeline of changes. Creating a working branch of your own is a way to make changes while leaving the default main branch clean. You can always merge your working branch changes into main at any time.


cd is the command to change directory from the command line. You'll use this to navigate through your local repos on the command line.

change request:

A change request is a request for changes as part of a review on an open PR.


checkout is the command used to switch to a new branch, by creating it in the process, or to switch to an existing branch. Using it with -b will create a new branch. Using it alone will switch to an existing branch.


Cloning a repository creates a local copy of the repo on your computer. It is good practice to use git clone -o alias repo-url to assign your own alias to the upstream remote to avoid confusion. Simply cloning a repo using git clone repo-url, uses origin for the name of the upstream remote.


A commit is a save point in your project. It's similar to saving a file to your computer, however, instead of overwriting the previous save, it creates a timeline of save points. You can return to a previous save point at any time. The commit command creates a commit. It is most easily used with -m "Commit message" to include your commit message.

You can use committing often to divide up your set of changes. Consider a commit to be a complete and distinct idea. Each time you complete a concept you wanted to change, commit. The sum of these commits will be a combination of all the changes you intend to submit to the final project. This creates a timeline for your set of changes and allows for a better understanding of what your train of thought was while you were completing them. This can make it easier for you to make changes later, and easier for a reviewer to see where you were going with your ideas.

continuous integration testing:

Continuous integration testing allows for automatically checking code that is submitted to a repo for style and syntax errors, among other things, to verify that the code is ready to be merged. It ensures that the submitted code will build successfully, without requiring someone to go through each contribution to try to find the errors manually.


A diff is the difference between two files, sets of changes, or commits. When you run diff, it shows you the changes you've made since your last commit, or since you opened the original file if you have not yet made any commits. It provides a color coded look at the difference between the two states, which highlights all the changes you've made. It only shows you the code near your changes - some files are extremely large and it would take forever to scroll through the entire file to look at a small change. Be aware, there are times when you'll make many changes, and the results of diff will take a long time to go through.

When you view the diff as part of a pull request, it shows you all the changes included in that PR. It also only shows you the code around the changes to conserve space.


Fetching is the act of grabbing the changes from a remote repo, but not merging them in. You'll use fetch when you're preparing to update your main branch to be in line with the original project.


A fork is a copy of the original project that lives on your GitHub account. You clone your fork locally and it allows you to work on the project without affecting the original. Forks remain attached to the original project which allows you to submit pull requests with changes you'd like to see merged into the original project. You can also keep your fork updated by fetching updates from the original project repo.

Git and git:

Git is the actual free and open source distributed version control system that you're using locally to work with your repo. git is the beginning of every Git command, such as, git commit or git checkout.


Linting is the process of checking code for style and syntax errors. A linter is the tool used for linting. When Travis CI runs on your pull request to an Adafruit repo, it's running a linter called Pylint on your code to verify that it is in line with Adafruit's required standard.


The default branch is called main. It's good practice to make changes on a working branch and leave the main branch clean.


A merge takes the changes from one place and merges them into another. Your changes will be merged following an approved pull request. You'll merge after you fetch the changes from a remote repo to update your main branch.

pull request or PR:

A pull request or PR is a request for your changes to be merged with the original project. Consider a PR to be a conversation. Some PRs will be accepted immediately, however, most will involve some form of discussion or change request. A PR is not a single step, it is a process. You'll create your PR, submit any fixes necessary for the checks to pass, wait for review, submit any or discuss changes requested in the review, and then wait for your code to be merged into the project. Not all PRs will be accepted. This is why it's important to submit a PR earlier rather than later so you can get feedback earlier on in the development process.


push is the command used to send the list of commits since the last push to your remote repo. In other words, you're "uploading" your changes to your repo on GitHub. Until you push, none of your commits show up on GitHub. So think of commits as local save points, and pushes as remote save points. This also means that once you push, your changes are visible to the public. So commit as often as you like, but only push when you're ready for it to be submitted to the project. If you do push too soon, it's okay though! It happens to all of us. You can always push again after you do a few more commits.


A remote is the version of a repo located on GitHub. You work on the repo locally and then push your changes to your remote. The remote command allows you to create aliases to your remote repo and the original project remote repo for the purposes of pushing changes and keeping your repo and fork up to date.

repository or repo:

A repository can be thought of as a project folder. It includes all the files contained within the project. Use GitHub to create your own copy of a project you'd like to contribute to. Then use Git to download your repo to your computer so you can make your changes locally.


A review is the process of someone going through a pull request to verify that it's done correctly, and to decide whether it's appropriate to merge into the original project. Some reviews are quick, requiring only that the code be verified. Others will take a significant amount of time, involving an extensive conversation with change requests and suggestions for improvements. Reviews are meant to be a positive experience for everyone involved, and ensuring that any feedback provided is positive and constructive is an essential part. Anyone is welcome to provide a review on a pull request, as long as they provide constructive, positive feedback.


When you've made changes but have not included them for commit, they are considered to be not staged for commit. When you have run add to include your file for commit, your changes are considered to be staged to commit. When changes are staged for commit, this means they will be included in your next commit.


status is the command that shows you the current status of your changes. You should run status before running every other command you intend to run. While it's unnecessary with some commands, using it consistently will get you in the habit so you never miss it when you do need it. When you run status, you'll not only find out the current status, you'll know what command you need to run next based on the current status. status is your best friend!

Travis CI:

Travis CI is the continuous integration testing system built into Adafruit repos to verify that all submitted code builds successfully, and to check code for style and syntax errors. This is the system that will tell you if your code fails the check, and then provide you with a log showing you a detailed list of the errors.


You forked an original project and then cloned that fork locally. The original project is often referred to as upstream from your fork.

Embedded code for CircuitPython projects will show up in the Learn Guide with a Download Project Bundle button as shown below.

This allows downloading a single .zip file which contains the code, libraries, and any assets, like fonts, images, etc. No need to download different pieces from separate locations. It's one stop shopping!

In order for this feature to work, a specific file naming and folder layout scheme is required. In general:

  • place code listing in a file named code.py in project folder
  • place images in a subfolder named /images
  • place fonts in a subfolder named /fonts

Below is more specific information for different scenarios with example folder layouts.

Single Code Without Assets

This is the simplest case. There is only one code involved for the project and no assets (images, fonts, etc.) are used. Just place the code in a file named code.py in the project folder.

│   ├── Project Folder
│   │   └── code.py

Multiple Codes Without Assets

Some Learn Guides will have more than one code listing. In that case, the filename code.py is still used for each, but they are placed in subfolders. The subfolder names can be anything.

│   ├── Project Folder
│   │   └── example1
│   │   │   └──  code.py
│   │   ├── example2
│   │   │   └── code.py

Single Code With Assets

If the project code ends up using assets like images or fonts, these must be placed in specific subfolders.

  • /images - put images here
  • /fonts - put custom fonts here

Multiple image and font files can be placed in the subfolders. They can also be named anything.

│   ├── Project Folder
│   │   └── images
│   │   │   └──  cat.bmp
│   │   └── fonts
│   │   │   └──  bold_font.bdf
│   │   └── code.py

Multiple Codes With Assets

This is essentially the same as the previous section. However, each code and its associated assets are placed in subfolders. If the same asset is used in multiple code examples, a separate copy must be placed in the subfolders. There is currently no way to provide a "shared" assets layout.

│   ├── Project Folder
│   │   └── example1
│   │   │   └── images
│   │   │   │   └──  cat.bmp
│   │   │   └── fonts
│   │   │   │   └──  bold_font.bdf
│   │   │   └── code.py
│   │   └── example2
│   │   │   └── images
│   │   │   │   └──  cat.bmp
│   │   │   └── fonts
│   │   │   │   └──  bold_font.bdf
│   │   │   └── code.py

Other Assets

For other assets, like a secrets.py file, place those in same folder as code.py.

│   ├── Project Folder
│   │   └── secrets.py
│   │   └── code.py

This guide was first published on Oct 12, 2021. It was last updated on Mar 08, 2024.