GCode Files for Fixture
In the Bantam Tools software, remove the facing gcode. Click the three dots icon in the blue bar of the GCode file. Click Remove to delete.
Click Open File and choose the GCode file for the 1x4 holder with the 1/8in flat end mill. Under the milling tools section, choose the 1/8in flat end mill from the list.
Click Open file again and choose the GCode file for the 1x4 holder with the 1/32 flat end mill. Under the milling tools section, choose the 1/32in flat end mill from the list.
Mill Fixture – 1/8in
In the Bantam Tools software, click on summary run job. Under the 1/8in GCode file, click Mill Single File when ready.
With the stock still secured to the spoil board and the 1/8in already installed, proceed to mill the 1/8in GCode file.
When complete, use the vacuum to clean up the saw dust and debris. DO NOT remove the stock yet. Proceed to install the 1/32in flat end mill.
Install and Probe 1/32in Flat End Mill
In the Bantam Tools software, click on the JOG icon. In the JOG dialog window, click Install Tool.
Wipe away any dust from the available space on the spoil board.
Install the 1/32in flat end mill and walk through the installation process.
Mill Fixture – 1/32in
In the Bantam Tools software, click on summary run job. Under the 1/32in GCode file, click Mill Single File when ready.
When complete, use the vacuum to clean up any saw dust and debris.
Remove and Sand Fixture
Use alcohol and a palette knife to remove the fixture from the spoil board.
Allow the alcohol to soak into the bottom of the fixture.
Use the Jog controls to move the spoil board and spindle out of the way so you can get a better handle on the material.
The surfaces of the fixture might be rough and will need to be sanded down. Use 220 grit sand paper to smooth out the surfaces in the fixture.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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