To use with CircuitPython, you need to first install a few libraries, into the lib folder on your CIRCUITPY drive. Then you need to update with the example script.
Thankfully, we can do this in one go. In the example below, click the Download Project Bundle button below to download the necessary libraries and the file in a zip file. Extract the contents of the zip file, open the directory Clue_Shot_Timer/ and then click on the directory that matches the version of CircuitPython you're using.
Connect your MagTag board to your computer via a known good USB data+power cable. The board should show up as a thumb drive named CIRCUITPY in Explorer or Finder (depending on your operating system). Copy the contents of that directory to your CIRCUITPY drive.
Your CIRCUITPY drive should now look similar to the following image:
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Eva Herrada for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import array import random import time import gc import simpleio import audiobusio import displayio from adafruit_display_text import label from adafruit_bitmap_font import bitmap_font from adafruit_display_shapes.rect import Rect import board import digitalio settings = {} with open("/settings.txt", "r") as F: for line in F: k, v = line.replace("\n", "").split(",") print(k, v) settings[k] = v MODE = settings["mode"] if settings["delay"] == "RNDM": DELAY_TIME = settings["delay"] else: DELAY_TIME = int(settings["delay"]) PB = float(settings["pb"]) PAR = float(settings["par"]) SENSITIVITY = int(settings["sensitivity"]) gc.enable() DEAD_TIME_DELAY = 0.11 arial18 = bitmap_font.load_font("/fonts/Arial-18.pcf") arialb24 = bitmap_font.load_font("/fonts/Arial-Bold-24.pcf") lato74 = bitmap_font.load_font("/fonts/Lato-Regular-74.pcf") display = board.DISPLAY display.auto_refresh = False group = displayio.Group() button_a = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON_A) button_a.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.UP) button_b = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON_B) button_b.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.UP) main_time = label.Label( font=lato74, anchored_position=(120, 40), text="00.00", color=0xFFFFFF, anchor_point=(0.5, 0.5), ) group.append(main_time) shot_num = label.Label( font=arialb24, anchored_position=(120, 80), text="#0 SPL 00.00", anchor_point=(0.5, 0), ) group.append(shot_num) first = label.Label( font=arialb24, anchored_position=(120, 120), text="1st: 00.00", anchor_point=(0.5, 0), ) group.append(first) delay = label.Label( font=arialb24, anchored_position=(120, 160), text=f"Delay: {DELAY_TIME}", anchor_point=(0.5, 0), ) group.append(delay) sens = label.Label(font=arialb24, x=15, y=220, text=f"{SENSITIVITY}") group.append(sens) if MODE == "PB": mode_text = f"{MODE} {PB:05.2f}" elif MODE == "Par": mode_text = f"{MODE} {PAR:05.2f}" else: mode_text = MODE mode_label = label.Label( font=arialb24, anchored_position=(225, 210), text=mode_text, anchor_point=(1, 0) ) group.append(mode_label) def normalized_rms(values): """Gets the normalized RMS of the mic samples""" minbuf = int(sum(values) / len(values)) samples_sum = sum(float(sample - minbuf) * (sample - minbuf) for sample in values) return (samples_sum / len(values)) ** 0.5 def picker(current): """Displays screen allowing user to set a time""" pick[0].text, pick[1].text, pick[2].text, pick[3].text = list( current.replace(".", "") ) display.root_group = pick time.sleep(0.2) index = 0 while True: if not button_b.value: pick[index].background_color = None pick[index].color = 0xFFFFFF index += 1 if index == 4: index = 0 pick[index].background_color = 0xFFFFFF pick[index].color = 0x000000 started = time.monotonic() while not button_b.value: if time.monotonic() - started > 1: pick[0].color = 0x000000 pick[0].background_color = 0xFFFFFF pick[1].color = 0xFFFFFF pick[1].background_color = None pick[2].color = 0xFFFFFF pick[2].background_color = None pick[3].color = 0xFFFFFF pick[3].background_color = None return float( f"{pick[0].text}{pick[1].text}.{pick[2].text}{pick[3].text}" ) if not button_a.value: pick[index].text = str(int(pick[index].text) + 1)[-1] started = time.monotonic() while not button_a.value: if time.monotonic() - started > 1: return current display.refresh() display.root_group = displayio.CIRCUITPYTHON_TERMINAL def rect_maker(shots): rects = displayio.Group() for i in range(len(shots)): if i == 10: break rectangle = Rect(x=0, y=24 + (i * 24), width=240, height=1, fill=0xFFFFFF) rects.append(rectangle) return rects def shot_label_maker(grp): txt = "" for i, j in enumerate(shot_list): if i == 0: split = j else: split = j - shot_list[i - 1] txt = txt + f"{i+1:02}\t{j:05.2f}\t{split:05.2f}\n" grp.append( label.Label( font=arial18, anchored_position=(120, 3), text=txt[:-1], color=0xFFFFFF, line_spacing=0.82, anchor_point=(0.5, 0), ) ) gc.collect() return grp def show_shot_list(shots, disp): done = False shot_group = rect_maker(shots) shot_group = shot_label_maker(shot_group) disp.root_group = shot_group tracker = 10 while True: if not button_b.value: started = time.monotonic() while not button_b.value: if time.monotonic() - started > 1: done = True break if tracker < len(shots) and not done: shot_group[10].y -= 24 tracker += 1 if not button_a.value: started = time.monotonic() while not button_a.value: if time.monotonic() - started > 1: done = True break if tracker > 10 and not done: shot_group[10].y += 24 tracker -= 1 if done: break disp.refresh() shot_group = None gc.collect() def menu_mode( mode, delay_time, sensitivity_, pb, par, length_, submenus_ ): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements selected = int(menu[0].y / 40) + 1 display.root_group = menu display.refresh() page_ = menu while not button_a.value: pass done = False while not done: if not button_a.value and selected < length_: started = time.monotonic() while not button_a.value: if time.monotonic() - started > 1: if page_ == menu: display.root_group = group display.refresh() done = True else: page_ = menu selected = int(page_[0].y / 40) + 1 length_ = len(page_) - 1 display.root_group = page_ submenus_ = main_menu_opts display.refresh() break else: if not done: rgb = page_[selected].color color = ( ((255 - ((rgb >> 16) & 0xFF)) << 16) + ((255 - ((rgb >> 8) & 0xFF)) << 8) + (255 - (rgb & 0xFF)) ) page_[selected].color = color page_[0].y += 40 selected += 1 rgb = page_[selected].color color = ( ((255 - ((rgb >> 16) & 0xFF)) << 16) + ((255 - ((rgb >> 8) & 0xFF)) << 8) + (255 - (rgb & 0xFF)) ) page_[selected].color = color while not button_a.value: pass if not button_a.value and selected == length_ and not done: started = time.monotonic() while not button_a.value: if time.monotonic() - started > 1: if page_ == menu: display.root_group = group display.refresh() done = True else: page_ = menu selected = int(page_[0].y / 40) + 1 length_ = len(page_) - 1 display.root_group = page_ submenus_ = main_menu_opts display.refresh() break else: if not done: rgb = page_[selected].color color = ( ((255 - ((rgb >> 16) & 0xFF)) << 16) + ((255 - ((rgb >> 8) & 0xFF)) << 8) + (255 - (rgb & 0xFF)) ) page_[selected].color = color page_[0].y = 0 selected = 1 rgb = page_[selected].color color = ( ((255 - ((rgb >> 16) & 0xFF)) << 16) + ((255 - ((rgb >> 8) & 0xFF)) << 8) + (255 - (rgb & 0xFF)) ) page_[selected].color = color while not button_a.value: pass if not button_b.value: if isinstance(submenus_[1], list): if submenus_[0] == mode: mode = submenus_[1][selected - 1] submenus_[0] = mode if mode == "PB": pb = picker(f"{PB:05.2f}") mode_label.text = f"{mode} {pb}" page_[selected].text = mode_label.text display.root_group = page_ display.refresh() elif mode == "Par": par = picker(f"{par:05.2f}") mode_label.text = f"{mode} {par}" page_[selected].text = mode_label.text display.root_group = page_ display.refresh() else: mode_label.text = mode if submenus_[0] == delay_time and len(submenus_[1]) == 5: delay_time = submenus_[1][selected - 1] submenus_[0] = delay_time delay.text = f"Delay: {delay_time}" if submenus_[0] == sensitivity_ and len(submenus_[1]) == 6: sensitivity_ = submenus_[1][selected - 1] submenus_[0] = sensitivity_ sens.text = f"{sensitivity_}" for i in page_: i.color = 0xFFFFFF page_[selected].color = 0x00FF00 else: page_ = submenus_[selected - 1] submenus_ = page_opts[selected - 1] selected = int(page_[0].y / 40) + 1 length_ = len(page_) - 1 display.root_group = page_ while not button_b.value: pass display.refresh() return mode, delay_time, sensitivity_, pb, par def label_maker(txt, grp, font, x, y, x_step=0, y_step=0, anchor=None, padding=0): for count, t in enumerate(txt): x_pos = x + (count * x_step) y_pos = y + (count * y_step) if anchor: grp.append( label.Label( font, text=t, anchored_position=(x_pos, y_pos), color=0xFFFFFF, padding_top=padding, anchor_point=anchor, ) ) else: grp.append( label.Label( font, text=t, x=x_pos, y=y_pos, color=0xFFFFFF, padding_top=padding ) ) return grp mode_opts = [MODE, ["Default", "PB", "Par"]] delay_opts = [DELAY_TIME, [0, 1, 3, 5, "RNDM"]] sensitivity_opts = [SENSITIVITY, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]] # Number picker page pick = displayio.Group() pick = label_maker( ["0", "0"], pick, lato74, 40, 120, x_step=50, anchor=(0.5, 0.5), padding=8 ) pick = label_maker( ["0", "0"], pick, lato74, 150, 120, x_step=50, anchor=(0.5, 0.5), padding=8 ) pick[0].color = 0x000000 pick[0].background_color = 0xFFFFFF dot = label.Label( lato74, text=".", color=0xFFFFFF, anchor_point=(0.5, 0.5), anchored_position=(120, 132), ) pick.append(dot) # Main menu page menu = displayio.Group() rect = Rect(0, 0, 240, 40, fill=0xFFFFFF) menu.append(rect) menu = label_maker(["Mode", "Delay", "Sensitivity"], menu, arialb24, 10, 20, y_step=40) menu[1].color = 0x000000 # Mode menu page mode_page = displayio.Group() select = mode_opts[1].index(MODE) rect = Rect(0, select * 40, 240, 40, fill=0xFFFFFF) mode_page.append(rect) mode_page = label_maker( ["Default", f"PB {PB}", f"Par {PAR}"], mode_page, arialb24, 10, 20, y_step=40 ) mode_page[select + 1].color = 0x00FF00 # Delay menu page delay_page = displayio.Group() select = delay_opts[1].index(DELAY_TIME) rect = Rect(0, select * 40, 240, 40, fill=0xFFFFFF) delay_page.append(rect) delay_page = label_maker( ["0s", "1s", "3s", "5s", "Random"], delay_page, arialb24, 10, 20, y_step=40 ) delay_page[select + 1].color = 0x00FF00 # Sensitivity menu page sensitivity_page = displayio.Group() select = sensitivity_opts[1].index(SENSITIVITY) rect = Rect(0, select * 40, 240, 40, fill=0xFFFFFF) sensitivity_page.append(rect) sensitivity_page = label_maker( ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"], sensitivity_page, arialb24, 10, 20, y_step=40 ) sensitivity_page[select + 1].color = 0x00FF00 main_menu_opts = [mode_page, delay_page, sensitivity_page] page_opts = [mode_opts, delay_opts, sensitivity_opts] submenus = main_menu_opts page = menu length = len(page) - 1 mic = audiobusio.PDMIn( board.MICROPHONE_CLOCK, board.MICROPHONE_DATA, sample_rate=16000, bit_depth=16, ) sensitivity_settings = [8000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 30000] display.root_group = group display.refresh() sensitivity = sensitivity_settings[SENSITIVITY - 1] while True: if not button_b.value: SHOTS = 0 samples = array.array("H", [0] * 5) if DELAY_TIME == "RNDM": dly = round(random.uniform(1, 10), 2) time.sleep(dly) else: time.sleep(DELAY_TIME) start = time.monotonic() while not button_b.value: pass shot_list = [] simpleio.tone(board.SPEAKER, 3500, duration=0.2) time.sleep(0.05) if MODE == "Par": shot_time = round(time.monotonic() - start, 2) while shot_time < PAR: shot_time = min(round(time.monotonic() - start, 2), PAR) main_time.text = f"{shot_time:05.2f}" display.refresh() simpleio.tone(board.SPEAKER, 3500, duration=0.2) else: if MODE == "PB": main_time.color = 0x00FF00 display.refresh() while button_a.value and button_b.value: mic.record(samples, len(samples)) magnitude = normalized_rms(samples) if magnitude > sensitivity: SHOTS += 1 print("SHOT") shot_time = round(time.monotonic() - start, 2) if len(shot_list) != 0: shot_num.text = ( f"#{SHOTS} SPL {shot_time - shot_list[-1]:05.2f}" ) else: shot_num.text = f"#{SHOTS} SPL {shot_time:05.2f}" main_time.text = f"{shot_time:05.2f}" if MODE == "PB" and shot_time > PB: main_time.color = 0xFF0000 shot_list.append(shot_time) first.text = f"1st: {shot_list[0]:05.2f}" time.sleep(DEAD_TIME_DELAY) display.refresh() print( ( magnitude, SHOTS, ) ) gc.collect() if not button_b.value: show_shot_list(shot_list, display) display.root_group = group display.refresh() while not button_b.value or not button_a.value: pass if not button_a.value: start = time.monotonic() while not button_a.value: if time.monotonic() - start > 1: MODE, DELAY_TIME, SENSITIVITY, PB, PAR = menu_mode( MODE, DELAY_TIME, SENSITIVITY, PB, PAR, length, submenus ) sensitivity = sensitivity_settings[SENSITIVITY - 1] try: with open("/settings.txt", "w") as F: F.write(f"mode,{MODE}\n") F.write(f"delay,{DELAY_TIME}\n") F.write(f"par,{PAR}\n") F.write(f"pb,{PB}\n") F.write(f"sensitivity,{SENSITIVITY}") except OSError as e: # Typically when the filesystem isn't writeable... print("Filesystem is not writeable") break else: main_time.color = 0xFFFFFF main_time.text = "00.00" shot_num.text = "#0 SPL 00.00" first.text = "1st: 00.00" display.refresh() gc.collect()
The code starts by importing the required libraries.
import array import random import time import gc import simpleio import audiobusio import displayio from adafruit_display_text import label from adafruit_bitmap_font import bitmap_font from adafruit_display_shapes.rect import Rect import board import digitalio
Next, the persistent settings file is opened and read and the corresponding variables are set.
settings = {} with open("/settings.txt", "r") as F: for line in F: k, v = line.replace("\n", "").split(",") print(k, v) settings[k] = v MODE = settings["mode"] if settings["delay"] == "RNDM": DELAY_TIME = settings["delay"] else: DELAY_TIME = int(settings["delay"]) PB = float(settings["pb"]) PAR = float(settings["par"]) SENSITIVITY = int(settings["sensitivity"])
After that, the time to wait after a shot before looking for another one, DEAD_TIME_DELAY
, is set, the fonts are imported, and the display and buttons are set up.
gc.enable() DEAD_TIME_DELAY = 0.11 arial18 = bitmap_font.load_font("/fonts/Arial-18.pcf") arialb24 = bitmap_font.load_font("/fonts/Arial-Bold-24.pcf") lato74 = bitmap_font.load_font("/fonts/Lato-Regular-74.pcf") display = board.DISPLAY display.auto_refresh = False group = displayio.Group() button_a = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON_A) button_a.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.UP) button_b = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.BUTTON_B) button_b.switch_to_input(pull=digitalio.Pull.UP)
Then, the labels for the timer screen are created.
main_time = label.Label( font=lato74, anchored_position=(120, 40), text="00.00", color=0xFFFFFF, anchor_point=(0.5, 0.5), ) group.append(main_time) shot_num = label.Label( font=arialb24, anchored_position=(120, 80), text="#0 SPL 00.00", anchor_point=(0.5, 0), ) group.append(shot_num) first = label.Label( font=arialb24, anchored_position=(120, 120), text="1st: 00.00", anchor_point=(0.5, 0), ) group.append(first) delay = label.Label( font=arialb24, anchored_position=(120, 160), text=f"Delay: {DELAY_TIME}", anchor_point=(0.5, 0), ) group.append(delay) sens = label.Label(font=arialb24, x=15, y=220, text=f"{SENSITIVITY}") group.append(sens) if MODE == "PB": mode_text = f"{MODE} {PB:05.2f}" elif MODE == "Par": mode_text = f"{MODE} {PAR:05.2f}" else: mode_text = MODE mode_label = label.Label( font=arialb24, anchored_position=(225, 210), text=mode_text, anchor_point=(1, 0) ) group.append(mode_label)
The first function the code will need is now declared. It is used to help out with getting the volume from the microphone.
def normalized_rms(values): """Gets the normalized RMS of the mic samples""" minbuf = int(sum(values) / len(values)) samples_sum = sum(float(sample - minbuf) * (sample - minbuf) for sample in values) return (samples_sum / len(values)) ** 0.5
The next function is used to pick the time for the PB and Par modes. It works by setting up a number of different labels and then allowing the user to change the number displayed on those labels. The colors on the labels are changed to indicate the currently selected number.
def picker(current): """Displays screen allowing user to set a time""" pick[0].text, pick[1].text, pick[2].text, pick[3].text = list( current.replace(".", "") ) display.root_group = pick time.sleep(0.2) index = 0 while True: if not button_b.value: pick[index].background_color = None pick[index].color = 0xFFFFFF index += 1 if index == 4: index = 0 pick[index].background_color = 0xFFFFFF pick[index].color = 0x000000 started = time.monotonic() while not button_b.value: if time.monotonic() - started > 1: pick[0].color = 0x000000 pick[0].background_color = 0xFFFFFF pick[1].color = 0xFFFFFF pick[1].background_color = None pick[2].color = 0xFFFFFF pick[2].background_color = None pick[3].color = 0xFFFFFF pick[3].background_color = None return float( f"{pick[0].text}{pick[1].text}.{pick[2].text}{pick[3].text}" ) if not button_a.value: pick[index].text = str(int(pick[index].text) + 1)[-1] started = time.monotonic() while not button_a.value: if time.monotonic() - started > 1: return current display.refresh() display.root_group = displayio.CIRCUITPYTHON_TERMINAL
This function is used to create the lines (they're actually rectangles with transparent fill) for the shot list.
def rect_maker(shots): rects = displayio.Group() for i in range(len(shots)): if i == 10: break rectangle = Rect(x=0, y=24 + (i * 24), width=240, height=1, fill=0xFFFFFF) rects.append(rectangle) return rects
This function is also a helper for the shot list page. It creates and formats the label for the shot list text and adds it to the group.
def shot_label_maker(grp): txt = "" for i, j in enumerate(shot_list): if i == 0: split = j else: split = j - shot_list[i - 1] txt = txt + f"{i+1:02}\t{j:05.2f}\t{split:05.2f}\n" grp.append( label.Label( font=arial18, anchored_position=(120, 3), text=txt[:-1], color=0xFFFFFF, line_spacing=0.82, anchor_point=(0.5, 0), ) ) gc.collect() return grp
This function is used to show the shot list. It uses the two previous functions to add the required items to the screen and then displays it. This page can be navigated by pressing the buttons on the front of the screen.
def show_shot_list(shots, disp): done = False shot_group = rect_maker(shots) shot_group = shot_label_maker(shot_group) disp.root_group = shot_group tracker = 10 while True: if not button_b.value: started = time.monotonic() while not button_b.value: if time.monotonic() - started > 1: done = True break if tracker < len(shots) and not done: shot_group[10].y -= 24 tracker += 1 if not button_a.value: started = time.monotonic() while not button_a.value: if time.monotonic() - started > 1: done = True break if tracker > 10 and not done: shot_group[10].y += 24 tracker -= 1 if done: break disp.refresh() shot_group = None gc.collect()
menu_mode function
next is the function that handles the menu mode. It's pretty long, so it'll be split up into small chunks below.
def menu_mode( mode, delay_time, sensitivity_, pb, par, length_, submenus_ ): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements selected = int(menu[0].y / 40) + 1 display.root_group = menu display.refresh() page_ = menu while not button_a.value: pass done = False while not done: if not button_a.value and selected < length_: started = time.monotonic() while not button_a.value: if time.monotonic() - started > 1: if page_ == menu: display.root_group = group display.refresh() done = True else: page_ = menu selected = int(page_[0].y / 40) + 1 length_ = len(page_) - 1 display.root_group = page_ submenus_ = main_menu_opts display.refresh() break else: if not done: rgb = page_[selected].color color = ( ((255 - ((rgb >> 16) & 0xFF)) << 16) + ((255 - ((rgb >> 8) & 0xFF)) << 8) + (255 - (rgb & 0xFF)) ) page_[selected].color = color page_[0].y += 40 selected += 1 rgb = page_[selected].color color = ( ((255 - ((rgb >> 16) & 0xFF)) << 16) + ((255 - ((rgb >> 8) & 0xFF)) << 8) + (255 - (rgb & 0xFF)) ) page_[selected].color = color while not button_a.value: pass if not button_a.value and selected == length_ and not done: started = time.monotonic() while not button_a.value: if time.monotonic() - started > 1: if page_ == menu: display.root_group = group display.refresh() done = True else: page_ = menu selected = int(page_[0].y / 40) + 1 length_ = len(page_) - 1 display.root_group = page_ submenus_ = main_menu_opts display.refresh() break else: if not done: rgb = page_[selected].color color = ( ((255 - ((rgb >> 16) & 0xFF)) << 16) + ((255 - ((rgb >> 8) & 0xFF)) << 8) + (255 - (rgb & 0xFF)) ) page_[selected].color = color page_[0].y = 0 selected = 1 rgb = page_[selected].color color = ( ((255 - ((rgb >> 16) & 0xFF)) << 16) + ((255 - ((rgb >> 8) & 0xFF)) << 8) + (255 - (rgb & 0xFF)) ) page_[selected].color = color while not button_a.value: pass if not button_b.value: if isinstance(submenus_[1], list): if submenus_[0] == mode: mode = submenus_[1][selected - 1] submenus_[0] = mode if mode == "PB": pb = picker(f"{PB:05.2f}") mode_label.text = f"{mode} {pb}" page_[selected].text = mode_label.text display.root_group = page_ display.refresh() elif mode == "Par": par = picker(f"{par:05.2f}") mode_label.text = f"{mode} {par}" page_[selected].text = mode_label.text display.root_group = page_ display.refresh() else: mode_label.text = mode if submenus_[0] == delay_time and len(submenus_[1]) == 5: delay_time = submenus_[1][selected - 1] submenus_[0] = delay_time delay.text = f"Delay: {delay_time}" if submenus_[0] == sensitivity_ and len(submenus_[1]) == 6: sensitivity_ = submenus_[1][selected - 1] submenus_[0] = sensitivity_ sens.text = f"{sensitivity_}" for i in page_: i.color = 0xFFFFFF page_[selected].color = 0x00FF00 else: page_ = submenus_[selected - 1] submenus_ = page_opts[selected - 1] selected = int(page_[0].y / 40) + 1 length_ = len(page_) - 1 display.root_group = page_ while not button_b.value: pass display.refresh() return mode, delay_time, sensitivity_, pb, par
The first bit of this function starts off by defining a few variables. Then it goes into the main loop of the menu mode. This part handles moving the cursor between different options. The visual cursor is a white box that moves when the A button is pressed. If the A button is held for one second, it moves the menu up one level or exits the menu mode if it is already on the top level.
⠀⠀⠀selected = int(menu[0].y / 40) + 1 display.root_group = menu display.refresh() page_ = menu while not button_a.value: pass done = False while not done: if not button_a.value and selected < length_: started = time.monotonic() while not button_a.value: if time.monotonic() - started > 1: if page_ == menu: display.root_group = group display.refresh() done = True else: page_ = menu selected = int(page_[0].y / 40) + 1 length_ = len(page_) - 1 display.root_group = page_ submenus_ = main_menu_opts display.refresh() break else: if not done: rgb = page_[selected].color color = ( ((255 - ((rgb >> 16) & 0xFF)) << 16) + ((255 - ((rgb >> 8) & 0xFF)) << 8) + (255 - (rgb & 0xFF)) ) page_[selected].color = color page_[0].y += 40 selected += 1 rgb = page_[selected].color color = ( ((255 - ((rgb >> 16) & 0xFF)) << 16) + ((255 - ((rgb >> 8) & 0xFF)) << 8) + (255 - (rgb & 0xFF)) ) page_[selected].color = color while not button_a.value: pass
Next the code runs through what to do if the B button is pressed, which either goes to the submenu of the current menu, activates a number picker, or selects the currently highlighted option.
At the end of the function, after it has been exited as described above, it passes the updated settings back to the main code loop so they can be applied.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀if not button_b.value: if isinstance(submenus_[1], list): if submenus_[0] == mode: mode = submenus_[1][selected - 1] submenus_[0] = mode if mode == "PB": pb = picker(f"{PB:05.2f}") mode_label.text = f"{mode} {pb}" page_[selected].text = mode_label.text display.root_group = page_ display.refresh() elif mode == "Par": par = picker(f"{par:05.2f}") mode_label.text = f"{mode} {par}" page_[selected].text = mode_label.text display.root_group = page_ display.refresh() else: mode_label.text = mode if submenus_[0] == delay_time and len(submenus_[1]) == 5: delay_time = submenus_[1][selected - 1] submenus_[0] = delay_time delay.text = f"Delay: {delay_time}" if submenus_[0] == sensitivity_ and len(submenus_[1]) == 6: sensitivity_ = submenus_[1][selected - 1] submenus_[0] = sensitivity_ sens.text = f"{sensitivity_}" for i in page_: i.color = 0xFFFFFF page_[selected].color = 0x00FF00 else: page_ = submenus_[selected - 1] submenus_ = page_opts[selected - 1] selected = int(page_[0].y / 40) + 1 length_ = len(page_) - 1 display.root_group = page_ while not button_b.value: pass display.refresh() return mode, delay_time, sensitivity_, pb, par
Moving on to the next function, this one makes all the labels for the menu.
def label_maker(txt, grp, font, x, y, x_step=0, y_step=0, anchor=None, padding=0): for count, t in enumerate(txt): x_pos = x + (count * x_step) y_pos = y + (count * y_step) if anchor: grp.append( label.Label( font, text=t, anchored_position=(x_pos, y_pos), color=0xFFFFFF, padding_top=padding, anchor_point=anchor, ) ) else: grp.append( label.Label( font, text=t, x=x_pos, y=y_pos, color=0xFFFFFF, padding_top=padding ) ) return grp
A few lists are then made to be used in the menu as the submenu options.
mode_opts = [MODE, ["Default", "PB", "Par"]] delay_opts = [DELAY_TIME, [0, 1, 3, 5, "RNDM"]] sensitivity_opts = [SENSITIVITY, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]
Now, all the various labels for the menu mode are created.
# Number picker page pick = displayio.Group() pick = label_maker( ["0", "0"], pick, lato74, 40, 120, x_step=50, anchor=(0.5, 0.5), padding=8 ) pick = label_maker( ["0", "0"], pick, lato74, 150, 120, x_step=50, anchor=(0.5, 0.5), padding=8 ) pick[0].color = 0x000000 pick[0].background_color = 0xFFFFFF dot = label.Label( lato74, text=".", color=0xFFFFFF, anchor_point=(0.5, 0.5), anchored_position=(120, 132), ) pick.append(dot) # Main menu page menu = displayio.Group() rect = Rect(0, 0, 240, 40, fill=0xFFFFFF) menu.append(rect) menu = label_maker(["Mode", "Delay", "Sensitivity"], menu, arialb24, 10, 20, y_step=40) menu[1].color = 0x000000 # Mode menu page mode_page = displayio.Group() select = mode_opts[1].index(MODE) rect = Rect(0, select * 40, 240, 40, fill=0xFFFFFF) mode_page.append(rect) mode_page = label_maker( ["Default", f"PB {PB}", f"Par {PAR}"], mode_page, arialb24, 10, 20, y_step=40 ) mode_page[select + 1].color = 0x00FF00 # Delay menu page delay_page = displayio.Group() select = delay_opts[1].index(DELAY_TIME) rect = Rect(0, select * 40, 240, 40, fill=0xFFFFFF) delay_page.append(rect) delay_page = label_maker( ["0s", "1s", "3s", "5s", "Random"], delay_page, arialb24, 10, 20, y_step=40 ) delay_page[select + 1].color = 0x00FF00 # Sensitivity menu page sensitivity_page = displayio.Group() select = sensitivity_opts[1].index(SENSITIVITY) rect = Rect(0, select * 40, 240, 40, fill=0xFFFFFF) sensitivity_page.append(rect) sensitivity_page = label_maker( ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"], sensitivity_page, arialb24, 10, 20, y_step=40 ) sensitivity_page[select + 1].color = 0x00FF00
Before the main loop starts, a few variables need to be declared. First is an organization of the displayio groups and menu options for those groups in their corresponding menu pages. The mic and sensitivity options are then set up and the display is shown.
main_menu_opts = [mode_page, delay_page, sensitivity_page] page_opts = [mode_opts, delay_opts, sensitivity_opts] submenus = main_menu_opts page = menu length = len(page) - 1 mic = audiobusio.PDMIn( board.MICROPHONE_CLOCK, board.MICROPHONE_DATA, sample_rate=16000, bit_depth=16, ) sensitivity_settings = [8000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000, 30000] display.root_group = group display.refresh() sensitivity = sensitivity_settings[SENSITIVITY - 1]
Main loop
The main loop starts off by checking if Button B has been pressed. If it has, it sets some variables for recording sound and for the random delay time. Then it startss the shot timer. If it is in par mode it runs until the timer is up. If it is in personal best mode it changes the color of the main timer text depending on whether or not the set time has been surpassed. After every shot it updates the text accordingly.
It then checks if Button A has been pressed. If it has been pressed and released it resets the timer. If it is held for 1 second it enters the menu mode. When the menu mode is exited all the updated settings are written to the settings file.
while True: if not button_b.value: SHOTS = 0 samples = array.array("H", [0] * 5) if DELAY_TIME == "RNDM": dly = round(random.uniform(1, 10), 2) time.sleep(dly) else: time.sleep(DELAY_TIME) start = time.monotonic() while not button_b.value: pass shot_list = [] simpleio.tone(board.SPEAKER, 3500, duration=0.2) time.sleep(0.05) if MODE == "Par": shot_time = round(time.monotonic() - start, 2) while shot_time < PAR: shot_time = min(round(time.monotonic() - start, 2), PAR) main_time.text = f"{shot_time:05.2f}" display.refresh() simpleio.tone(board.SPEAKER, 3500, duration=0.2) else: if MODE == "PB": main_time.color = 0x00FF00 display.refresh() while button_a.value and button_b.value: mic.record(samples, len(samples)) magnitude = normalized_rms(samples) if magnitude > sensitivity: SHOTS += 1 print("SHOT") shot_time = round(time.monotonic() - start, 2) if len(shot_list) != 0: shot_num.text = ( f"#{SHOTS} SPL {shot_time - shot_list[-1]:05.2f}" ) else: shot_num.text = f"#{SHOTS} SPL {shot_time:05.2f}" main_time.text = f"{shot_time:05.2f}" if MODE == "PB" and shot_time > PB: main_time.color = 0xFF0000 shot_list.append(shot_time) first.text = f"1st: {shot_list[0]:05.2f}" time.sleep(DEAD_TIME_DELAY) display.refresh() print( ( magnitude, SHOTS, ) ) gc.collect() if not button_b.value: show_shot_list(shot_list, display) display.root_group = group display.refresh() while not button_b.value or not button_a.value: pass if not button_a.value: start = time.monotonic() while not button_a.value: if time.monotonic() - start > 1: MODE, DELAY_TIME, SENSITIVITY, PB, PAR = menu_mode( MODE, DELAY_TIME, SENSITIVITY, PB, PAR, length, submenus ) sensitivity = sensitivity_settings[SENSITIVITY - 1] try: with open("/settings.txt", "w") as F: F.write(f"mode,{MODE}\n") F.write(f"delay,{DELAY_TIME}\n") F.write(f"par,{PAR}\n") F.write(f"pb,{PB}\n") F.write(f"sensitivity,{SENSITIVITY}") except OSError as e: # Typically when the filesystem isn't writeable... print("Filesystem is not writeable") break else: main_time.color = 0xFFFFFF main_time.text = "00.00" shot_num.text = "#0 SPL 00.00" first.text = "1st: 00.00" display.refresh() gc.collect()
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