Ideas for Areas to Explore
- Add a proper finger sensor for plotting pulses: Adafruit Forums: Get a CLUE about your Pulse :-)
- Add more plotting modes:
- min/avg/max per second/minute/hour would be useful for long-term monitoring.
- show multiple plots on two y axis or two graphs, e.g. temperature and humidity.
- Add some supression/pause between button press and volume source to prevent the physical impact being plotted.
- Add x axis tick labels with time values and investigate the feasibility of a true oscilloscope-style output with a timebase set by the user.
- Make an altimeter and vertical speed indicator with a plot mode and an instantaneous large-font display. cf. CLUE Altimeter, published after this guide was created.
- Look at the new high performance ulab library for number crunching which could be used to post-process the sensor data.
- Enhance the code to also work on the Circuit Playground Bluefruit with the Circuit Playground TFT Gizmo LCD screen.
- Test the output to Mu particularly on the three channel plots and look at how to tailor the data sent to Mu.
- Improve the performance of plotting by replacing the slow undrawing technique with a clear screen implemented using the new, fast displayio Bitmap fill() method.
Related Projects
Adafruit Learn: EZ Make Oven - a PyPortal oven controller with graphing usign
in CircuitPython. - Adafruit Learn: Make It Plot - plotting in Mu editor.
- Adafruit Learn: Your Pulse Displayed with NeoPixels - another take on pulse representation.
- Adafruit Blog: APP UPDATE: Bluefruit Playground v1.3.0 with CLUE support (for iOS) - this has plotting capabilities.
Further Reading
- Arduino to CircuitPython: Working with Numbers
- Computerphile: Floating Point Numbers (YouTube)
- What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic by David Goldberg
- Nvidia blog: What’s the Difference Between Single-, Double-, Multi- and Mixed-Precision Computing?
- Python 3 Docs: Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations
- Philips Medical Systems: Understanding Pulse Oximetry SpO2 Concepts
- Medical Electronics: Pulse Oximetry by Dr Neil Townsend
- Slides to accompany Chapter 8: Software Testing of Software Engineering (10th edition) by Ian Sommerville
- Visual Paradigm's UML Tutorial: Class diagrams
- pyreverse, part of pylint distribution, can generate simple class diagrams from Python code. The diagrams in this guide were created with, formerly known as
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