Let's use an Adafruit CLUE to bring this all together and demonstrate how a pressure based altimeter works, and also why calibration is important.
Download the Project Bundle
Your project will use a specific set of CircuitPython libraries and the code.py file. To get everything you need, click on the Download Project Bundle link below, and uncompress the .zip file.
Hook your CLUE to your computer via a known good USB data+power cable. It should show up as a thumb drive named CIRCUITPY.
Using File Explorer/Finder (depending on your Operating System), drag the contents of the uncompressed bundle directory onto your board's CIRCUITPY drive, replacing any existing files or directories with the same names, and adding any new ones that are necessary.
Once the code restarts, the altimeter should start and show up on the CLUE screen. Head on to the next pages for instructions on how to use the altimeter code.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Carter Nelson for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import time import struct import displayio import terminalio from microcontroller import nvm from adafruit_display_text import label import adafruit_imageload from adafruit_clue import clue # ==| USER CONFIG |===================== USE_METRIC = False DISPLAY_UPDATE = 1 HOLD_TO_SET = 1 FONT = terminalio.FONT BLUE = 0x53E4FF ORANGE = 0xFCDF03 RED = 0xFA0000 DEBOUNCE = 0.05 SAMPLES = 10 DELAY = 0.05 STD_SLP = 1013.25 # ==| USER CONFIG |===================== # configure pressure sensor (see Table 15 in datasheet) clue._pressure.mode = 0x03 # normal clue._pressure.overscan_pressure = 0x05 # x16 clue._pressure.overscan_temperature = 0x02 # x2 clue._pressure.iir_filter = 0x02 # 4 clue._pressure.standby_period = 0x01 # 62.5 ms # restore saved sea level pressure from NVM slp = struct.unpack("f", nvm[0:4])[0] clue.sea_level_pressure = slp if 0 < slp < 2000 else STD_SLP # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # D I S P L A Y S E T U P # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # create main display group splash = displayio.Group() clue.display.root_group = splash # background bg_bmp, bg_pal = adafruit_imageload.load( "images/network23.bmp", bitmap=displayio.Bitmap, palette=displayio.Palette ) for i, color in enumerate(bg_pal): if color == 0xFF0000: bg_pal.make_transparent(i) break background = displayio.TileGrid(bg_bmp, pixel_shader=bg_pal) # a group for both altitude readouts alti_readouts = displayio.Group(scale=6) # altitude (corrected) alti_disp = label.Label(FONT, text="12345", color=ORANGE) alti_disp.anchor_point = (0, 0) alti_disp.anchored_position = (7, 2) # altitude (uncorrected) alt2_disp = label.Label(FONT, text="12345", color=ORANGE) alt2_disp.anchor_point = (0, 0) alt2_disp.anchored_position = (7, 15) # add both alti's to group alti_readouts.append(alti_disp) alti_readouts.append(alt2_disp) # barometric pressure and temperature aux_data = label.Label(FONT, text="P: 1234.56 T: 123.4", color=BLUE) aux_data.anchor_point = (0, 0) aux_data.anchored_position = (16, 212) # calibration mode indicator cal_mode = label.Label(FONT, text=" ", color=RED, scale=4, x=150, y=200) # add everything to splash splash.append(background) splash.append(alti_readouts) splash.append(aux_data) splash.append(cal_mode) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # H E L P E R F U N C T I O N S # -------------------------------------------------------------------- def compute_altitude(barometric_pressure, sea_level_pressure): """Compute altitude (m) from barometric pressure (hPa) and sea level pressure (hPa).""" # https://www.weather.gov/media/epz/wxcalc/pressureAltitude.pdf return 44307.69396 * (1 - pow((barometric_pressure / sea_level_pressure), 0.190284)) def compute_sea_level_pressure(barometric_pressure, altitude): """Compute sea level pressure (hPa) from barometric pressure (hPa) and altitude (m).""" return barometric_pressure * pow((1 - (altitude / 44307.69396)), -5.2553) def average_readings(samples=10, delay=0.05): """Return averaged readings for pressure and temperature.""" pressure = 0 temperature = 0 for _ in range(samples): pressure += clue.pressure temperature += clue.temperature time.sleep(delay) return pressure / samples, temperature / samples def recalibrate(current_sea_level_pressure=None): """Enter current altitude.""" cal_mode.text = "CAL" alt2_disp.text = "-----" # wait for release if still being held while clue.button_a and clue.button_b: pass # get current value altitude = int(alti_disp.text) done = False while not done: now = time.monotonic() # increase if clue.button_a and not clue.button_b: altitude -= 1 time.sleep(DEBOUNCE) # decrease elif clue.button_b and not clue.button_a: altitude += 1 time.sleep(DEBOUNCE) # hold both to set elif clue.button_a and clue.button_b: while clue.button_a and clue.button_b: if time.monotonic() - now > HOLD_TO_SET: print("done") done = True break alti_disp.text = "{:5d}".format(altitude) cal_mode.text = " " # change clue settings if not USE_METRIC: altitude *= 0.3048 # get current local pressure barometric_pressure, _ = average_readings(SAMPLES, DELAY) # compute sea level pressure and set clue.sea_level_pressure = compute_sea_level_pressure(barometric_pressure, altitude) # store in NVM for later use nvm[0:4] = struct.pack("f", clue.sea_level_pressure) def update_display(): """Update the display with latest info.""" barometric_pressure, temperature = average_readings(SAMPLES, DELAY) altitude = compute_altitude(barometric_pressure, clue.sea_level_pressure) alt2tude = compute_altitude(barometric_pressure, STD_SLP) if not USE_METRIC: altitude *= 3.28084 # ft alt2tude *= 3.28084 # barometric_pressure *= 0.0145038 # psi temperature = 32 + 1.8 * temperature # deg F alti_disp.text = "{:5d}".format(int(altitude)) alt2_disp.text = "{:5d}".format(int(alt2tude)) aux_data.text = "P: {:7.2f} T: {:5.1f}".format(barometric_pressure, temperature) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # M A I N L O O P # -------------------------------------------------------------------- last_update = time.monotonic() while True: now = time.monotonic() # update display with latest info if now - last_update > DISPLAY_UPDATE: update_display() last_update = now # hold both to recalibrate if clue.button_a and clue.button_b: # accumulate hold time while clue.button_a and clue.button_b: if time.monotonic() - now > HOLD_TO_SET: print("set") recalibrate(clue.sea_level_pressure) break # wait for release if still being held while clue.button_a and clue.button_b: pass
Page last edited January 22, 2025
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